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81. The Baptist Union The baptist union. of Great Britain. The Presbyterian Church in Ireland. TheCatholic Church. in scotland. The Methodist Church. The. Church of Ireland. http://www.rnreference.mod.uk/NCS/NCS Combined/NCS Frame1/Sending Churches.htm | |
82. SLCentral Directory - Society - Religion And Spirituality - B Great Britain@ (117); baptist union of New Zealand@ (3); baptist unionof scotland@ (6); Bible Fellowship Church@ (24); Bible Methodist http://www.slcentral.com/directory/index.php/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/B | |
83. Caithness CWS - Links - Religion Church in Wales baptist union of Great Britain British Orthodox Church CatholicChurch in England and Wales Catholic Church in scotland Catholicism Online http://www.caithness.org/links/religion.htm | |
84. EcumenicalUK baptist union of Great Britain * Cherubim Seraphim Council of Churches Churchof England Church of scotland (in England) Congregational Federation * Coptic http://www.tedesign.fsnet.co.uk/ecumenicalUK.htm | |
85. Robin Kent - Ecclesiastical Exemption Church ; the baptist union of Great Britain and the baptist union of Wales Onlyin scotland , and for Scottish denominations in England , were listed church http://www.robinkent.com/eccles.html | |
86. The Ecclesiastical Exemption - Robin Kent Church; the baptist union of Great Britain and the baptist union of Wales; the Onlyin scotland, and for Scottish denominations in England, were listed church http://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/exempt/exempt.htm | |
87. BBC News | SCOTLAND | Section 28: Church Leaders Internet links The Salvation Army. baptist union. Roman Catholic Church in scotland.The Church of scotland. Evangelical Alliance scotland. Free Church of scotland. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/scotland/newsid_610000/610412.stm | |
88. Crown Terrace Baptist Church, Aberdeen Jim Simpson Minister. Denomination baptist. Affiliations links baptist unionof scotland baptist union of Great Britain. Other congregations . Congregation http://www.findachurch.co.uk/churches/nj/nj90/ctbc/ | |
89. Iraq Statements 23 September 02. Church of scotland. 23 September 02. Church of scotland.23 September 02. baptist union of Great Britain. 20 September 02. http://www.ctbi.org.uk/intaff/iraq/ | |
90. Baptist Union Of Australia - Encyclopedia Article About Baptist Union Of Austral baptist union of Australia. in 1862. The national baptist union was foundedin 1926 Centuries 19th century 20th century - 21st century. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Baptist Union of Australia | |
91. The Fundamentalist Controversy Concerning The Baptist Theological HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'The Fundamentalist controversy concerning the baptist Theological College of scotland on October 25, 1944, May Hossack wrote to her husband, George, who was on http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
92. European Baptist Federation Albania Albanian baptist union. Armenia union of Evangelical Christian baptistChurches of Armenia. Bulgaria baptist union of Bulgaria. Croatia baptist unionof http://www.fact-index.com/e/eu/european_baptist_federation.html | |
93. European Baptist Federation Albania Albanian baptist union. Armenia union of Evangelical Christianbaptist Churches of Armenia. baptist union in the Czech Republic. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/E/European-Baptist-Federation.htm | |
94. List Of Baptist Sub-denominations Europe Eurasia Albanian baptist union; baptist union of Austria; baptist unionof Great Britain; Central baptist Association; Continental baptist Churches; http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/L/List-of-Baptist-sub-denominations.htm | |
95. BWA Heritage And Identity Commission Paternoster Book Series Studies In Baptist Brian Talbot, The Search for a Common Identity The Origins of the baptist Unionof scotland 18001870 In the period 1800 to 1827 there were three streams of http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/sbht.htm | |
96. List Of Baptist Sub-denominations :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius baptist union of South Africa; Convençao baptista de Angola. General SixPrinciplebaptists; National Association of Free Will baptists; Old baptist union; http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_baptist_sub_denominat | |
97. The Good Web Guide Website Review :The Church Of Scotland Online Sunday, 23rd May, 2004 You are not logged in. quick jump Site Home. http://www.thegoodwebguide.co.uk/chan_gene/wwwreviews.php3?rev_id=002720 |
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