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61. "Brethren Of The Lord" brethren of the Lord . Kish had sons of his own, but Eleazar had no sons, only daughters, who married their brethren, the sons of Kish. http://www.catholic.com/library/Brethren_of_the_Lord.asp | |
62. Sbor ÈCE Brno 1 Local Congregation No. I of Brno, Czech Republic http://brno1.evangnet.cz/about-uk.htm | |
63. Christian Union Brethren In Christ Church Website Has Moved Information about the church and its pastor. http://www.bic-church.org/central/ChristianUnion/ | |
64. Lancaster Church Of The Brethren Welcomes You Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Site includes a description of staff, worship services, educational program, youth ministries, music program, outreach, and upcoming events. http://www.lancob.org/ | |
65. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Brethren Of The Common Life Home Catholic Encyclopedia C brethren of the Common Life. brethren of the Common Life. A community founded by Geert De Groote http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04166b.htm | |
66. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Bohemian Brethren Bohemian brethren. (MORAVIAN brethren, or UNITAS FRATRUM). The brethren were to give up private property for the benefit of the Brotherhood. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02616a.htm | |
67. Skyridge Kalamazoo, Michigan. A New Testament church that draws upon Anabaptist and Pietist traditions and seeks to express peace, justice, reconciliation, service, and equality. Beliefs, ministries, articles, service opportunities, and Bretheren and ecumenical resources. http://skyridge.org/index.htm | |
68. Center For Mennonite Brethren Studies: Fresno The Center for Mennonite brethren Studies. 1717 S. Chestnut Ave. California Mennonite Historical Society. Historical Commission of the Mennonite brethren Church. http://www.fresno.edu/affiliation/cmbs/ | |
69. Refton Brethren In Christ Church At ForMinistry.com - Introduction Refton brethren in Christ Church is located in the town of Refton, Pennsylvania. For information on the brethren in Christ Denomination, click HERE. http://www.forministry.com/17568bicc | |
70. Index Of /~bibles Plymouth brethren bookstore out of Canada http://www.netrover.com/~bibles/ | |
71. The Brethren (Jim Roberts) THE brethren. aka The Brotherhood, Garbage Eaters, etc. It has been called The Brotherhood, Brothers and Sisters, The Roberts Group, and The brethren. http://www.religioustolerance.org/body_chr.htm | |
72. Latest News Includes worship times, monthly calendar, faith statements, location, and contact. http://www.glrst.org/ | |
73. Brethren's Retirement Community A nonprofit, Christian, retirement community located in west central Ohio provides active and assisted http://www.bhrc.org/ | |
74. Doctrinal Traditions In The Evangelical Church And The United Brethren Church History of the doctrine of the two denominations that merged to form the EUB. http://www.umc.org/interior.asp?mid=1644 |
75. Grace Brethren Church Of Columbus - Main Page Exists to be used by God to present the Gospel to as many people as possible. Includes history, ministrie http://www.gracebrethren.org/ | |
76. East Side Grace Brethren Church East Side Grace brethren Church is a fellowship of believers located between Reynoldsburg and Gahanna. Our mission is to meet people http://www.esgbc.com/ | |
77. Honors To Alexander Mack Interpretation of the life and thought of Alexander Mack, founder of the brethren Church, Church of the brethren, Grace brethren, and other brethren groups. http://www.cob-net.org/mack/honors.htm | |
78. Jefferson Brethren Church Jefferson brethren Church seeks to demonstrate the love of Christ to the community around us. Jefferson brethren Church. 58915 SR 15. http://www.jeffersonbrethren.org/ | |
79. Mwtb.org Home Publisher and retailer of Plymouth brethren authors and monthly Christian newsletter Moments for You http://www.mwtb.org/ | |
80. Wooster Grace Brethren Church Wooster Grace brethren Church 4599A Burbank Road Wooster, OH 44691 Tel 330.264.9459 Fax 330.264.7016 Traditional Services Sundays 830-945am Contemporary http://www.wgbc.org/ | |
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