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141. Which Asatru Figure Are You? Which asatru Figure Are You? One Thing You Value Above All Others IsKnowledge, especially spiritual knowledge Inner Strength Chaos http://www.evilchairguy.netfirms.com/tests/asatru.htm | |
142. Www.asatru-online.org/ The Nordic Way So when we today speak of asatro, asatru or Norse Paganism, we must be careful notto misunderstand each otherthis because there are all different kinds of http://www.asatru-online.org/ |
143. Vingolf Kindred, Home Of Asatru In New Jersey Home of asatru in New Jersey, USA. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/5595/ | |
144. From Mimir@u.washington.edu (Grendel Grettisson) Newsgroups Alt. From mimir@u.washington.edu (Grendel Grettisson) Newsgroups alt.magick Subjectasatru FAQ (as I promised) Date 29 Jul 1993 205528 GMT The Short asatru http://www.luckymojo.com/faqs/faq.asatru-.9506 | |
145. Index Of / The site of the Ring of Troth's Wisconsin Stewardship. It contains basic information on asatru, an events calendar, articles on the religion, and links to comprehensive resources. Located in Wisconsin, USA. http://tysgodhi.home.travelin.com/ | |
146. Asatru Tradition asatru is a tradition based on old Norse beliefs, and is significantly differentfrom basic Wicca. Search. Pagan / Wiccan Religion, asatru Guide picks. http://paganwiccan.about.com/cs/asatru/ | |
147. The Odinic Rite An organisation for odinism (aka asatru). A folk religion many thousands of years old and is represented by The Odinic Rite and associated hearths who share the principle of Faith, Folk, Family . http://www.odinic-rite.org/ | |
148. WebRing: Hub About this Ring. ALL NEW!! This webring has been redesigned!!! This webring linksthe asatru community. asatru is a belief in the old Gods and Goddesses. http://i.webring.com/hub?ring=asatru |
149. Index Of /helgafell Member of the Confederation of Independent asatru Kindreds. http://www.geocities.com/helgafell/ | |
150. Asatru / Odinism Books asatru / ODINISM. Classic asatru Titles, Price. The World Tree An Introductionto the Ancient Religion of asatru, $13.95. This is asatru, $9.95. http://www.worldreligiontradingcompany.com/asatru/asatrubooks.html | |
151. ValkeyrieVisionsIllustrations/2 A small kindred located in Indianapolis, IN, that practice what could be called traditional asatru. http://hometown.aol.com/valkeyrie/ | |
152. Asatru Quick List The asatru Quick List A 10 minute Guide to the Bare Bones Essentials onasatru. This Site Has Moved To http//www.nycpagan.com/quick.html. http://members.aol.com/lwhny/kreilink1.html | |
153. The Midhnott Sol Kindred An heathen/asatru organization based at the Vedheimr Salr in Columbiaville, Michigan, USA. http://www.midhnottsol.org |
154. Munson's Mead Hall - Asatru Spiritual Concepts Sources and Attitude. As with all other aspects of asatru thought, our spiritualconcepts and ideas about the nature of the universe, life, death etc. http://www.destinyslobster.com/asatru/spirit.html | |
155. Nordstrom Kindred The founding Kindred of the Confederation of Independent asatru Kindreds, inc. They are a small Kindred, located in Birmingham, Alabama. http://www.members.tripod.com/~SigTyr/Nordstrom.html | |
156. Asatru - Nordische Zeitung Translate this page Your browser does not support framesets. Please update your browser. http://www.asatru.de/java.htm | |
157. Hammer Of Thor Kindred Located in Carmel, California. Contains Thor art, heathen articles, gatherings, blots, about asatru and a heathen forum. http://www.hammerofthorkindred.org | |
158. Index.page Announces the birth of a new asatru Kindred in the Cincinnati area. http://www.geocities.com/thefrithstead/index.html | |
159. The Great Ash Kindred An Independent asatru Kindred in Columbus, OH http://www.iwaynet.net/~hosselton/gak/greatash.htm | |
160. Yggdrasil Springs Kansas City area based kindred. http://home.kc.rr.com/heimdal/asatru.htm | |
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