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61. John Clifford London, 18581923; president. baptist union of great britain and Ireland,1888-1899; president. Baptist World Alliance, 1905-11. http://www.generalbaptist.net/people/clifford.htm | |
62. BMS World Mission - Assembly Back In Cardiff The Assembly hosted by BMS and the baptist union of great britain is beingheld at the Cardiff International Arena from Friday 30 April to Monday 3 May http://www.bmsworldmission.org/14677 | |
63. Manchester Baptist Churches And Baptist Chapels In Greater Manchester Tel 01942247879. National Baptist Organisations. baptist union of great britainBaptist House, PO Box 44, 129 Broadway, Didcot, OX11 8RT Tel 01235-517700. http://www.manchester2002-uk.com/worship/worship4.html | |
64. Ecumenism, County And National baptist union of great britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Churchof England Church of Scotland (in England) Congregational Federation Coptic http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/ctkent/chapterj.htm | |
65. Urgent Prayer Request FROM THE baptist union of great britain (Updated 6th August). Handsworth 517717.URGENT PRAYER REQUEST FROM THE baptist union of great britain. http://www.newburybaptist.org.uk/prayer1.htm | |
66. :: Christian Today :: World Edition The Baptist Assembly is the annual gathering of British Baptists, arranged jointlyby the baptist union of great britain (BUGB) and BMS World Mission. http://www.christiantoday.com/templates/news_view.htm?id=58&code=church |
67. Baptist Union Of Scotland - Involvement In The Community The Baptist Union of Scotland is a member of the Fellowship of British Baptistsalong with the baptist union of great britain, the Baptist Union of Wales and http://www.scottishbaptist.org.uk/main/about/community.html | |
68. Baptist Assembly 2004: Heaven Scent ASSEMBLY Welcome to the 2004 Baptist Assembly with worship, the induction of theRev Peter Manson as President of the baptist union of great britain and Rev http://www.baptistassembly.org.uk/prog.htm | |
69. Other Catholic And Christian Organisations The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales is not responsible for thecontent of external sites. baptist union of great britain, www.baptist.org.uk. http://www.catholic-ew.org.uk/links/other.htm | |
70. FSB of El Salvador Baptist Convention of Nicaragua Baptist Community of Western CongoBaptist Union of Denmark baptist union of great britain Baptist Union of http://www.baptist.fi/akt/040331.html | |
71. Baptist World Alliance Heritage And Indentity Commission - Who Are The Baptists In 1993 the majority of churches in the Old Baptist Union formed an Associationof Old Baptist Churches which joined the baptist union of great britain. http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/hst-uk.htm | |
72. Ormesby Baptist Church We are part of the baptist union of great britain. baptist union of great britainMartham Vineyard A good local site run by friends. Has great links. http://freespace.virgin.net/craig.millward/Ormesby-Baptist.htm |
73. Religious Links Used By Members Of University Baptist Church Of Hattiesburg, MS community. The baptist union of great britain The Baptist Union is a nationalbody made up of local churches, associations and colleges. http://www.ubchm.org/links.htm | |
74. Baptist History And Heritage : Baptists And Baptisma British Perspective - 1 Methodist Agreement on Baptismal Policy Within Local Ecumenical Projects (BU/MethodistChurch, 1991); The baptist union of great britain/United Reformed Church http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NXG/is_1_35/ai_94160873/pg_5 | |
75. What Are Baptists? In 1998, the baptist union of great britain issued a statement setting out the 5Core Values which it believed should characterise Baptists as they seek to be http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/cphicks/tbcbapt3.htm | |
76. The Methodist Church Of Great Britain Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 1NX www.christianteachers.org baptist union of great britain,Baptist House, 129 Broadway, Didcot, Oxon OX11 8RT www.baptist.org.uk http://www.methodist.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=pandw.content&cmid=108 |
77. The Methodist Church Of Great Britain The Methodist Church The baptist union of great britain The United Reformed ChurchThe Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales Churches Together in http://www.methodist.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=information.content&cmid=694 |
78. An Invitation To Prayer - Links Assemblies of God www.aog.org.uk baptist union of great britain - www.baptist.org.ukChurch of Ireland - www.ireland.anglican.org Countess of Huntingdon s http://www.invitationtoprayer.org/links.html | |
79. Endorsements David Coffey General Secretary, baptist union of great britain BWA Vice President.. . because it unites Baptists all over the world. http://www.bwanet.org/AboutUs/Endorsements.htm | |
80. Template: Submenu Center Layout and Association minute books or personal papers, continue to be deposited and anagreement has been made with the baptist union of great britain to deposit its http://www.rpc.ox.ac.uk/cbhh/Angus_Lib/Angusinfo.htm | |
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