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1. American Baptist Churches Mission Center ONLINE - The Official Homepage Of Ameri General Board 6/04 available Orientation to ABC Life now available. Transitions. IN MISSION Magazine. American baptist Missions. Give Now. ABC Regional Organizations. Educational Ministries. International Ministries. National Ministries. MMBB Judson Press. American baptist Foundation. American baptist Assembly. Green Lake, Wisconsin. American baptist Personnel Services. Ministers Council http://www.abc-usa.org/ | |
2. Southern Baptist Convention - Reaching The World For Christ Preaching Ted Traylors burden for biblical preaching in Americas pulpitsdrove his planning for this years Southern baptist Pastors Conference. http://www.sbc.net/ | |
3. Landover Baptist | Where The Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome. The Largest, most powerful assembly of worthwhile Christians to ever exist. Unsaved are NOT WELCOME! Shoo Demons! baptist Pastor Under Investigation For Speaking in Tongues Listen The Landover baptist Church® is not intended for readers under 18 years of age http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ | |
4. Welcome To Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong baptist University. Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Hong Kong baptist University. HomeSearchSiteMapContact UsFAQ Local Links ICS (Staff) ICS (Student) http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/ | |
5. Welcome To The Baptist Union Of Great Britain baptist Assembly 2004! Features. (click picture to enlarge). The 2004baptist Assembly has been heralded a big success. It took place http://www.baptist.org.uk/ | |
6. Baptist World Alliance BWA Unites baptists Worldwide, baptist World Alliance is the international fellowship of 211 national unions and conventions in 120 countries, comprising a church membership of more than 46.5 Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback baptist Church in Lake Forest, California, and best selling birthday celebration of the baptist World Alliance, at the baptist World Centenary http://www.bwanet.org/ | |
7. Primitive Baptist Web Station General information about Primitive baptists and literature explaining Primitive baptist views on Bible doctrine and practice. http://www.pb.org/ | |
8. :: Baptist Bible Fellowship International :: Missions Office. Hall Of Honor. Search By Field. Search By Name. Missions Spotlight. What's New? Missionary Web Page Editors. Churches. Network. Resources. Structure. Main Pages. Home Page. Electronic Directory. baptist Bible Tribune http://www.bbfi.org/ | |
9. Baptist.Org :: The Home Page For All Baptists We have even accommodated members who have no identity theologically orexperientially with the main body of members here at baptist.org. http://www.baptist.org/ | |
10. CSBaptist Christ centered church building lives on the Word of God. Located in Lincoln Nebraska. An Independent baptist church. http://www.cornerstonebcl.org | |
11. First Baptist Church, Midland, Texas - A Southern Baptist Congregation Offers church history, beliefs, vision and mission statements, worship schedule, TV and radio broadcast information, staff biographies, guide to ministries, calendar of events, and links to Christian resources. http://www.fbc-midland.org/ | |
12. Southern Baptist Convention - Reaching The World For Christ Connecting cultures for Christ Southern baptist Theological Seminary has createda new Intercultural Studies program aimed at fulfilling the Great Commission. http://www.sbc.net/sbcsplash/ | |
13. Central Baptist Church Presents worship times, upcoming events, prayer requests, and church announcements. http://www.cbclawrenceville.org/ | |
14. Liberty Baptist Church In Waynesboro, MS Offers worship times, the plan of salvation, daily devotionals, RealAudio sermons, prayer requests, children and youth ministries, events calendar, Bible quiz, and testimonies. http://www.libertybc.org/ | |
15. Welcome To The Central Baptist Church - Phenix City, AL Web Site Features church news, worship times, prayer list, small group highlights, and contact information. http://www.central-baptist.com/ | |
16. The Baptist Faith And Message The baptist Faith and Message. A Statement Adopted by the Southern baptist Convention. On June 14, 2000, the Southern baptist Convention adopted a revised summary of the Southern baptist faith. The http://www.utm.edu/martinarea/fbc/bfm.html | |
17. Georgia Baptist Convention - Georgia Baptist Convention - Home Traditional Southern baptist state organization. http://www.gabaptist.org/ | |
18. Hong Kong Baptist University Library University home, intranet. Site Map Search (Google) faq, suggestionbox, copyright information, privacy policy statement. BU Library http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/library/ | |
19. Primitive Baptist Online - Providing Ready Access To Primitive (Old School) Bapt Dedicated to providing access to the rich heritage of the Primitive baptists. Includes both historic and contemporary writings. http://www.primitivebaptist.org/ | |
20. BPNews.net - SBC Baptist Press News - Witness The Difference BPNews.Net baptist Press News of the Southern baptist Convention. Headlines, news and feature stories. the largest rally of its kind " said Bible baptist Church pastor Raymond Kwong, who organized the April 25 from every level of Southern baptist life celebrated a unified hope May http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.bpnews.net/&y=026F0DF72333FD19&a |
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