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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism by Diana L. Paxson, 2006-12-01
  2. Living Asatru by Greg Shetler, 2003-07
  3. The Nature of Asatru: An Overview of the Ideals and Philosophy of the Indigenous Religion of Northern Europe. by Mark Puryear, 2006-03-22
  4. The Ásatrú Edda: Sacred Lore of the North by The Norroena Society, 2009-04-24
  5. Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Shamanism and Other Pagan Practices by Pete Jennings, 2002-03-01
  6. Asatru For Beginners by Erin Lale, 2009-09-01
  7. Vigja Text Sacred Hof Of Asatru's Tenets Of Faith: Asatru Norse Pagan (Volume 1) by Mothi Thorsson, 1996-01-01
  8. Living Asatru: A Handbook of Simple Celebrations by Stephen A. McNallen, 1993
  9. Hraftzer Asatru: A Complete Guide by Raymond Livwell, 2009-01-01
  10. Asatru Incarcerated by Mothi Thorsson, 2008-06-30
  11. Ásatrú in the United States: Ásatrú in the United States, Odinic Rite, the Troth, Asatru Folk Assembly, Stephen Mcnallen, Ásatrú Alliance
  12. Néopaganisme Germanique: Mysticisme Nazi, Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Société Thulé, Divination Des Runes, Guido Von List (French Edition)
  13. Spiritualité Dans La Mythologie Nordique: Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Goði, Yule, Fylgja, Hamr, Hugr, Wyrd, Sejðr, Vörd (French Edition)
  14. Religion Polythéiste: Polythéisme, Religion Traditionnelle Chinoise, Religions Mésoaméricaines, Ásatrú, Marla, Religions Du Pérou Précolombien (French Edition)

141. Which Asatru Figure Are You?
Which asatru Figure Are You? One Thing You Value Above All Others IsKnowledge, especially spiritual knowledge Inner Strength Chaos

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Which Asatru Figure Are You? One Thing You Value Above All Others Is:
Knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge
Inner Strength
Chaos, wonderful, beautiful chaos
Pieces of Stone...Without them, nothing would happen
Sleep, now, can I get back to it?
Feeding my everlasting hunger
Peace and life, in every form
Mmm...Sex Tranquility Protection, of my children and creation Death in all its sweetness Justice and equality. What Do You Think Of Your Parents? It is hard to have an opinion on something that does not exist. My Dad is pretty cool, but I hate the rest of his family Do you mean Uncle Dad or Aunt Mom? I only have a mother, do you mind? I have 9 Mothers...And surprisingly none of them are Ellen Ugh, they are nothing like me, a different species I swear! Hail my Father! May he live through all eternity! Must...kill...Mom...Must...kill...Dad... Time To Battle! Draw Your...: Herbs "Ek Visti Rist Runar!" I think I will just rollover...That should stop them Horn, there is nothing more destructive in existence Weapon. They are all created for me, I know how to use them

The Nordic Way So when we today speak of asatro, asatru or Norse Paganism, we must be careful notto misunderstand each otherthis because there are all different kinds of

143. Vingolf Kindred, Home Of Asatru In New Jersey
Home of asatru in New Jersey, USA.
Welcome to the Vingolf Fellowship Home Page
Click Here for 2004 East Coast Thing Info!
Who are we?
The Vingolf Fellowship is an Asatru organization dedicated to the worship of the Aesir and Vanir, the Norse Gods and Goddesses.  We currently number eight men and women, most of whom reside in New Jersey (with New York and Massachusetts residents as well).  We gather at least once a month to honor our deities and the Earth, and do everything from brewing to seidh-working.  We also hold open rituals, and workshops at the major pagan festivals in the area.
What is Asatru?
There are as many answers to that question as there are Asatruar. Asatru is a polytheistic religion based strongly on the pre-Christian beliefs of the Scandanavian peoples, including the Vikings.  It is currently a state religion in Iceland.  Asatruar honor all of the Norse deities (the most well-known of which are Odin, Freya, Thor and Frigga), and have a code of ethics based on the virtues of our spiritual predecessors. Asatruar hold the Earth, and all spirits of land and sea, to be sacred, and many of us honor our own ancestor spirits as well, regardless of our own heritage.   We use what archeological, anthropological and literary evidence to reconstruct Asatru as best we can, and we fill in the rest with deep personal insight, making Asatru a living, changing religion with strong roots in the past. Click here for a good description of Asatru from the OCRT Religious Tolerance website. Click

144. From (Grendel Grettisson) Newsgroups Alt.
From (Grendel Grettisson) Newsgroups alt.magick Subjectasatru FAQ (as I promised) Date 29 Jul 1993 205528 GMT The Short asatru
From: (Grendel Grettisson) Newsgroups: alt.magick Subject: Asatru FAQ (as I promised) Date: 29 Jul 1993 20:55:28 GMT The Short Asatru FAQ by Gamlinginn Question WHAT IS ASATRU ? Answer Asatru is a living religion, currently practiced by a growing number of people in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. Asatru is separate from, and not connected to, any other religious faith (although there may be superficial similarities in some respects). The word Asatru means Faith in the Aesir and the Vanir, who are best known to most people as the Gods and Goddesses of the Old Norse legends, although these same Deities were once worshiped by most of the peoples or pre-Christian Europe, and others as far east as India (they are the Deities of the Rig Veda). However, because the Old Norse legends provide the best knowledge of them, we usually refer to them by their Old Norse names Frigg and Odinn, Tyr and Zisa, Sif and Thorr, Freyja and Freyr, and so on. Traces remain in modern English: Tuesday means Tyr's day, Wednesday means Odinn's day, Thursday means Thorr's day, and Friday means either Frigg's day or Freyja's day (scholars debate which). Asatru is open to everyone, and there are many different sorts of Asatruers (members of the Asatru Religion). Anyone who wants to join Asatru can do so regardless of gender, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, language, sexual orientation, or other divisive criteria. Asatru today is no more "European" than Christianity is "Jewish" or Islam is "Arabic" etc. Asatruers often form local groups for the same reasons that people of other religions band together. These Asatru groups are sometimes called Hearths, or Kindreds, or other names. However, many Asatru believers live too far away from any of their coreligionists to be able to join such a group. The Asatru Way of Life esteems: courage, honor, hospitality, independence (and liberty), individuality (with self-reliance and self-responsibility), industriousness (and perseverance), justice (including an innate sense of fairness and respect for others), loyalty (to family, friends, and the society of which one is a part), truthfulness, and a willingness to stand up for what is right. An Asatru religious ceremony is called a Blot. (Note: Linguistically, the Old Norse word Blot means a blessing, and has nothing to do with blood.) Eight major Blots are celebrated by Asatruers each year. These are listed below, with the modern English name of each given first, followed by its Old Norse name in parenthesis, and the date although the usual practice is to hold the Blot on the nearest weekend. Disfest (Disablot) 31 January Ostara (Ostara) 21 March May Eve (Valpurgis) 30 April Midsummer (Midsumarsblot) 21 Jun Freysfest (Freysblot) 31 July Fallfest (Haustblot) 23 Sep Winter Night (Vetrnaetr) 31 Oct Yule (Jol) 21 December Other Blots are held for special events, such as weddings, or on occasions such as the Feast of Vali (14 February). Besides the Blot, there is another kind of Asatru ceremony, called the Sumbel, which is a kind of formalized religious toasting. Sumbels are held whenever people want to hold them. There are also numerous social and cultural activities. For more information about Asatru, write THE TROTH, P.O. Box 25637, TEMPE, ARIZONA 85285 U.S.A.

145. Index Of /
The site of the Ring of Troth's Wisconsin Stewardship. It contains basic information on asatru, an events calendar, articles on the religion, and links to comprehensive resources. Located in Wisconsin, USA.
Index of /
Name Last modified Size Description ... Parent Directory 25-Mar-2002 20:01 -

146. Asatru Tradition
asatru is a tradition based on old Norse beliefs, and is significantly differentfrom basic Wicca. Search. Pagan / Wiccan Religion, asatru Guide picks.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Pagan / Wiccan Religion Paganism Asatru Home Essentials Witch or Wiccan? What is Wicca? ... Site Map zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Wicca Paganism Book of Shadows Rituals ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Subscribe to the About Pagan / Wiccan Religion newsletter. Search Pagan / Wiccan Religion
Asatru is a tradition based on old Norse beliefs, and is significantly different from basic Wicca. Followers of this path call themselves Heathens.
Back to Other Pagan Religions
Recent Anglo-Saxon Heathenism A very informative site on Anglo-Saxon Heathenism, a variety of the Norse pagan faith. The Asatru Archive A collection of text documents on Asatru, including a reading list, some rituals and other basic facts. Asatru Lore A large Asatru message board. Asatru (Norse Heathenism) A concise description of Asatru, including their beliefs, deities and holidays. A good list of resources too. Asatru Terminology Our Pagan glossary has a section specifically for Asatru terminology.

147. The Odinic Rite
An organisation for odinism (aka asatru). A folk religion many thousands of years old and is represented by The Odinic Rite and associated hearths who share the principle of Faith, Folk, Family .
Click here to skip intro.
Site best viewed at resolution 1024x768
Intro music "Crimson Rain" by Einherjer

148. WebRing: Hub
About this Ring. ALL NEW!! This webring has been redesigned!!! This webring linksthe asatru community. asatru is a belief in the old Gods and Goddesses.

149. Index Of /helgafell
Member of the Confederation of Independent asatru Kindreds.
Index of /helgafell
Name Last modified Size Description ... Parent Directory 07-May-2004 14:27 - Helgafell.html 06-Jan-2003 16:28 6k

150. Asatru / Odinism Books
asatru / ODINISM. Classic asatru Titles, Price. The World Tree An Introductionto the Ancient Religion of asatru, $13.95. This is asatru, $9.95.
Contact Us Home
P.O. Box 43513 Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
Phone: 914-378-5002
ASATRU / ODINISM Asatru Titles Myths Runes Sagas ... General Interest
Classic Asatru Titles Price The World Tree- An Introduction to the Ancient Religion of ASATRU A Way of Wyrd- Part II of the World Tree This is Asatru The Call of our Ancient Nordic Religion Edda Heimskiringla - History of the Kings of Norway The Prose Edda of Snori Sturison Nibelungenlied The Poetic Edda Rituals of Astru - Vol. 3 - Rites of Passage The Odin Brotherhood Odin's Return The Masks of Odin Myths Teutonic Mythology- Vol.1 Teutonic Mythology- Vol. 2 Teutonic Mythology- Vol. 3. Norse Myths Norwgian Folk Tales Runes Runes of the Germanic Elders The Runes Whence They Came Runes Montuments Futhhark- A Handbook of Rune Magic The Secret of the Runes Runes Laminated Rune Cards Tricia the Valkyrie Sagas Egil's Saga Eyrbyggja Saga King Harald's Saga Laxdaela Saga

151. ValkeyrieVisionsIllustrations/2
A small kindred located in Indianapolis, IN, that practice what could be called traditional asatru.
Main My First Home Page htmlAdWH('7002588', '234', '60'); ILLUSTRATIONS (large images) page created with Easy Designer

152. Asatru Quick List
The asatru Quick List A 10 minute Guide to the Bare Bones Essentials onasatru. This Site Has Moved To http//
The Asatru Quick List:
A 10 minute Guide to the Bare Bones Essentials on Asatru
This Site Has Moved To:
Please update your links and bookmarks

153. The Midhnott Sol Kindred
An heathen/asatru organization based at the Vedheimr Salr in Columbiaville, Michigan, USA.

154. Munson's Mead Hall - Asatru Spiritual Concepts
Sources and Attitude. As with all other aspects of asatru thought, our spiritualconcepts and ideas about the nature of the universe, life, death etc.


Asatru Sites



asaman at
Sources and Attitude
As with all other aspects of Asatru thought, our spiritual concepts and ideas about the nature of the universe, life, death etc. are all derived from study of ancient sources. These include the myths preserved in the Eddas and the words of our forefathers and mothers recorded in the Sagas. Then there are the folk beliefs, customs and laws passed down to us. Still more grist for the mill comes from archaeology and contemporary accounts of our ancestors' lifeways such as Tacitus's Germania (some of these, of course, must be sifted and dissected to remove the taint of prejudice or subjective interpretation by the author). It all weaves together into a very rich tapestry of thought with roots from all over Europe. One side effect of having no holy book or infallible progenitor is that Asatruar do not take anything purely at face value. We are always questing for deeper meaning and truth. New ideas spring from the old and Asatru today certainly includes some very modern concepts suited to today's world. Indeed, this is what the Gods expect of us. Real Truth comes more from experience and interaction with the universe around us than from words. Note: I am still figuring all these things out myself, so bear with me. Also, you'll notice my background in eastern thought comes into play in how I describe some things.

155. Nordstrom Kindred
The founding Kindred of the Confederation of Independent asatru Kindreds, inc. They are a small Kindred, located in Birmingham, Alabama.
Kindred News : What's Happening in Nordstrom
Warrior Guild
: Self-Defense Stuff
: The CIAK Library
Germanic Beatitudes
: George Fenwick Jones
: CIAK Holidays, and Festivals
Nine Noble Virtues
: The Virtues of Asafolk
AMERICA-A christian nation? NOT!
: Interesting Reading
Viking Heritage Page
: Good Educational Page
Moot 4 Schedule
: coming soon...
Folkish? Universallist?
: Well, we are'nt universalist
The Viking Navy
: Cool Viking Ship Site : Our Public Mailing List. Nordstrom Mailing List : Our Members-Only List Sailing Guild : My proposal for a Sailing Guild Asatru Links : Friends, and other Nice Folks Welcome To Nordstom's Homepage Hail, and Welcome! We are a small kindred in Central, and Southern Alabama. We were the founding Kindred of the Confederation of Independent Asatru Kindreds, inc. of which we are a proud member. We are also proud to host the Annual Summer's End Moot, and the C.I.A.K.'s Thing. We've done a lot in our few short years, and we are just getting started! SigTyr Brynwulf Nordstrom Kindred, CIAK P.O. Box 85 Adamsville, AL 35005

156. Asatru - Nordische Zeitung
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Your browser does not support framesets. Please update your browser.

157. Hammer Of Thor Kindred
Located in Carmel, California. Contains Thor art, heathen articles, gatherings, blots, about asatru and a heathen forum.
Welcome! Pages of Interest About the Kindred About Asatru Articles Poetry ... Contact Us!
Current time and Runic Era date.
This web site is owned by Hammer of Thor Kindred, webmaster is Bertski. If any broken links, web pages, or other problems please e-mail Bertski at Revised 04/16/04

Announces the birth of a new asatru Kindred in the Cincinnati area.
Heilsa! Welcome to the Frithstead!
We are a small Asatru kindred based in the historically German town of Cincinnati
(also affectionately known as Zinzinnzti).
As a kindred, we have committed ourselves to a three-fold mission;
1) To study and practice the Asatru faith and tradition that have been handed down to us.
2) To provide an atmosphere of frith (peace and prosperity) where all may feel free to worship the deities without impediment or fear. To this absolutely no prolonged arguing, no personal attacks or malicious behavior will be tolerated.
3) To fully take advantge of our great fortune of being based in a city that is so rich in German history and heritage.. To this end, we frequently investigate such places as the German Heritage Museum, the many German festivals held throughout the year, German craftsman, etc...all in the name of enhancing our Asatru practice and preserving unique elements of ancestral heritage.
As a final note about the nature of our kindred, I would like to add; because a number of our members are either on medication or consider themselves in recovery, we proudly declare ourselves to be drug and alcohol free, within our rites, so that all may worship freely.
If you our interested in more information about our kindred please feel free to contact us at

159. The Great Ash Kindred
An Independent asatru Kindred in Columbus, OH
The Great Ash Kindred
Hail and welcome!
Please check back periodically to see our updates! Welcome to our corner of Midgard.
I've tried to collect some useful information about Asatru - Norse Paganism.
This includes: * some introductory material about the religion; * information about the Gods and Goddesses of Asatru; * information about our Kindred (Great Ash) * links to other Kindreds (local groups of Asatruar); and * join our Yahoo! Group Great Ash Kindred This site is continually growing and changing. If you find a link that doesn't work or information that has become incorrect, or have a suggestion for something you'd like to see me add, feel free to e-mail me! Blessings, and good hunting to you!
Mark Hosselton

Great Ash Kindred
Columbus, OH

Revised - 3/13/04

160. Yggdrasil Springs
Kansas City area based kindred.
What is Asatru? Kindred Calendar of Events Kindred Members Nine Noble Virtues (not currently available) Sign Our Guest book Links to various Asatru Organizations Ring of Troth : an organization dedicated to the study and practice of the Asatru faith. Frigga's Web: an organization who's goals are to honor the goddess Frigga and to build a strong, multi-faceted, Heathen community. Irminsul Aettir : a presentation of Asatru and related topics of interest such as Runes, mythology and history. Angelseaxisce Ealdriht :an organization dedicated to the study and practice of Anglo-Saxon Heathenry The Viking Answer Lady: If you have a question about Nordic culture, go here! Great Plains Region: Great Plains Regional website Links to Nordic Cultural Studies Viking Age Society - a page dedicated to explaining aspects of Nordic culture. The Viking Home Page - This page provides numerous links to web pages (museums, private pages, educational institutions, etc.) that provide information about different aspects of Viking culture. If you would like to contact us, send email to:

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