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21. MWC - 2000 Africa Mennonite & Brethren In Christ Churches MWC Logo, 2000 Africa Mennonite brethren in christ Churches. http://www.mwc-cmm.org/Directory/2000africa.html | |
22. Christian Union Brethren In Christ Church Website Has Moved Information about the church and its pastor. http://www.bic-church.org/central/ChristianUnion/ | |
23. Historical Resources Of The United Brethren In Christ CONFERENCES the Church of the United brethren in christ is dividedup into various regional administrative units called conferences. http://www.huntington.edu/library/ubhc/resources.htm | |
24. Brethren In Christ-- Contents HOME NEWS THE MAGAZINE BOOKS SITEMAP EMAIL. Brethren InChrist BY ALAN EYRE. Contents. Front (Plate 1) Preface Photograph http://www.antipas.org/books/brethren_in_christ/binc_toc.html | |
25. Introduction -- Brethren In Christ, By Alan Eyre brethren in christ BY ALAN EYRE. PAGE 13. 1. INTRODUCTION. PAGE 16. MAP 1 The spreadof the brethren in christ across Europe. Six phases are indicated by numbers. http://www.antipas.org/books/brethren_in_christ/binc_01.html | |
26. Alta Loma Brethren In Christ Church Includes services, ministries, school system and statement of faith. http://www.bic-church.org/pacific/altaloma/ | |
27. Mennonite Brethren In Christ XVIII Mennonite brethren in christ. Dates of creation 1849- . 26cm. The Missionary Church was formed in 1969 by a merger of the http://grebel.uwaterloo.ca/mao/Archives Fonds/XVIII.htm | |
28. Index.html Members of Mennonite, Amish, and brethren in christ churches, living in Ontario, may be members. Serves Waterloo and area and offers details of membership, locations, services, ATM locations and online banking. http://www.mscu.com/ | |
29. New Life Christian Church - Home brethren in christ and Mennonite Brethren church in Toronto. http://www.bic-church.org/canadian/newlife/ | |
30. Brethren In Christ From Linkspider UK Society Directory brethren in christ by Linkspider UK, brethren in christ links and brethren in christtopics from our Society directory. Directory Topic brethren in christ. http://linkspider.co.uk/Society/ReligionandSpirituality/Christianity/Denominatio | |
31. United Brethren In Christ From Linkspider UK Society Directory United brethren in christ by Linkspider UK, United brethren in christ linksand United brethren in christ topics from our Society directory. http://linkspider.co.uk/Society/ReligionandSpirituality/Christianity/Denominatio | |
32. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST UNITED brethren in christ,i an American religious sect which originated in the lastpart of the 18th century under the leadership of Philip William Otterbein http://32.1911encyclopedia.org/U/UN/UNITED_BRETHREN_IN_CHRIST.htm | |
33. The Meeting House Part of the brethren in christ denomination, evangelical. Cool links. Motto the church for people who aren't into church! http://www.themeetinghouse.ca/ | |
34. Welcome To Publications For The Brethren InChrist BIC/featuredtitle.gif 18087 BytesEvangel Publishing House is a ministryof the brethren in christ Church Board for Media ministries, Inc. http://www.evangelpublishing.com/index-bic.html | |
35. Welcome To Pax Christi Chorale A Mennonite and brethren in christ choir that has maintained a tradition of fine choral singing for the past thirteen years. http://www.paxchristichorale.org/index.html | |
36. Welcome To Publications For The Brethren In Christ brethren in christ Books. Here are links to other Internet sites thatwill help you understand more about the brethren in christ Church http://www.evangelpublishing.com/links.html | |
37. Christianity - Brethren In Christ Top Links SubCategories. brethren in christ Web Site Links. brethren in christ - Officialweb site of this pacifist denomination with an emphasis on a simple lifestyle. http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Brethren_Brethren_in_Christ.html | |
38. Messiah College Founded by the brethren in christ church and located in Grantham, Pennsylvania. Offers an overview with detailed information on courses, resources and admissions. http://www.messiah.edu/ | |
39. Christianity - United Brethren In Christ Top Links SubCategories. United brethren in christ Web Site Links. The Churchof the United brethren in christ - Official denominational web site. http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Brethren_United_Brethren_in_Christ.h | |
40. FWChurches.com - United Brethren In Christ Churches In The Fort Wayne, Indiana A United brethren in christ. Mt Zion United brethren in christ (Decatur)5055 John St Decatur, IN 46733 260592-7337 View Map (Decatur), http://www.fwchurches.com/churchresults.asp?Type=United Brethren In Christ |
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