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61. Links Of Scottish Churches Housing Action Website of Stirling Methodist Church, a lively little congregation in Central Scotlandwww.churchseek.net/church/stirlingmeth/, The baptist union of scotland http://www.churches-housing.org/links2.php?val=Church |
62. Westwood Baptist Church George Hardie, Secretary of the baptist union of scotland, on the 23 November1952. The beginnings of the Church were small. In 1955 Rev. http://www.jabez.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/History.html | |
63. Westwood Baptist Church baptist union of scotlandbaptist union of scotland. Scripture Union Scotland ScriptureUnin Scotland. Youth for Christ logoYouth For Christ. The Alpha Course. http://www.jabez.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Links.html | |
64. HNet - Directory: Society Religion And Spirituality Christianity Denominations B ODP Directory Results Go to Directory Home. Web Site Matches Any SearchInfo. baptist union of scotland Official web site. Information http://directory.hughesnet.net/directory/index/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality | |
65. List Of Organisations Contacted Association of Clinical Pathologists. baptist union of scotland. BritishMedical Association. British Medical Association, Scottish Branch. http://www.show.scot.nhs.uk/scotorgrev/Organisations Contacted.htm | |
66. Charities Direct - Christian General Ipswich YMCA, Sep97, 115 / £0.56m, 100%, baptist union of scotland, May-01,116 / £0.55m, 100%, Yes, Yes. Covenant Ministries Trust, Mar-99, 117 / £0.55m,100%, http://www.caritasdata.co.uk/ind_c338.htm | |
67. Baptist Church Anniversary Anniversary Celebration In Directory.co.uk Church welcome. http//www.soton74.fsnet.co.uk/ef/programme.htm,7. baptist union of scotland Administration Date of Event http://www.directory.co.uk/Baptist_Church_Anniversary_Anniversary_Celebration.ht | |
68. UK Weblinks For Baptists London Baptists. UK Baptist Organisations, BU LogoBaptist Union of GreatBritain. baptist union of scotland. BMS Logo BMS World Mission. http://www.londonbaptist.org.uk/lbawwwuk.htm | |
69. Job In Isle Of Mull From 24hourJobs.co.uk car Hessilhead did their usual good job and the Auk was releasedfully baptist union of scotland BUS NEWS suffered http://24hourjobs.co.uk/ukcounty/job-in-isle-of-mull.html | |
70. LG/00/R6 - Report 5/7 Session 1 (2000). SUBMISSION FROM THE baptist union of scotland. The following arethe comments of the baptist union of scotland in relation to the above Bill. http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S1/official_report/cttee/local-00/lgr00-06-06. | |
71. The Conference DM Phillips, BA. The President of the baptist union of scotland Rev. Dr A. Black,BD, Ph.D. The Chairman of the Synod of the Methodist Church in Scotland Rev. http://www.calendar.stir.ac.uk/2000-2001/main/p_54.html | |
72. Youthwork: Training - Resources For Christian Youth Ministry In The UK. Useful R equipped Nick Lear. baptist union of scotland. This course willhelp you to think about your youth work and ministry. In just http://www.youthwork.co.uk/training/volunteerscourse/Whatotherssayaboutthecourse | |
73. Adelaide Place Baptist Church | Glasgow, Scotland Happy New Year 31/12. Christmas Letter from Jack 24/12. Christmas Greetingsfrom baptist union of scotland 24/12. Christmas at apbc 6/12. http://www.apbc.net/index.php?limit=all |
74. GREENSEEK See also Regional Europe United Kingdom Scotland Society and CultureReligion (19). » baptist union of scotland Official web site. http://www.greenseek.de/internet/index.php/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Chr | |
75. St. Peter's House: Baptists In The United Kingdom There are other unions in the UK, eg The baptist union of Wales and baptist unionof scotland, as well as smaller groupings eg the Strict baptists of the Grace http://www.stpeters.org.uk/baptist.html | |
76. Baptist World Alliance Heritage And Indentity Commission - Who Are The Baptists founded work in Ireland by the midseventeenth century and in scotland by the turnto the formation in 181213 of the first baptist union amongst Particular http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/hst-uk.htm | |
77. List Of Christian Denominations :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius United Free Church of scotland; Uniting Presbyterian Church in Church of God; PentecostalFree Will baptist Church; Ministries; Jews for Jesus; union of Messianic http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_christian_denominatio | |
78. Baptist History And Heritage : The Fundamentalist Controversy Concerning The Bap holms coats, baptist church, scottish baptist, shearer, baptist union, college, scotland,modernism, evangelical faith, baptist magazine, glasgow, john shearer http://static.highbeam.com/b/baptisthistoryandheritage/january012001/thefundamen | |
79. Comments Church, www.scotland.anglican.org. The Anglican Catholic Church, Official site ofThe Anglican Catholic Church, www.anglicancatholic.org. The baptist union of Great http://www.ccug.org.uk/LinksRes.asp?CATEGORY_N=3 |
80. Mission Information Ettore Zerbinati, Longtime partner in Evangelism and Layman, Italy; RobertBreustedt, Director of Evangelism-Scottish baptist union, scotland; http://home.texoma.net/~jerryb/missions/ | |
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