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21. List Of Christian Denominations List of christian denominations. List of christian denominations orderedby historical and doctrinal relationships. (See also Christianity http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_christian_denominations.html | |
22. Study Of Denominations Of Christianity In Persian, KAM - Society Society of Christian Studies. History and Analysis of christian denominationsin Persian (Farsi) Click on the article to view its PDF. http://www.farsinet.com/kam/denominations.html | |
23. Christian Denominations - Eduseek Age Groups. Subjects Religious Studies Religious Studies 12+ TheSix World Religions Christianity christian denominations, Categories. http://www.eduseek.com/navigate.php?ID=9630 |
24. Christian Denominations - Eduseek Age Groups. Subjects Religious Studies Religious Studies Under 12 TheSix World Religions Christianity christian denominations, Categories. http://www.eduseek.com/navigate.php?ID=11487 |
25. The Other Side -- Denominational WWW Links Index to christian denominations Ecumenical Agencies National/InternationalCanadian Council of Churches Foundation for Interfaith Research Ministry http://www.theotherside.org/resources/denominational_links.html | |
26. Church Of Scientology Human Rights Office - France 2002 Information on alleged attacks against freedom of religion in France where proposed law targets 173 religions including christian denominations. http://france.freedommag.org/ |
27. LookSmart - Directory - Christian Denominations And Sects christian denominations and Sects Provides an alphabetic listing ofmany of the churches that have evolved from Christ s teachings. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317918/us53323/us53325/ | |
28. LookSmart - Directory - Guides & Directories For Christian Denominations Guides Directories for christian denominations Get general overviews over Christianchurches, their distinctives, and historical and theological relations. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317918/us53323/us53325/us100 | |
29. "Other" Christian | (almost) All The New Zealand Web Sites You Will Ever Want! P Presbyterians; Baptists; Methodists; Other Protestants. Catholics; Pentecostals;Other christian denominations; Judaism; Islam; Buddhism; Hinduism. http://www.piperpat.co.nz/nz/religion/od.html | |
30. Christian Denominations FAQ christian denominations. Questions specific to one of the christian denominations. Approximatelyhow many different christian denominations are there? http://www.answerbag.com/c_view.php/1385 | |
31. Children Pastors Network Singapore A group of children pastors, workers, and sunday school teachers, from different christian denominations in Singapore offers network, share resources, and support one another in prayer and words of encouragement. http://www.childrenpastor.net | |
32. Approximately How Many Different Christian Denominations Are There? : Christian Approximately how many different christian denominations are there?, Christiandenominations. Answerbag FAQs you can use. christian denominations. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view.php/2005 | |
33. Plays And Musicals For All Christian Denominations Here is an alphabetical listing of Plays and Musicals with ChristianThemes. controlled by ENCORE Performance Publishing. http://www.encoreplay.com/encoreplay/Christianpage.html | |
34. Christian Denominations christian denominations. Baptist Church; Catholicism; Congregational;Coptic Church; Episcopal Church; Latter Day Saints; Lutheran Church; http://www.slco.lib.ut.us/religden.htm | |
35. List Of Christian Denominations - Encyclopedia Article About List Of Christian D encyclopedia article about List of christian denominations. List of christian denominationsin Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/List of Christian denominations | |
36. Christian Denominations - Encyclopedia Article About Christian Denominations. Fr encyclopedia article about christian denominations. christian denominationsin Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Christian Denominations | |
37. Churches In India Details of all christian denominations in India, respective bishop's houses, and Churches/Parishes. Includes religious publications, articles, and a priest search facility. http://www.churchesinindia.com/ | |
38. BUBL LINK: 280 Christian Denominations Location usa Ecumenical and Denominational Links Collection of links to resourcesrelating to Christian churches and denominations including Methodist http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC2593 | |
39. Christian Denominations And Sects topics.practical.org. christian denominations And Sects. If GraceIs True Why God Will Save Every Person. If Grace Is True Why http://topics.practical.org/browse/Christian_Denominations_And_Sects | |
40. Continuum - Dictionary Of Christian Denominations Dictionary of christian denominations Peter Day. Key Information, US Hardback ISBN0826457452, $70.00, Buy This. UK Hardback ISBN 0826457452, £45.00, Buy This. http://www.continuumbooks.com/book_details.cgi?bid=12223&ssid=MKJD5KIKD4E5H53JNY |
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