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101. Central Baptist College Click here to log in. Take a virtual tour of Central baptist College. baptistTop 1000. Click for Conway, Arkansas Forecast. Central baptist College. http://www.cbc.edu/ | |
102. Calvary Southern Baptist Church, Riverside Presents events calendar, contact information, worship services schedule and photos. http://www.angelfire.com/ca6/calvarysobaptist/ |
103. Williams Baptist College Commencement is Saturday. http://www.wbcoll.edu/ |
104. Brookville Road Baptist Church, Oxford Presents service schedule, pastor overview, mission programs, and member directory. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8523/ | |
105. American Baptist Association http://www.abaptist.org/ |
106. Charter Of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Abstract of Principles of The SBTS, Louisville, KY http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/history/sbts-aop.stm.txt |
107. Piedmont Baptist College independent, fundamentalist four year college located in WinstonSalem, NC http://www.pbc.edu/ |
108. First Baptist Church Of Austin, TX Church located central. Includes church history and mission, past sermon texts, a calendar of upcoming events, and complete contact information with map and phone numbers. http://www.fbcaustin.org/ |
109. Baptist Missionary Association Doctrines, resources for congregations, information on meetings and organization, with newsletter and other publications. http://bmaweb.net/ | |
110. Arlington Baptist College Abconline.edu Arlington baptist College is a four year Bible College offering both Bachelorof Science and the Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministries, Youth Ministries http://www.abconline.edu/ |
111. The Free Will Baptist Web Site Known as FrEaKs Web Site. Online Treatise, logos, church directory, state association directories, and church and minister job postings. http://www.holywordcafe.com/fwb/ | |
112. Baptist State Convention Of North Carolina - Home With almost 4000 constituent churches accross the state of North Carolina, Thebaptist State Convention of North Carolina is designed for a single purpose http://www.bscnc.org/ | |
113. PNBC THE. PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL. baptist CONVENTION. BUILDING BETTER BRIDGES FOR MINISTRY. The Bridge of Discipleship . Nehemiah 114. Enter Main Site (Home Page). http://www.pnbc.org/ | |
114. East Baptist Church | Denison, TX Features church profile, worship times, and mission statement to spread the good news to Texomaland and the world. http://www.ebchurch.com/ | |
115. Free Will Baptist Bible College GLOBAL SITE SEARCH, http://www.fwbbc.edu/ | |
116. Meadow Baptist Church - Online Presents the plan of salvation, schedule of services, statement of beliefs, staff biographies, RealAudio sermons, guide to ministries, and missions information. http://www.meadowbaptist.com/ | |
117. First Baptist Church Of Picayune Mississippi Features RealAudio worship services, calendar of events, ministry news, and contact information. http://www.fbcpic.org/ | |
118. Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Web Site Design Web Hosting by MLT Group Rochester MN. http://www.pillsbury.edu/ |
119. Index Features staff biographies and photos, music and lyrics collection, prayer requests, kids program, events, church history and schedule. http://www.geocities.com/calvary_abbeville/ | |
120. Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Ankeny, IA A Biblical, vocational, and general education on the college and graduate level with the goal of preparing students to minister effectively in Christian http://www.faith.edu/ |
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