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41. Shaping The Australian Baptist Movement By Dr Ken Manley, Whitley College Melbou and compulsory military training. He became the first President ofthe baptist union of australia. After his death the citizens http://www.congress.baptist-vic.org.au/hic-man.htm | |
42. Baptist Churches Conference; Baptist General Conference of Canada; Baptist MissionaryAssociation of America; baptist union of australia; Baptist Union http://www.naae.net/denom/baptist.php | |
43. Baptist Religious Anthropology Resources baptist union of australia Official web site. Information about the union,online publications, and diary of events. http//www.baptist.org.au/. http://www.archaeolink.com/baptist_religious_anthropology_r.htm | |
44. Society Issues Creek Help build the largest humanedited b b baptist union of australia rank 232 Search Engine Top Society Religion and Spirituality http://www.1arbeer.com/related/Society Issues&start=5840 | |
45. Feature Article The baptist union of australia is a member body of the Alliance, andmost Baptist Churches in Australia are union churches. There http://members.ozemail.com.au/~wfnev/March00Bentley.htm | |
46. Feature Article Commission for Justice, Development and Peace (CCJDP), the Brotherhood of St Laurence,Catholic Social Services Victoria and the baptist union of australia. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~wfnev/oct00asylumseek.htm | |
47. Baptist World Aid Australia Baptist World Aid Australia is accountable to the baptist union of australia,as well as ACFOA (the Australian Council for Overseas Aid). http://www.shareanopportunity.org/default.asp?contentID=1001143 |
48. Baptist World Aid Australia marginalisation of the citys street people. He also served asPresident of the baptist union of australia from 1999 to 2002. http://www.shareanopportunity.org/default.asp?contentID=1001214 |
49. AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN WEB SITES - ASK THE BIBLE Baptist Union of NSW; baptist union of australia; Australian churches A List;New Frontiers Churches ( Brighton, South Africa, Dubai, India, Shanghai, New http://www.askthebible.com/aussie.htm | |
50. David Parker William Higlett Baptist Historical Society Of Queensland Baptist He In 1926 he edited the history of Australian Baptists which was publishedin association with the formation of the baptist union of australia. http://www.thehub.com.au/~dparker/higlett.html | |
51. LookSmart Australia 5. baptist union of australia A comprehensive site offering informationon what Baptists believe and the various organisations in Australia. http://explore.looksmart.com.au/synd-oz/explore/index.jsp?catPath=695660;696993; |
52. Cloning Resources - Open Letter To Australian Governments Rev. Tim Costello, President, baptist union of australia. John Field, General Superintendentof the South Australian Baptist Union Inc. Rev. Mike Semmler. http://www.family.org.au/bioethics/docs/cloningstatement.html | |
53. Directory: Denominations/Baptist/Baptist Groups/Baptist Union Of Australia baptist union of australia. Home Denominations Baptist BaptistGroups baptist union of australia. Web Sites. Baptist Churches http://directory.christianity.com/html/Denominations/Baptist/Baptist_Groups/Bapt | |
54. HNet - Directory: Society Religion And Spirituality Christianity Denominations B Web Site Matches Any Search Info. baptist union of australia Official web site.Information about the union, online publications, and diary of events. http://directory.hughesnet.net/directory/index/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality | |
55. 404 Not Found champion of local democracy. In November 1999, Costello became NationalPresident of the baptist union of australia. One of his books http://www.skhs.org.au/Baptist Church.htm | |
56. Christian Gateway: Faith Traveler baptist union of australia baptist union of australia home page, containinglinks and resources to the various territories of Australia. http://www.christiangateway.com/sites/travel/ | |
57. List Of Baptist Sub-denominations :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Baptist Association). Oceania baptist union of australia; BaptistUnion of New Zealand; Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea; Marianas http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_baptist_sub_denominat | |
58. Adherents.com - Religion Name Index - B 229,315 (41 recs.) Baptist National Educational Convention Baptist Union and MissionarySociety of New Zealand baptist union of australia Baptist Union of http://www.adherents.com/Na/i_b.html | |
59. Adherents.com baptist union of australia, Australia, 63,771, , 820 units, -, 1998, *LINK*Baptist World Alliance web site; page BWA Statistics (viewed 31 March 1999). http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_70.html | |
60. Westwood Web Directory - Churches, Synagogues, Mosques & Temples baptist union of australia. The baptist union of australia is a member of the BaptistWorld Alliance and Asian Baptist http//baptist.org.au/. Catholic Church. http://www.westwoodweb.com.au/Cat/Churches, Synagogues, Mosques & Temples.htm | |
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