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161. Tour-Haifa: Haifa Gallery - Bahai Gardens Times Gone by Haifa By Night. bahai Gardens. German Colony. Mountain Sea. City Views. Wadi Nisnas. The Carmel Park. Haifa Beaches. Water Sports. http://www.tour-haifa.co.il/Eng/gallery/bahaiEng.phtml | |
162. Default Official website of the Spiritual Assembly of The bahai's of Las Vegas. Includes a FAQ, a brief history of the faith, beliefs, related links, and information about the Baha'i Center. http://www.lvbahai.org/ | |
163. CWRU Baha'i Club http://home.cwru.edu/bahai/ | |
164. Bahá'í Switzerland Swiss Baha'i community, introduction, events, statements on world events, contacts and links. http://www.bahai.ch/english/index.html |
165. Masjed-e-Imam - Sh. Bahai http://isfahan.apu.ac.uk/masimam/bahai.html |
166. Wiara Baha'i. Wiara Bahá'í w Polsce. Podstawowe informacje. Kalendarz spotkan. Aktualnosci. http://www.bahai.alpha.pl/ |
167. Bahai News - Verdensreligion Får Norsk Musikk Artikkel om framf¸ringen av Lasse Thoresens oratorium «Terraces of Light» ved bah¡'samfunnets hellige terrasser p¥ Karmelfjellet. (Dagbladet) http://bahai-library.org/newspapers/042301-1.html | |
168. Credinta sau pe Abdul Baha ca fiind singura persoana autorizata sa interpreteze scrierile sale si caluzitorul tinerei comunitati bahai, centrul Legamintului Sau. http://www.bahai.go.ro/ | |
169. The Modesto California And Greater Stanislaus County Bahá'í Page Explanation of Bah¡' history and beliefs; contact information. http://bci.org/modesto.area.bahai/ | |
170. The Bahá'í Faith Of Bloomington, Indiana, USA Peace, email your request or call 812/331-1863. Last updated 22 March 2004 http//www.bloomington.in.us/~bahai/ Send us e-mail. http://www.bloomington.in.us/~bahai/ | |
171. The Bahá'í Community Of Singapore ::: Welcome Community news, history, personal profiles, links and contacts. http://www.bahai.org.sg/ | |
172. Die Bahá'í-Gemeinde Münster Das offizielle Schaufenster der Baha'iGemeinde in M¼nster/Westf. - Aktuelle Informationen, Hintergr¼nde, Lokales. http://www.muenster.org/bahai/ | |
173. Baha'i Faith Of Lawrence Township, New Jersey - USA of the faith, an events calendar, photos, maps, news, contact information, and a list of feast days....... http://www.lawrence-bahai.org/ | |
174. Baha'i Faith In Guyana Website of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Guyana, South America. Brief history of the Baha'i Faith in Guyana included. http://www.sdnp.org.gy/bahai/ | |
175. Deutsche Baha'i-Gemeinde | Schriften | "Verborgene Worte" Zitate aus den Heiligen Schriften der Baha'i. http://www.bahai.de/wsite/writings/hiddenwords.html | |
176. Baha'i Deepening Hosts a deepening for every Saturday for Bahá'ís and nonBahá'í, on Bahá'í topics, 400pm GMT http://users.tebenet.nl/~kuijer-e/announce.html |
177. European Bahá'í Business Forum 2004 Spirit at Work Awards EBBF offers you an opportunity to nominate your organisation for the prestigious 2004 International Spirit at Work Awards, Inspired http://www.ebbf.org/ | |
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