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81. CrossSearch Category: Baptist Baptist Conference Church and Regional news for member churches of the NortheastBaptist Conference, a district of the baptist general conference more. http://www.crosssearch.com/Churches_and_Denominations/Denominations/Baptist/ | |
82. GFOL.org - Grace Fellowship Of Lakewood A baptist general conference congregation highlighting missions and values, ministries, youth group, staff, and photos. http://www.gfol.org/ | |
83. Baptist General Conference Of Canada Find Anything In Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Home Community Services Religion baptist general conference Of Canada. Visit Our Website. http://www.shopinedmonton.com/Community_Services/Religion/Baptist_General_Confer | |
84. Www.calvaryrose.org baptist general conference. Contact information, service times, staff directory. http://calvaryrose.org/ | |
85. Affiliation Of First Baptist Church Of Geneva, IL Our congregation is part of the baptist general conference (BGC), a voluntary associationof people in 800 churches nationwide. baptist general conference. http://www.fbcg.com/wwa/affiliation.htm | |
86. Contact The Missionaries Of First Baptist Church Of Geneva, IL Paul and Ana Hill baptist general conference Argentina CC359 4200 Santiago delEstero, Republica Argentina E-mail phill@ar.inter.net Web site www.bgcworld http://www.fbcg.com/cu/cu_missions.htm | |
87. Welcome To Elim Baptist Church, Rochester Minnesota! baptist general conference. Staff profiles, contact information, calendar, history. http://www.ElimRoch.org/ | |
88. NSM Agency Directory Home Agency baptist general conference, Church Planting and Enrichment. BaptistGeneral Conference, Church Planting and Enrichment. BACK TO DIRECTORY. http://www.strategicnetwork.org/index.php?loc=di&di=54&mode=v& |
89. Edgewater Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois baptist general conference church in Edgewater. Information on services, ministries, location, church history, study tools and links directory. http://www.edgebapt.com/ |
90. »»Reviews For Baptist General Conference«« baptist general conference Reviews. Book reviews for Baptist GeneralConference sorted by average review score Centenary History http://www.booksunderreview.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/D | |
91. Baptist General Conference {Click Here!}. Top Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity DenominationsBaptist Baptist Groups baptist general conference. Churchess. Educations. http://www.supercrawler.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denom | |
92. What Is The Northeast Baptist Conference? We are a member district of the baptist general conference, a worldwide associationof over 900 churches among 19 ethnic groups, bound together by a common http://www.northeastbaptist.org/Pages/WhatIsNBC.html | |
93. NorthEast Gold A District of the baptist general conference Latest site update 05/10/04. http://www.northeastbaptist.org/ | |
94. Peace Corps Online | April 13, 2003 - Baptist General Conference: Chuck And Bett Peace Corps Online April 13, 2003 baptist general conference Chuck and BettySelander were married in 1965, and by June 1966 they had volunteered for the http://peacecorpsonline.org/messages/messages/467/2013048.html | |
95. Adherents.com Index. back to baptist general conference, USA baptist general conference, continued inclusive;refer to all members . Listed as baptist general conference. http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_70.html | |
96. Adherents.com baptist general conference, Alaska, 384, 0.07%, 5 units, , 1990, GlenmaryResearch Center (Mars Hill, NC). baptist general conference, continued http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_69.html | |
97. Baptist General Conference - To Tulsa, In Oklahoma S Green Country Tulsa area baptist general conference directory and links from Tulsa To A sitefor business, personal, and public service web pages in the greater Tulsa http://www.tulsa.to/worship/bgc.html |
98. Fablis Directory For /Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denominatio baptist general conference. Sponsors. Become a sponsor. See also Top/Society/Religionand Spirituality/B. baptist general conference Official web site. http://directory.fablis.com/guide/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity | |
99. Ricci Roundtable On The History Of Christianity In China baptist general conference (BGC). Alternative Names Type Sending agency. BackgroundNote The baptist general conference has its roots in Swedish immigrants. http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/institution/view.aspx?institutionID=183 |
100. Baptist General Conferece Archival Center baptist general conference Archival Center Bethel College and Seminary 3900 BethelDrive St. Paul, MN 55108. Edgren, John A. Papers, 18711887. 3 May 2002. http://www.history.navy.mil/sources/mn/bta.htm | |
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