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1. Baptist General Conference - A Christian Fellowship Of Evangelical Churches The baptist general conference (BGC) is a Christian fellowship of evangelicalchurches whose purpose is to serve God by starting and enhancing churches http://www.bgcworld.org/ | |
2. Seventh Day Baptist General Conference Of The United States And Canada Official web site of this evangelical sabbatarian denomination. Information on the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation, beliefs, history, directory of local churches, links. http://www.seventhdaybaptist.org/ | |
3. Baptist General Conference Complete description of ministries and currentnews about the baptist general conference. http://www.bgcworld.org/intro/bgcintro.htm | |
4. SDB General Conference The offices of the Seventh Day baptist general conference of USA Canada provide many services for of the Seventh Day baptist general conference is a volunteer organization that http://www.7thdaybaptistchurch.org/conference.htm | |
5. The Baptist Page - God, Foreknowledge And The Baptist General Conference God, Foreknowledge and the baptist general conference. Explanation and Rationale for the Proposed of the baptist general conference. " God foreknows infallibly all that shall come to http://www.thebaptistpage.com/Distinctives/Doctrine/print/print_BGC_resolution.h | |
6. Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, 2002 Victoria's Vacation pages, with pictures of my 2002 vacations Seventh Day baptist general conference, 2002. Please give this page a few minutes to load, as it is this was the 200th anniversary of General Conference being in existence. http://vacations2002.home.mindspring.com/Conference/Conference.html | |
7. Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, 2003 Victoria's Vacation pages, with pictures of my 2002 vacations Seventh Day baptist general conference, 2003. Please give this page a few minutes to load, as it is very graphic heavy SDB General Conference, 2002. SDB General Conference, 2003 http://vacations2002.home.mindspring.com/Conf2003/conf2003.html | |
8. Olivet Baptist Church - A Member Of The Baptist General Conference The congregation moved to the newly built church in Hamden in 1963. Since 1988the church has been affiliated with the baptist general conference. http://www.olivetbaptistchurch.com/ | |
9. Baptist General Conference - A Christian Fellowship Of Evangelical Churches Official web site. A fellowship of almost 900 churches, mostly in the United States, with some in the Bahamas, Virgin Islands, and British West Indies. Has a vigorous worldwide missionary and church planting program. http://www.bgcworld.org/index.html | |
10. Minnehaha Baptist Church baptist general conference. Very close to Minnehaha Falls. History, contact information, and information on the church's ministries. |
11. A Covenant Of People's Statement Of Beliefs General Services. The offices of the Seventh Day baptist general conferenceof USA Canada provide many services for Seventh Day Baptists. http://www.seventhdaybaptist.org/work.html | |
12. Great Lakes Church Planting - Home Planting new evangelical churches in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; affiliated with the Great Lakes District of the baptist general conference. http://www.weplantchurches.com/ | |
13. Bgcindex Welcome to the baptist general conference of Canada. Historically,we are cousins with the baptist general conference in the US. http://www.bgc.ca/bgcindex.html | |
14. Bethel Seminary Of The East Official web site of this outreach ministry of the baptist general conference. ATS accredited. Offers the M.Div. as well as a certificate in Theological Studies. http://www.bethel.edu/seminary/SOE/BSOEhome.html |
15. BGC Southern California Church Listing Contact information for churches in Southern California. http://www.bgcworld.org/states/state_17.htm | |
16. NCBC The Northern California Baptist Conference is sponsoring the School of Women's Ministries in conjunction with the baptist general conference. The School is designed http://www.ncbcweb.org/ | |
17. Bethel College & Seminary, St. Paul, MN A fouryear, liberal arts institution committed to a distinctly evangelical Christian philosophy of education, sponsored by the churches of the baptist general conference and affiliated with Bethel Seminary. http://www.bethel.edu/ | |
18. Baptist General Conference The baptist general conference. 2002 S. Arlington Heights Road. Arlington Heights, IL 60005. 800) 3234215 FAX (708) 228-5376. B.G.C. homepage. The baptist general conference. is a voluntary association of some 800 churches. http://www.synergos.net/osbc/nbgc.html | |
19. Olivet Baptist Church - A Member Of The Baptist General Conference Where Olivet Baptist Sends its Financial Support Steve Carol Smith Servingin the Ivory Coast, they are with the baptist general conference. http://www.olivetbaptistchurch.com/mod.php?mod=userpage&menu=17&page_id=7 |
20. Minnesota District The Minnesota District of the baptist general conference. Contact information, news, District ministries. http://www.bgcworld.org/directory/mnsota.htm | |
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