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121. Grace Brethren Chuch Home Page. Grace Brethren Church Of Bowling Green Bowling G Bowling Green, Ohio. Provides overview of beliefs, directory, bulletin board, and service schedule. http://wcnet.org/~bggbc/ | |
122. Brethren Heritage Center brethren Heritage Center 428 Wolf Creek Street PO BOX 175 Brookville, Ohio 453090175. brethren Heritage Center is an answer to this situation. http://www.brethrenheritagecenter.org/home.htm | |
123. John Nelson Darby And The Brethren Assemblies Through John Nelson Darby and the brethren Assemblies the Lord was able to obtain a level of recovery not achieved before. Their http://www.johndarby.org/ | |
124. Anabaptists: Bible Helps A Church of the brethren publishing house located in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Includes Bible helps for online reading. http://www.anabaptists.org/bh/ | |
125. New Life Christian Church - Home brethren In Christ and Mennonite brethren church in Toronto. http://www.bic-church.org/canadian/newlife/ | |
126. Welcome To The Bayou The Bayou brethren is a CT based Cajun Dance Band featuring two fiddles, rubboard, button accordion, bass, drums, and guitar. It s http://www.bayoubrethren.com/ | |
127. Bethesda (Frankel Estate) Church brethren Assembly(Open Plymouth). Schedules for services and ministries, church history, and statement of faith. Links to Bethesda (Katong) Kindergarten. http://bfec.org.sg/ | |
128. John Grisham | The Official Web Site The brethren Doubleday 0385-49746-6 February 2000 $27.95 Trumble is a minimum-security federal prison, a camp, home to the usual http://www.randomhouse.com/features/grisham/books/brethren/ | |
129. Home Page Dallas Center, IA. Site has mission statement, contact information, youth group page, Awana club information, worship times, and upcoming events. http://fgbc.org/DCGrace | |
130. Brethrenassembly.org News, Information, Inspiration. Statement of faith Contact us. Who are the brethren? by FF Bruce. For Subscription Contact _ Managing Editor Jose Philip. brethren. BIBLE INSTITUTE. http://www.brethrenassembly.org/ | |
131. Delaware Grace Brethren Church Home. weekly prayer focus, Exalting Jesus Through. Transformed Lives. dgbc forum, Welcome to Grace! Sunday Services 900 1045am. Childcare Provided. Directions. http://www.dgbc.org/ | |
132. Whatever Happened To The Brethren? A survey of Open brethren churches in the UK in 19989 shows two distinct groups of churches - one growing, the other declining. http://www.facingthechallenge.org/brethren.htm | |
133. Parliament Community Church Mennonite brethren church in Regina, Saskatchewan. http://www.parliamentchurch.com/ | |
134. CNN - 'The Brethren' - January 25, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/books/beginnings/01/25/1brethren/index.html | |
135. Coaldale MB Church Home Page Welcome to the Coaldale Mennonite brethren Church home page. Our vision is to lead people to connect with the life changing power of Jesus Christ. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/coaldlmb/ | |
136. Field1 A variety of online articles and books by writers among Plymouth brethren. http://www.fool4him.com/articles/articles.htm | |
137. Middlebury Church Of The Brethren Welcome. We re happy to have you visit us here! Middlebury Church of the brethren. 507 W. Bristol Avenue Middlebury, IN 46540. Phone http://www.mcob.org/ | |
138. West Portal Church - Home Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Mennonite brethren). http://www.westportal.ca/ | |
139. Greenville Grace Brethren Church Greenville, Ohio. "Bringing Love, Life, and Light to Darke County." Sermon and Bible study notes . http://www.greenvillegrace.org/ |
140. CNN - 'The Brethren' - January 25, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/books/beginnings/01/25/brethren/index1.html | |
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