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141. Christadelphian Sunday School Union Teaching materials, books, magazines and other services provided for Sunday Schoolsand Youth Groups by the christadelphian Sunday School Union. Welcome. http://www.cssu.org.uk/ |
142. The Canton Canticle Monthly news letter of the Canton christadelphian ecclesia. http://community-2.webtv.net/nuk1248/TheCantonCanticle/ | |
143. University Of Otago Chaplaincy - ** PUT SECTION TITLE HERE ** christadelphian. Ph 477 2296 or 477 7640. www.findthelight.org. Box5236. Dunedin. This guide is a service of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy. http://telperion.otago.ac.nz/Chaplain/christadelphian.htm | |
144. Chinese Bible Resouces From The Christadelphians Bilingual ChineseEnglish page with pamphlets, and course on exploring the Bible. http://www.bbie.org/CCHP/index.html | |
145. Urchristen-(Christadelphian-)Gemeinden In Deutschland Translate this page Urchristen-(christadelphian-)Gemeinden in Deutschland. Kontaktaufnahme,Kommentare und Anregungen bitte an pmelching@christadelphian.de. http://www.christadelphian.de/ | |
146. Christadelphian Bible Mission Countries in which the christadelphian Bible Mission (CBM) works. http://www.cbm.org.uk/cbm3.htm | |
147. Zeal.com - United States - New - Personal - Religion & Belief - Religions A-Z - 2. Australian christadelphian Information http//www.christadelphian.org.au/ Australianbased Christian group called the Brethren In Christ accept the Bible http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=54052 |
148. Christadelphian Ecclesias In Central America And The Caribbean Listing of christadelphian groups in Central America and the Caribbean. http://www.christadelphia.org/camerica.htm | |
149. Christadelphian History christadelphian History by Matthew J. Slick. This is the beginning ofthe christadelphian movement, though it wasn t called that yet. http://www.caic.org.au/biblebase/chrsdels/christadelhistory.htm |
150. Christadelphian Homes Information on christadelphianrun aged care facilities at two suburban locations in Sydney. http://www.chomes.com.au | |
151. Christadelphian Beliefs Note. This document is the official summary of christadelphian beliefs. As itwas written in the 19th century, some of the language is oldfashioned. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/azlightstand/basf1a.htm | |
152. Happy Valley Christadelphians Location of meeting room, times and subjects of public meetings, details of Bible reading seminars and a christadelphian radio program in the area. http://homepages.picknowl.com.au/mikedunn/ | |
153. Where Can I Find The Bible, Bible Includes a searchable directory of christadelphian sites information onhow to use the Internet safely , and the christadelphian Webring. http://www.1000dictionaries.com/find_bible.html | |
154. Thornton Heath Christadelphian Ecclesia Web site of the Thornton Heath christadelphian ecclesia http://www.aajj04.ukgateway.net/theath/ |
155. Christadelphian Ecclesias In Canada Listings of the christadelphians in Canada. http://www.christadelphia.org/canada_eccl.htm | |
156. Andrew McFarland: Web Usability, Web Accessibility, XML, CSS, Cross-platform Jav Andrew is a website developer and the founder of the christadelphian Internet Project. http://www.mcfarland.co.uk/andrew/ | |
157. Christadelphian Audio - Exhortations Online christadelphian Audio Exhortations Online. Welcome to christadelphian Audio, a sourceof christadelphian exhortations online. The Audio page has been updated. http://www.freewebs.com/christadelphian_audio/ | |
158. In Loving Memory Of Robert William Alexander McFarland Page dedicated to the memory of Robert McFarland, who had been a christadelphian for many years when he died. Concentrates on his beliefs about life after death. http://www.mcfarland.co.uk/robert/ | |
159. - =[ Christadelphian History ]= - Information On The History, Practices, And Imp Information on christadelphian history, practices, and implications of theChristadelphia cult. christadelphian Dokimos. christadelphian History. http://www.reaction.co.nz/christadelphia/ | |
160. Other Christadelphian Ecclesias Other christadelphian Ecclesias. Who we are School Youth Circle. Otherchristadelphian Ecclesias in the vicinity of Sheffield are http://www.sheffieldchristadelphians.org.uk/other.htm | |
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