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1. Brethren.org -- The Official Homepage Of The Church Of The Brethren Official homepage of the Church of the brethren. Christian denomination founded at Schwarzenau, Germany, in 1708 and now has more http://www.brethren.org/ | |
2. Brethren Groups Basic, nontheological outline of all the religious groups using the word brethren in their denominational label. http://www.cob-net.org/docs/groups.htm | |
3. Fellowship Of Grace Brethren Churches Grace brethren International Missions. Grace brethren North. American Missions. CE National. Grace College Seminary. Internationals USA. Women of Grace USA. CMA Resources. Operation Barnabas. brethren National Youth Conference. Total Mobilization http://www.fgbc.org/ | |
4. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: BRETHREN This list is dedicated to genealogy and welcomes anyone who wants to exchange information and search for brethren Roots (i.e., ancestors and families that are or were members the Church Group http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Religion/BRETHREN.html | |
5. Church Of The Brethren Network We are a membership driven, unofficial web site of the Church of the brethren, a Protestant denomination with churches in most states and a few other countries http://www.cob-net.org/ | |
6. Brethren Online Christian materials FAQ on Bible software, Bible study, articles, and links. http://www.brethrenonline.org/ | |
7. Brethren In Christ Church Of North America brethren in Christ Offices. 431 Grantham Road. PO Box A. Grantham, PA 170270901. Phone (717) 697-2634. Fax (717) 697-7714. bic@messiah.edu. Welcome to the brethren in Christ (BIC) Web site! Bookmark) is regularly updated and is the page to mark to stay informed of what's happening in the brethren in Christ http://www.bic-church.org/ | |
8. Brethren Mennonite Council Homepage Home Page for the brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests. Providing support to Mennonite and Church of the brethren gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual http://www.webcom.com/bmc/welcome.html | |
9. The Hutterian Brethren (Hutterites) In North America Learn about the Hutterian brethren s unique lifestyle, religion, customs, traditions and history. Discover The Hutterian brethren. Hutterites http://www.hutterites.org/ | |
10. The Brethren Church Official site of the brethren Church, based in Ashland, Ohio. Sponsors of Ashland University and http://www.brethrenchurch.org/ |
11. CLBA Home Official website. http://www.clba.org | |
12. Basic Beliefs Within The Church Of The Brethren Online booklet published by brethren Revival Fellowship. http://www.brfwitness.org/Articles/1968v3n2.htm | |
13. Brethren Photo essay on the Old German Baptist brethren. http://www.schumann.com/dhtml/Brethren/brethren.html |
14. GBIM Home Page Grace brethren International Missions PO Box 588 Winona Lake, IN 46590 Phone (574) 2681888 Fax (574) 267-5210 E-Mail info@gbim.org copyright 1998-2002 site http://www.gbim.org/ | |
15. Religious Movements Homepage: The Brethren This page on The brethren is your gateway to accessing comprehensive webbased, as well as print, resources about the brethren. The brethren. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/brethren.html | |
16. Coming Soon! A collection of personal stories, contacts, and resources for former members of the Exclusive brethren, specifically the Taylor or Taylorite branch currently led by John S. Hales of Australia. http://www.exclusivebrethren.net/ | |
17. Canadian Conference Of Mennonite Brethren Churches Mennonite brethren are ordinary people, old and young, ethnically diverse. 2004 Canadian Conference of Mennonite brethren Churches. http://www.mbconf.ca/ | |
18. Brethrenmudbowl Game played semiannually since 1994 in Manistee County, Michigan. Features a history of the Mud Bowl, game summaries, statistics, and a photo page. http://www.geocities.com/stonefnpimp/brethrenmudbowl.html | |
19. Dunkard Brethren Church Dunkard brethren Church, is a Christ centered, bible beleving church. We are a small group mostly in the USA. Dunkard brethren Church. http://www.dunkardbrethrenchurch.com/ | |
20. Brethren Volunteer Service Home Page brethren Volunteer Service is a program of the Church of the brethren. BVS has been a major program in this Christian denomination since 1948. http://www.brethren.org/genbd/bvs/ | |
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