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141. Directions! The Victorian Assemblies Of God State Web Site Please email us with any queries regarding the assemblies of god in Victoria, this web site, or if you would like to contribute an article for publication. http://www.pastornet.net.au/directions/contacts.html | |
142. The Stone Church This assemblies of god congregation is a large church that can provide a fullrange of practical ministries, yet be personal enough to meet individual needs. Ministry programs, adult and youth programs, service schedule and contacts provided. http://www.thestonechurch.org/ | |
143. Assemblies Of God Churches Of Las Vegas assemblies of god Churches. Assembly of God Calvary Community Church 2900 North Torrey Pines Drive, Phone 702-655-2900. Church http://www.fyivegas.com/worship/assembly.html | |
144. CLC-Home An assemblies of god church seeking to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community first and then the world. Includes ministry information, service schedule, beliefs and contact details. http://www.ciceroag.org/ | |
145. Northern Neck Community Guide - Assemblies Of God Church Directory Northern Neck Church Directory. Update Church Information, assemblies of god Churches. Monroe Bay Assembly of God Rev. Ralph C. Dixon Rt. http://nnwebs.com/churchdirectory/assemblies_of_god_churches.html | |
146. Bathurst CLC assemblies of god church in Kelso. Information about their groups and ministries, calendar of events, and contact information. http://www.lisp.com.au/~bathclc | |
147. Assemblies Of God - Godulike - An Irreverent Look At The Faith Industry What s This? Feedback. Suggest. The list. Links. T s C s. Search assemblies of god What Who GuL s Comment Score Forums Books. What s it all about? http://www.godulike.co.uk/faiths.php?chapter=10&subject=intro |
148. Crawley New Life Church The Crawley New Life Church is a growing Pentecostal church in fellowship with the assemblies of god, based in Furnace Green. http://www.crawleynewlifechurch.org.uk/ | |
149. Assemblies Of God Home Missions Return to assemblies of god US Missions Home Page, assemblies of god US Missions 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 658021894. http://usmissions.ag.org/ | |
150. New Life Christian Fellowship - Assemblies Of God - Bournemouth An assemblies of god church. http://www.nlcfbournemouth.eurobell.co.uk/ | |
151. Assemblies Of God Links, Articles And Topics At Suite101.com - Suite101.com Browse Subjects, List all subject headings that start with. or. contains the word(s). Subject Heading assemblies of god, Topics (1), Articles (4),. Topics. http://www.suite101.com/subjectheadings/contents.cfm/1605 | |
152. Index Affiliated to the assemblies of god. Includes contact details, times of services and youth ministry. http://web.onetel.net.uk/~newlife99/ | |
153. Assemblies Of God News - Topix.net assemblies of god News. Members of the assemblies of god Zion Church marked Good Friday with their fifth annual cross walk. Youth http://www.topix.net/religion/assemblies-of-god | |
154. Page Title Information about the assemblies of god church and its mission. http://www.lis.net.au/~balaog | |
155. FWChurches.com - Assemblies Of God Churches In The Fort Wayne, Indiana Area assemblies of god. Assembly of God (Decatur) 1210 Elm St Decatur, IN 46733 260724-9834 View Map (Decatur), Bethel Assembly of God http://www.fwchurches.com/churchresults.asp?Type=Assemblies of God |
156. Liberty Hill Christian Centre - Welcome assemblies of god church presenting history, meeting schedule, mission statement, ministries, photos, and contact information. http://www.libertyhill.com.au/ |
157. Inc.com | Assemblies Of God assemblies of god. Before he could set up a business, the founder of Portable Church Industries faced a more daunting task inventing an industry. From Inc. http://www.inc.com/magazine/20001101/20902.html | |
158. AOG WILCANNIA assemblies of god ministry amongst the Australian Aboriginies. http://www.j-e-s-u-s.net/Jesus/wilcannia | |
159. Assemblies Of God Theological Seminary The assemblies of god Theological Seminary profile is part of a database of college and university resources on the web. assemblies of god Theological Seminary. http://www.universities.com/Schools/A/Assemblies_Of_God_Theological_Seminary.asp | |
160. Peninsula Christian Life Centre assemblies of god Church at Umina. Pastor's note, ministries, services, what's on, and reports. http://www.ozemail.com.au/~penclc/ |
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