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         Atheism:     more books (96)
  1. Religion and the New Atheism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences: Studies in Critical Research on Religion 1) by Edited by Amarnath Amarasingam, 2010-06-14
  2. Boyle on Atheism (Toronto Studies in Philosophy)
  3. Atheism in Pagan Antiquity by A. B. Drachmann, 2005-03
  4. In Defense of Atheism by Michel Onfray, 2007
  5. Hadis-I-Halila: Or Confutation Of Atheism (1918) by Mohammed Chhaganbhai Momin, 2008-06-02
  6. The God killer?: Altizer and his "Christian atheism." by James D Bales, 1967
  7. A History of Atheism in Britain: From Hobbes to Russell by David Berman, 1990-12-21
  8. The Second Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism (Skeptic's Bookshelf)
  9. Atheism & Philosophy by Kai Nielsen, 2005-07-05
  10. Marxist-Leninist Scientific Atheism and the Study of Religion and Atheism in the USSR (Religion and Reason) by James Thrower, Maxime Rodinson, 1983-04
  11. Suspicion and Faith: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism by Merold Westphal, 1999-01-01
  12. The true intellectual system of the universe wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted: and its impossibility demonstrated ; with a ... concerning eternal and immutable morality by Ralph Cudworth, Johann Lorenz Mosheim, et all 2010-08-21

121. F I R E R A I N
Dedicated to the eradication of theism. Essays about atheism and the bible, as well as humor and socialism.
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122. Harun Yahya - Categories - Refutation Of Atheism
BOOKS. atheism, that has so influenced the world of science and thought since the 18th century, is now undergoing an inevitable collapse.
SEARCH HOME ABOUT THIS SITE CONTACT US  SITE INDEX THE AUTHOR ALL BOOKS (Alphabetical) - A Call for an Islamic Union - A Definitive Reply to Evolutionist Propaganda - Allah is Known Through Reason - Allah's Artistry in Colour - An Index to the Qur'an - Articles - I - Articles - II - Basic Tenets of Islam - Beauties for Life in the Qur'an - Before You Regret - Communism in Ambush - Communist China's Policy of Oppression in East... - Crude Understanding Of Disbelief - Darwinism Refuted - Death, Resurrection, Hell - Deep Thinking - Devoted To Allah - Devotion among Animals - Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity - Eternity Has Already Begun - Ever Thought About The Truth? - Fascism: The Bloody Ideology of Darwinism - Fear of Allah - For Men of Understanding - General Knowledge From The Qur'an - Global Freemasonry - Global Impact of the Works of Harun Yahya - Hopefulness in the Qur'an - How Do the Unwise Interpret the Qur'an? - Islam and Buddhism - Islam and Karma - Islam Denounces Terrorism - Jesus Will Return - Justice and Tolerance in the Qur'an - Knowing the Truth - Learning from the Qur'an - Magnificence Everywhere - MATTER: The Other Name for Illusion - Miracles of the Qur'an - Not By Chance - Never Forget - Never Plead Ignorance - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism - Palestine - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home - Passivity in Religion - Perfected Faith - Perished Nations - Prayer in the Qur'an - Quick Grasp Of Faith -I - Quick Grasp Of Faith -II - Quick Grasp Of Faith -III - Romanticism: A Weapon of Satan - Seeing Good in All - Signs of God

123. Somewhat Damaged
Cats, lotto scratches, atheism, Bukowski, bitter cynicism and hatred for everyone else.
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“There was no avoiding them. Most of the world was mad. And the part that wasn’t mad was angry. And the part that wasn’t mad or angry was just stupid. I had no chance. I had no choice. Just hang on and wait for the end. It was hard work. It was the hardest work imaginable.”
Charles Bukowski
"Why are you wearing that silly man suit?" - Frank
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Crazy atheist crap I wrote a couple years ago

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124. Atheism
one more? Cruel atheism? A critique of the pamphlet The Cruelties of atheism , issued by the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.
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Feature Articles
One Fewer God
There are an amazing number of gods out there to believe in. The most popular religions dismiss all but one - so why not disbelieve in just one more?
Cruel Atheism?
A critique of the pamphlet "The Cruelties of Atheism", issued by the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.

125. Atheism - The New State Religion
Find out how atheism is being taught in schools under the terms nontheist and naturalist. THE NEW STATE RELIGION atheism IMPACT No.
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THE NEW STATE RELIGION: ATHEISM - IMPACT No. 257 November 1994 by Jerry Bergman , Ph.D.* Institute for Creation Research. All Rights Reserved
It seems that atheism has become the official stance of America's school system. One way in which many schools and teachers are attempting to indoctrinate students is by the use of new terms to hide the actual intent of the policy maker. For example, the current euphemism for an atheist is a nontheist or naturalist. Even if a naturalistic explanation is not true, scientists must still try to explain all events from this worldview. That the atheistic belief structure is the norm in science was forcefully brought out by Nobel Laureate Weinberg as follows: Among today's scientists, I am probably somewhat atypical in caring about such things [as God]. . . . on matters of religion, the strongest reaction expressed by most of my fellow physicists is a mild surprise and amusement that anyone still takes all that seriously. Many physicists maintain a nominal affiliation with the faith of their parents . . . but few . . . pay any attention to their nominal religion's theology.... Most physicists today are not sufficiently interested in religion to even qualify as practicing atheists.[1]

126. Aurigus' Homepage
Information about the author, his friends, atheism, life, and links to chat rooms.
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127. The Essays Of Francis Bacon - Lot Four
OF atheism. It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men s minds about to religion.
I had rather believe all the fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind. And therefore, God never wrought miracle, to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince it.
It were better to have no opinion of God at all, than such an opinion, as is unworthy of him. For the one is unbelief, the other is contumely; and certainly superstition is the reproach of the Deity.
Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience. He that travelleth into a country, before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school, and not to travel.
It is a miserable state of mind, to have few things to desire, and many things to fear; and yet that commonly is the case of kings; who, being at the highest, want matter of desire, which makes their minds more languishing; and have many representations of perils and shadows, which makes their minds the less clear. To speak now of the true temper of empire, it is a thing rare and hard to keep; for both temper, and distemper, consist of contraries. But it is one thing, to mingle contraries, another to interchange them. The answer of Apollonius to Vespasian, is full of excellent instruction. Vespasian asked him, What was Nero's overthrow? He answered, Nero could touch and tune the harp well; but in government, sometimes he used to wind the pins too high, sometimes to let them down too low. And certain it is, that nothing destroyeth authority so much, as the unequal and untimely interchange of power pressed too far, and relaxed too much.

128. The Closet Atheist
Opinion pieces, statistics, reader letters and essays about atheism.

129. The Unreasonableness Of Atheism
The Unreasonableness of atheism and other barriers to belief. Love never works coercively, it only works persuasively. The unreasonableness of atheism
The Unreasonableness of Atheism and other barriers to belief
Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Love never works coercively, it only works persuasively. The unreasonableness of Atheism: If the definition of an atheist is: someone who believes that there is NO God . Then we can ask 'how does he know?' In order to know that there is no God he must know all that there is to know. And therefore he would be God. But we know that an atheist is just like us, a man with imperfect knowledge. However in claiming to be an atheist he is setting himself up, instead of God, as a kind of mini-god, since he claims that there is no God but is making himself to be a god with all knowledge. This is unreasonable. However in practise there might be other emotional rather than logical reasons why a person chooses atheism. Disillusion with established religion, the problem of evil, personal tragedy, fear, personal comfort and pleasure etc. A much more reasonable position is that of the agnostic who claims that he does not know whether there is a God and is open to the evidence.

130. Was Hegel Christian Or Atheist?
Explores Hegel's relation to Christianity, atheism and paganism in the light of the struggle between the Left and Right Hegelians. Presents a view of Hegelianism as a freedomloving philosophy.
    Up to the English Server!

    Was Hegel Christian or Atheist?
    Paul E. Trejo
    After Hegel's death there was a great clash of intellectuals which the Hegelian theologian David Strauss called the clash between "the Left Hegelians and the Right Hegelians." The Left Hegelians were atheists, led by the ex-minister Bruno Bauer and his famous follower, Karl Marx, and by the radical editor Arnold Ruge and the radical egoist whose real name was not Max Stirner. The Right Hegelians were Christian fundamentalists. They found Christian inspiration in Hegel's philosophy, and they condemned David Strauss' progressive New Testament critique, The Life of Jesus . Strauss also took his inspiration from Hegel. He showed how the earliest Christian communities altered the Gospels with their local traditions. Albert Schweitzer praised his book as epoch-making, and by today's standards the book is tame. But it was the 19th century death-knell for Hegelian scholarship. Strauss defended himself by accusing Hegel himself of ambiguity on the subject. Bruno Bauer was living evidence of this. Bauer was first the leader of the Right Hegelians, and led the damnation of David Strauss' theology of demythologization. After more years of reflection, however, Bauer turned coat and became the leader of the Left Hegelians. (In either role, Albert Schweitzer praised Bauer's scholarship as world class.) Scholars for generations have reviewed the arguments of the Left and Right Hegelians, and are still divided on the question: Was Hegel a Christian or an atheist?

131. God Doesn't Exist
9. I have discussed religion with many theists (3 of which I have converted to atheism) and most of them cannot answer the most simple inconsistencies in their
God doesn't exist! So you're convinced that God doesn't exist. Why do you think this way? I just don't believe in God - I'm simply not convinced that God does exist. With all the bad in the world how can a kind and loving God be almighty and still be ruling over it? ... External links
Response to the Atheist Manifesto
The Atheist Manifesto
Firstly, not all my reasons are purely logical but some are merely subjective evaluations. For the purposes of this article Atheist is defined as "one who does not believe in the existence of God or Gods and operationally believes that there is no God". Note the use of the word operationally: meaning that I believe such a thing for the purposes of decision making within my life, but I am not 100% certain. (I particularly like point 19). 1. I have received no IMO trustworthy accounts of any interaction of any God or Gods with any humans. All accounts of such encounters that I have encountered thus far have been clouded by ulterior motive, need for self-convincing, drugs or hoax. Basically because these reports are of a supernatural, immeasurable or unbelievable kind, it is easier to doubt the source than credit the information. The authenticity of the Qur'an is well established. It claims to be the essential record of the revelation from God to mankind through the last prophet and messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him). You must judge for yourself if you agree with this claim, but it is certainly a trustworthy record. See :

132. Religion Is Dumb
Compilation of questions and answers, as well as arguments for agnosticism and atheism.
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133. Atheism And Agnosticism
last substantive content change MAR 9 2004. atheism and Agnosticism. 1. atheism. ‘atheism’ means the negation of theism, the denial of the existence of God.
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Atheism and Agnosticism
1. Atheism
Scientific Thought (Broad 1923) held that the chemical properties of common salt could not even in principle be deduced from those of sodium and chlorine separately, at the very time at which the quantum theory of the chemical bond was beginning to be developed. Though the mind has seemed to some to be strongly emergent from its physical basis, it can be argued that developments in the philosophy of mind, cognitive science and neuroscience favour weak emergence only.
2. An Adequate Concept of God
Foundations of Arithmetic One thing that will not differentiate the theist from the atheist is to say that God, if he exists, is necessary in the sense of not being dependent on anything else for his existence. The atheist will say that the universe fits this bill because the universe contains everything that there is and so is not caused by anything else. It is indeed hard to see what an adequate conception of God and his necessary existence could be. For the purposes of this article, let us explore what the relations and lack of relations between atheism and agnosticism could be. Here we shall neglect the requirement of necessary existence and in a later section we shall consider the case of

134. DRINK ME - Change Your Perspective
A journal, poetry, creative writing, personal stories on epilepsy and Hodgkin's disease, and essays on atheism, abortion, drug laws and other topics.
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... collaborative books writing drink me front page drink me issue #1 drink me ... subway home (flash) scans of covers medical epilepsy hodgkin's disease hodgkin's, part II hodgkin's, part III ... corneas opinion atheism bible study old notes abortion ... freaks people I know liberty politics darling effect jon van gieson tom hop ... daddy places I go metafilter sci-tech daily slate blort ... mcsweeney's constructed by mdn (unless otherwise noted) write to me view my amazon wish list May 29, 2004 - Last night, went to see The Pragmatists at the Brick theatre in brooklyn (right off the lorimor L stop). It was wonderful. I study philosophy, but my favorite philosophy is almost always art... I mean that both ways, that philosophers I love I think of as artists of a sort, and that literature and painting and theatre that I love I think of as philosophy. Anyway, this play makes no secrets about its semi-ironic metaphysical excursions. It is funny and sharp, absurdist, witty, dark in an endearing sort of way. It was written in 1919, but perhaps it's a recent translation: it feels very modern. [I am also curious about the song the androgynous maid ("masculette") sings in the middle (something like, "yeah, life hurts, there's nothing bad that can't get worse" in a kinda bluesy-rock style) and how it was originally presented...] So. If you're in NYC

135. George Carlin On Religion
George Carlin on religion. When it comes to bullshit, bigtime, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion

136. Atheism - How To Live Without God, Religion And Beliefs
The atheism is a way of humility. Presentation The pages are gathered in five parts atheism A general presentation of atheism;
"The atheism is a way of humility. It's to think oneself to be an animal, as we are actually and to allow oneself to become human."
(André Comte-Sponville / Presentation of the philosophy)
This site is a humble stroke with a pickax in the most important swindle of the history of humanity : gods, God, beliefs and religions.
Warning !! This site is reserved for :

  • the atheists, the unbelievers, the irreligious persons, the rationalists, the lay persons, the materialists, the free thinkers, the skeptics, the anticlerical persons, the apostates, the excommunicated, the infidels, the renegade priests, the iconoclasts, the heretics, the damned souls, the unfrocked priests, the impious persons, the blasphemers...
  • people who have not reply to everything;
  • the lost travelers and lost sheep on the Web;
  • ... and the curious persons.
God : Father Christmas of the adults, but infinitely less efficient.
Up date : 2004, May the 30th

To be informed of the new publications : To be on the e-mailing list No more to be on the e-mail ling list
The pages are gathered in five parts :
Atheism :
Religion and beliefs : Humor :

137. El Ateísmo En La Red: Bienvenido
Un recurso para ateos, agn³sticos y librepensadores en la red. Traducci³n de la atheism Web (
Un recurso para ateos agnósticos y librepensadores en la Internet. Traducido de The Atheism Web , alojado en The Internet Infidels , editor responsable de The Secular Web Original English version / Versión original en inglés NOVEDADES Original en inglés ... Todos los derechos reservados Última modificación: Lunes 30 de junio de 1997 Traducido al castellano por Sergio Roberto Aguirre Maturana y Ramón Aguirre Maturana Traducción revisada en octubre de 1999
Ortografía y gramática revisada en junio de 2000 Visitante número:
desde abril de 1999
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138. Atheism
Deism and atheism. By Peter Murphy. I d like to thank Peter Murphy for this outstanding article. You can visit his Deist group at http
Deism and Atheism By Peter Murphy I'd like to thank Peter Murphy for this outstanding article. You can visit his Deist group at:
The question that arises about nature is: is it a creation, eternal to nature, or an accident within nature. The Deist will maintain that it is a creation, but Deists will differ as to degree of involvement on the part of the Creator in the process. The atheist will counter that it is either eternal, or accidental. The final resolution of this problem will eventually be up to science to settle. To begin, let us look at nature as an ever changing and shifting painting. Science attempts to understand what the paint and canvass is composed of, the relationship of the individual paints, and the brushstrokes that are involved in the final product. But, what about the painter? If one admits that nature is similar to a painting, than it is not too far a leap to conclude that a painter exists, or at least existed at one time. The atheist continually resorts to the logical fallacy known as argumentum ad verecundiam (appeal to modesty) when dealing with Deists or even theists. The appeal here is to science as an authority which cannot be challenged. Unfortunately, this appeal is plagued by its own problems.

139. Strengthening Your Atheism - The Psychological Explanation For Religion
An examination of the psychological processes that cause mankind to develop religious beliefs.
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Strengthening Your Atheism - The Psychological Explanation for Religion Introduction The Embryonic and Parental Shell Theory Father and Mother Figures in Religions The Fittest Religion Survives ... Links Welcome to our web site!
Who is this website meant for?
First and mainly - for all of you whose minds tell you religion doesn't make sense and who would like to consider themselves atheists, but whose hearts have these moments of doubt. Those of you who are skeptic of religious beliefs, but in times of stress find themselves calling for God's help. Those of you who can outwardly present clear-cut and well-presented atheist ideas, but have this yanking "but yet...." in the back of their heads.
This site is intended to show you that these doubts and inner feelings are not a sign of divine presence lingering about, but rather the opposite: they are proof of the human origin of religion. Once you've learned and taken in the essence of the "Embryonic and Parental Shell Theory" that is presented on the next pages, you will better understand why it is so difficult to shake off religious inclinations against all better knowledge. Understanding the psychological origin of religion will help you to strengthen your atheism and aid others who attempt to shed the irrational religious misconceptions. Let's move on to the Introduction!

140. Atheism And The Scientific Community
Gallup polls (19821999) addressing views of Americans on creation, evolution, theism, and atheism. Available Answers / Choices. Creationists on atheism.

Gallup Polls

on Creation, Evolution
More Poll Data Creationists on Atheism ... Is Evolution a Religion?
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. The scientific community, above any other subgroup of the population, has become overwhelmingly atheistic. According to a 1998 report in Nature , a recent survey finds that, " among the top natural scientists, disbelief is greater than ever; almost total ". Interestingly, the biologists in the National Academy of Science possess the lowest rate of belief of all the science disciplines, with only 5.5% believing in God. This decline in belief in biologists strongly indicates the nature of the cause, and the ability of the teaching of evolutionary biology to turn people away from a belief in God. Nature, Vol. 394, No. 6691, p. 313 (1998) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. The views of the general population over the last couple of decades remain largely unchanged with regard to creation vs. evolution, however according to the American Religious Identification Survey taken in 2001 , the number of adults in the U.S. identifying with "no religion" has doubled since 1990; from 14.3 million (8%) in 1990 to the current 29.4 million (14.1%). Also in a

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