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81. Chan And Zen Buddhism A compilation of important links to materials for the study of chan and Zen buddhism, primarily for the use of college students. http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/Buddhism/zen.html | |
82. Ven. Hsuan Hua Teachings Talks and commentaries on sutras. http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/Buddhism/VenHua/hua.htm | |
83. Zen (Chan) Buddhism Review Basic buddhism. §Greek and Indian thought related. §Permanence, reason, mindbody, truth, appearance-reality. §Reincarnation http://www.hku.hk/philodep/courses/cwintro/ZenBuddhism_files/slide0001.htm | |
84. BuddhaNet File Library: Zen, Chan Buddhist Teachings The Future of Zen buddhism in the West, by Robert Aitken, Roshi. 09 KB. Interview with Sister chan Khong. http://www.buddhanet.net/ftp11.htm | |
85. Empty Cloud, The Teachings Of Xu Yun, Chan, Buddhism, Zen, Buddhism, Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Chapter 2 chan Training 5. Chapter 3 Gaining Enlightenment 16 Xu Yun gave me books about buddhism to study; and that is how I spent my http://www.jcrow.com/XuYunTeachings.html | |
86. Hoofprint Of The Ox: Principles Of The Chan Buddhist Path As Taught By A Modern Practice! Hoofprint of the Ox is by far the bestwritten and presented systematic book on Chinese, especially chan, buddhism out there. http://www.history-asia.com/Hoofprint_of_the_Ox_Principles_of_the_Chan_Buddhist_ | |
87. Essence Of Son (Chan) Buddhism (Korean Translation), Vol.¥° And ¥± Essence of Son (chan) buddhism (Korean Translation), Vol.¥° and ¥± Choson dynasty(1464), 32.1cm×19.5cm. http://www.horimmuseum.org/engpai-5.htm | |
88. Buddhism In Nova Scotia Contact Richard John(902)4254575 (ext.30) Updated 3 Dec, 2002; Ji Jing chan Buddhist Temple Atlantic chan Buddhist Assocation 2145 Windsor St. http://buddhismcanada.com/ns.html | |
89. Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese : Routledge Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Online Based on the teachings of Linji (d. 867), this school possibly provided buddhism with its most Chinese voice. chan literature of the Linji and related http://www.rep.routledge.com/article/G002SECT9 | |
90. The China Institute: Curriculum Three intensive classes will be offered,. totalling 54 hours, including Basic buddhism, Introduction to chan. buddhism, and Humanistic buddhism. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~csi/curriculum.htm | |
91. Buddhist Worlds In The U.S.A. Magazines Maezumi Roshi s Successors Other Selected chan/Zen/Son Sites Major Buddhist Sites Theravada / Vipassana / Behavior Medicine buddhism and Social http://www.hamilton.edu/academic/Religious/seager.html | |
92. BCA - Online Shopping 14.95. CH020, YEN/STEVENSON, Hoofprint Ox Principles of the chan Buddhist Path as Taught by modern Chinese Master, 25.00. CH019PB, YEN http://www.buddhistchurchesofamerica.com/shopping/index.php?cate=Chinese Buddhis |
93. Hoofprint Of The Ox: Principles Of The Chan Buddhist Path As Taught By A Modern Hoofprint of the Ox Principles of the chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master Sheng Yen Dan Stevenson. Hoofprint http://www.welsh-breaks.co.uk/Sheng-Yen-Dan-Stevenson-Hoofprint-of-the-Ox-Prin-9 | |
94. OLIS Resources - Religions buddhism. General Resources. The buddhism World; The Buddha s Teaching; Teachings Of The Buddha; Welcome to Suan Mokkh. Major Sects of buddhism. http://www.umlib.um.edu.my/olis/religion.htm | |
95. Bibliographies including. Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Christianity, GraecoRoman, Celtic, Zoroastrian, Gnostic, Hinduism, Jainism, buddhism, Manichaeism, Gnosticism, and http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/religionbib.htm | |
96. Koan Studies Pages Zen Buddhist Teachings for Western Students. New York and San Francisco Pantheon Books. App, Urs. 1994. Master Yunmen From the Record of the chan Master http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/ZenPages/KoanStudy.html | |
97. Hoofprint Of The Ox : Principles Of The Chan Buddhist Path As Taught By A Modern Hoofprint of the Ox Principles of the chan Buddhist Path As Taught by a Modern Chinese Master by Master ShengYen , Dan Stevenson Book. http://www.crimsonbird.com/cgi-bin/a.cgi?j=0195152484 |
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