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41. Christian Denominations & Sects christian denominations Sects Guide picks. Christian Groups, Denominations Movements There is a wide variety of groups associated with Christianity. http://atheism.about.com/cs/christiansects/ | |
42. Religion News Blog Highlights and archives news items and other resources about cults, religious sects, alternative religions, christian denominations, and related issues. http://www.religionnewsblog.com/ | |
43. List Of Christian Denominations :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius List of christian denominations. Online Encyclopedia List of Christiandenominations ordered by historical and doctrinal relationships. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_christian_denominatio | |
44. THE POSITION OF MAJOR CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS ON CREATION AND INERRANCY THE POSITION OF MAJOR christian denominations ON CREATION AND INERRANCY.The statements describing the churches stance on inerrancy http://www.cesame-nm.org/Viewpoint/contributions/bible/position.html | |
45. Christianity In America - Academic Info Selections from his new book. By Herman Krieger. christian denominations Sects Resources Listing from the Internet Public Library. http://www.academicinfo.net/amreligchristianity.html | |
46. Luther King House Student Body Home page for all students studying at the Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester. Participants from many christian denominations including Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Unitarian and URC. Information and useful links. http://members.lycos.co.uk/Student_Body/index.html | |
47. ClayGate 280 : Christian Denominations & Sects Heyward 280 christian denominations Sects Used with Permission. 280.christian denominations sects. 280, Cross Search Denominations. http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/280.htm | |
48. Why Are There So Many Christian Denominations? For New Christians. Why Are There So Many christian denominations? EachChristian denomination has its strengths and weaknesses. http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/articles/4832.htm | |
49. 33,800 Christian Denominations! Missions Evangelism. 33,800 christian denominations! World Detailedsurveys of 33,800 christian denominations around the world. Complete http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/articles/154.htm | |
50. Red Rock Central Ministerium Group of local churches from various christian denominations in Cottonwood and Redwood Counties. Currently offers a list of links to member churches, by city. http://www.rrcnet.org/~minister/ | |
51. U.S. Christian Denominations christian denominations Listed are more than 200 distinct Christianbodies in the United States. As I become aware of their official http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/~tomshoemaker/handouts/denominations.html | |
52. National Council Of Churches USA An ecumenical consortium of christian denominations. News, Friendship Press catalog, list of member communions. http://ncccusa.org/ | |
53. DCFTITLE - Viewing Topics In CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS Calendar. Top christian denominations. Choose classic view Collapsetopics View in linear mode Listing topics all available topics. http://new.carmforums.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=110&page= |
54. DCFTITLE - Viewing Topics In CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS http://new.carmforums.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=110 |
55. Chapel Society Manchester College Oxford We are a varied congregation in terms of age and nationality, with a roughly even balance between the sexes and a mixture of Town and Gown . Our religious (or nonreligious) backgrounds are also diverse, including various christian denominations, Judaism, Hinduism and secular Humanism, as well as some who have been lifelong Unitarians. As our Principles suggest, we find a basis for unity in our shared search for truth and in mutual respect for sincerely held beliefs. http://www.hmc.ox.ac.uk/societies/ChapelSoc/chapelsoc.htm | |
56. Washington Association Of Churches Association of 10 christian denominations and 12 ecumenical organizations. Lists current issue foci of collaboration activities with newsletter, calendar, legislative watch reports, staff profiles, and volunteer opportunity listings. http://www.thewac.org/ | |
57. List Of Christian Denominations Definition Meaning Information Explanation List of christian denominations definition, meaning and explanation and moreabout List of christian denominations. List of christian denominations. http://www.free-definition.com/List-of-Christian-denominations.html | |
58. A Comparison Of Various Christian Denominations With The Eastern Orthodox Faith A Comparison of Various christian denominations with the Eastern Orthodox Faith. AReminder. We have briefly examined some of the main christian denominations. http://www.orthodoxresearchinstitute.org/articles/ecumenical/polizoides_comparis | |
59. 280 - Denominations & Sects the topic of Quaker; This is an Index of the World Wide Web on the Topicof All christian denominations; Community Church of Joy, Seattle http://www.livingweb.com/library/280.htm | |
60. Uklinks.org, Uk Links, Lifestyle, Religion, Christian Denominations uklinks.org is the place to visit for links to all uk christian denominationsreligion sites and much more. uklinks.org http://www.uklinks.org/lifestyle/religion/christian_denominations/index.shtml | |
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