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41. The Christian And Missionary Alliance christian and missionary alliance. Miles J. Stanford. In that the International Headquarters of The christian and missionary alliance http://withchrist.org/MJS/cma.htm | |
42. Bowie Alliance Church Page A christian and missionary alliance Church. Purpose, services, directions, and photos. http://bowiealliancechurch.org/ | |
43. Canadian Foodgrains Bank: Christian And Missionary Alliance Connection to Canadian Foodgrains Bank When you give, your contribution can be credited to the Christian Missionary Alliance account. http://www.foodgrainsbank.ca/h5_cma.php | |
44. PNW Bible Quizzing christian and missionary alliance site with rules, schedule, FAQ, study tools and materials. http://www.pnwquizzing.org/ | |
45. Christian And Missionary Alliance -- Encyclopædia Britannica christian and missionary alliance Encyclopædia Britannica Article. The two societies were merged into the christian and missionary alliance in 1897. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=84588 |
46. The Grace Church Of Milton, DE affiliated with The christian and missionary alliance. An attractive and informative website. http://home.dmv.com/~rays/grace.htm | |
47. Central District C&MA Bible Quizzing Unofficial christian and missionary alliance Central District Bible quizzing site. Includes schedule and stats. http://www.tbcomp.com/quizzing/ |
48. Churches - Christian & Missionary Alliance - HIS-Net Cherry Hill Alliance Church A christian and missionary alliance Church located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. We love God, people, and music. http://www.his-net.com/html/cma.html | |
49. Alliance Studies Resource Page Listing of online texts of articles and books relating to the history and theology of the christian and missionary alliance. http://online.cbccts.sk.ca/alliancestudies/ |
50. Future Home Of A Registered Domain Welcome to the official website of The Native American Association of The christian and missionary alliance, or what we call Native Alliance! http://www.nativealliance.org/ | |
51. CMQ - Welcome To Canadian Midwest Quizzing christian and missionary alliance. FAQ, official rule book, schedule, and videos (RealMedia). http://www.cmdquizzing.org/ | |
52. Medina Alliance Fellowship - A Christian And Missionary Alliance Church Loving God and Loving People . Medina Alliance. christian and missionary alliance. http://medinaalliance.org/ | |
53. The Christian And Missionary Alliance Of Australia The christian and missionary alliance of Australia s web server has moved to http//www.cma.org.au/. Please update your bookmarks! http://www.pastornet.net.au/c&ma/ | |
54. Alliance Church - Little Falls, Minnesota christian and missionary alliance. Mission statement, contact information, service times, map, staff photo directory, announcements. http://www.lfac.net/ | |
55. Welcome To Dover CNMA Church Includes information on ministries, beliefs, programs, and services. http://web.tusco.net/dovercma/ | |
56. Home Page Information about christian and missionary alliance Missionaries serving in Burkina Faso. Includes photos, stories, and prayer requests. http://members.tripod.com/BurkinaBulletin/ | |
57. Bridgton Alliance Church Part of the christian and missionary alliance. Church offers schedule of full worship service, various ministries, upcoming events, sermon notes, links and a doctrinal statement. http://www.megalink.net/~bcma/ | |
58. Community Travel Weather Return to Home Message Boards Online Chat Search. Path Home Community Churches christian and missionary alliance http://www.cityatlas.com/view/ncat/Community.bus/Churches - Christian and Missio | |
59. MIDWAY COMMUNITY CHURCH christian and missionary alliance. Location, history (this congregation was the birthplace of Crown College), contact information, schedule of services. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dlundborg/ | |
60. Scio Community Alliance Church / Beliefs / The C&MA Scio Community Alliance Church belongs to the christian and missionary alliance, an evangelical Protestant denomination which emphasizes a deep personal http://www.sciocommunity.org/cma.php | |
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