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81. Elkhart City Church Of The Brethren Web Site Elkhart, Indiana. Calendar, sermon archives, and activities. http://www.eccob.com/ | |
82. Satanisme.nl Informatie over satanisme en de organisatie. http://www.satanisme.nl | |
83. MBMS International Welcome to the MBMS International website! MBMS International is the global mission agency of the Mennonite brethren church in Canada and the United States. http://mbmission.org/ | |
84. Saskatchewan Conference Of Mennonite Brethren Churches Information about local churches, upcoming events and other resources. http://sk.mbconf.ca/index.en.html | |
85. The Bluegrass Brethren http://www.bluegrassbrethren.com/ | |
86. The Summit Includes Worship times, mission and faith statements, bulletin, event calendar photos, location with map, and contacts. http://www.climbthesummit.org/ | |
87. The Brethren Of The Free Spirit: A Medieval Heresy. The pantheistic and sexual teachings of the brethren of the Free Spirit, a medieval heresy. The brethren of the Free Spirit divine amorality. http://members.aol.com/pantheism0/freespir.htm | |
88. New Page 1 Beliefs and church locations of this small group which broke away from the Church of the brethren in 1926. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8024/main.html | |
89. The Brethren Home Community. Since 1908. The Brethren Home Community Is A Not-fo The brethren Home Community offers services to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or disability. http://www.brethrenhome.org/ | |
90. NKMB - North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church - Winnipeg, MB Manitoba The church lists its articles of faith, pastors, staff and location, with events, contacts, college and careers. http://www.nkmb.org/ | |
91. Mutual Aid Association - Insurance Protection For Brethren Provides insurance protection for brethren. Members or regular attendees of a Church of the brethren, Dunkard brethren, brethren Church, Old Order German Baptist brethren, German Baptist brethren, Grace brethren and other traditionally brethren related churches are eligible for insurance. http://www.maabrethren.com/ | |
92. Lives Of The Bretheren: Index LIVES OF THE brethren of the ORDER OF PREACHERS 12061259 XX. He Multiplies Bread. XXI. He Beholds Angels Guarding his brethren. XXII. http://www.op.org/domcentral/trad/brethren/default.htm | |
93. The Brethren This page contains information The Rick A. Ross Institute has gathered about The brethren. James Roberts founder and leader of The brethren. http://www.rickross.com/groups/brethren.html | |
94. STEM Publications Publisher of Plymouth brethren books and hymns on CDROM. Some of the writings included on the CDs have never been available anywhere else. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/stem_publishing/index.html |
95. Brethren Woods Camp And Retreat Center brethren Woods Camp and Retreat Center; brethren Woods, Shenandoah District, Church of the brethren. brethren Woods Camp Retreat Center. http://www.brethrenwoods.org/ | |
96. Welcome To Brethren Benefit Trust BBT is an official nonprofit agency reportable to the Church of the brethren Annual Conference, the denomination s highest elected authority. http://www.brethrenbenefittrust.org/ | |
97. Mabton Grace Brethren Church Of Mabton Washington Mabton, Washington. Provides details on their English and Hispanic church services and a map. http://www.mabtongbc.com/ | |
98. The Plymouth Brethren The Plymouth brethren. We leave it to the experts to sort through the differences. The Plymouth brethren A Brief History. by Miles J. Stanford. http://withchrist.org/MJS/pbs.htm | |
99. River East Mennonite Brethren Church With description of church, bulletins, and email directory. http://www.mts.net/~remb/ | |
100. Orrville Grace Brethren Church ORRVILLE GRACE brethren CHURCH. 2200 Paradise Road. Orrville , OH 44667. phone (330) 6833526. fax (330) 683-1395. e-mail ogbc@raex.com. http://my.raex.com/~ogbc/ | |
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