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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism by Diana L. Paxson, 2006-12-01
  2. Living Asatru by Greg Shetler, 2003-07
  3. The Nature of Asatru: An Overview of the Ideals and Philosophy of the Indigenous Religion of Northern Europe. by Mark Puryear, 2006-03-22
  4. The Ásatrú Edda: Sacred Lore of the North by The Norroena Society, 2009-04-24
  5. Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Shamanism and Other Pagan Practices by Pete Jennings, 2002-03-01
  6. Asatru For Beginners by Erin Lale, 2009-09-01
  7. Vigja Text Sacred Hof Of Asatru's Tenets Of Faith: Asatru Norse Pagan (Volume 1) by Mothi Thorsson, 1996-01-01
  8. Living Asatru: A Handbook of Simple Celebrations by Stephen A. McNallen, 1993
  9. Hraftzer Asatru: A Complete Guide by Raymond Livwell, 2009-01-01
  10. Asatru Incarcerated by Mothi Thorsson, 2008-06-30
  11. Ásatrú in the United States: Ásatrú in the United States, Odinic Rite, the Troth, Asatru Folk Assembly, Stephen Mcnallen, Ásatrú Alliance
  12. Néopaganisme Germanique: Mysticisme Nazi, Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Société Thulé, Divination Des Runes, Guido Von List (French Edition)
  13. Spiritualité Dans La Mythologie Nordique: Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Goði, Yule, Fylgja, Hamr, Hugr, Wyrd, Sejðr, Vörd (French Edition)
  14. Religion Polythéiste: Polythéisme, Religion Traditionnelle Chinoise, Religions Mésoaméricaines, Ásatrú, Marla, Religions Du Pérou Précolombien (French Edition)

121. Northwoods Asatru Kindred
Northwoods asatru Kindred, This is the Internet home of Northwoods asatru Kindred. Tocontact by Email Blots are invitation only.
Fear is the mother of defeat Northwoods Asatru Kindred
This is the Internet home of Northwoods Asatru Kindred. We are a newly formed kindred based in the Duluth/Superior area. A family oriented kindred, with much emphisis placed on the Nine noble virtues. While our numbers are small our devotion is great.
We take pride in our ancestry and Honor the Gods and Goddess' of the Aesir and Vanir. We are a non-hate, non-racial group. Our purpose is to congregate with others of our beliefs. and do our part to reconstruct the old ways of our ancestors. More than just tribute to the Gods we also enjoy learning the trades and crafts of days gone by. Be it becoming proficient in archery, woodcarving, Mead brewing or smithing. We take great pleasure in gaining knowledge and focus on becoming as self reliant as possible in this modern world.
To contact by E-mail:
Blots are invitation only. Please contact us if interested.

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122. The Asatru List
Discussion on any topic related to Norse Paganism or asatru (e.g. runes).
The Asatru List
The Asatru list is an internet mailing list for the communication of ideas and information between Asatru folk and interested parties. Posts on any topic connected with the practice of Asatru are welcome. There are currently (9/99) almost 200 people on the list and roughly two dozen messages a day on a variety of topics. All you need to join is an e-mail address. To join send a mail message to containing the message " SUBSCRIBE ASATRU Your Name " (Leave off the quotes.) "Your Name" is not your e-mail address (the listserv will get this automagically from the headers), but refers to the name you wish to have in the "from" section of the message. If you are interested in joining, you should read The Asatru List Charter If you are new to Asatru, please visit Asatru Basics If you'd like to learn more about Norse Mythology, visit Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts or The Norse Mythology Web Page The internet has its own terminology, some of which is readily accessible to new people, some of which is not. Any forum with a history (like this list) tends to develop its own in-jokes, references and terminology. Some commonly used terms on this mailing list are here Other questions may be addressed to the moderator.

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124. Asatru-NE Home Page
An email discussion list devoted to the discussion of the asatru religion and the fostering of community in the Northeast USA.
Welcome to the Asatru-NE Home Page
Asatru-NE is an e-mail discussion list devoted to the discussion of the Asatru religion and the fostering of community in the Northeast USA. It is sponsored by Reginleif Asatru Fellowship of New York City. The list caters to the Asatruar living in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachussets, Delaware, Maryland and Washington DC. Topics may include but are not limited to Asatru events in the Northeast, the practice of the Asatru faith, Asatru Lore, History, Learning/Teaching Asatru and Clergy issues, networking, listing of Asatru related events and resources, culture and art related to Asatru, etc...
To subscribe fill out the form below. Join Asatru-NE!
April 18, 2000
***NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS from the old Asatru-NE on***
Due to certain changes in security levels and user features
at our old domain, Asatru-NE has moved its address to
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Home Community Discussions Reconstructionist Religions asatru NorthernHeathenry. asatru The Marine Corps, Asamarinehub, 18, 5/18/04 226 PM.

var nEditorialCatId = 280; MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: document.write(''); Groups Groups Home My Groups Language ... Help ASATRU What's New Join Now Message Boards Pictures ... Recommend This Group to a Friend To the people out there who have just found this site as part of your first introduction to Asatru, realize that there is no one point of view that is Asatru, no one person who speaks for all Asatruars, no Asa-Pope, no dogma. There are Asatruars all over the political spectrum. There are those who value frith (peace, plenty, and prosperity) above all, and those who enjoy a good fight a lot better. Those who are inclusive and those who are exclusive, literalists who treat the Havamal as a kind of Bible and those who view the Eddas as metaphors for spiritual life, those for whom worship is paramount and those who would rather follow in the footsteps of Odin as a shaman seeking wisdom. And sometimes the same person can be on each of these poles at different times of their life. So any newbies out there, stick around long enough to hear all sides before you decide that this isn't your path. You might surprise yourself. New Messages View all June Trivia Contest
Well they were the 4 dwarves that created Freya's necklace.

asatru, noordse religie, germanen, viking, Wodan, Odin, Donar, Thor, Freyja, Freia,Frigg, Frija, germaanse goden, Edda, mythologie, natuurreligie, sibbe, Loki

128. Asatru - Wolfhof - Nordisches Heidentum - Heathen -- Rune - Germanen
Translate this page Wolfshof - asatru in Europe. Germanisches Heidentum, Runen,Rituale. Everything about asatru in English and German.
WOLFSHOF ELDARING Alles ist im Fluss ... so auch diese Seiten. Nach langer Zeit haben die Wolfshofs-Seiten in ihrer alten Form ihr Ende erreicht und werden vom Netz genommen. Die Gründe sind vielfältig: Die Aktualität hat gelitten da ich mein Augenmerk auf andere Projekte gelegt habe (siehe auch weiter unten), ich habe die Seiten nur betreut und der geistige Vater Stilkam hat seine Rechte geltend gemacht, denen ich gerne nachkomme. Zum anderen haben sich diese Seiten zu einer Art Selbstbedienungsladen für kleine Asatru-Seiten entwickelt,. die ohne zu fragen ganze Seiten schamlos geklaut haben und als die ihren ausgegeben haben oder nur mit einem kleinen Verweis ohne Link zurück. Ehrenvolles handeln ist dies wohl kaum .. und es frustriert mit der Zeit die Verwalter dieser Seiten immer wieder anzuschreiben und nicht eine Spur von Einsehen zu erhalten. Es gibt noch einige weitere Gründe die hier nicht weiter beschrieben werden sollen. Aber wie geht es weiter ?! Der Wolfshof wird wieder kommen, aber mehr als persönliche Seite von mir. Das Diskussionsbrett wird weiterhin von hier aus zugänglich sein. Wer Informationen zu Asatru sucht wird bei dem neuen Projekt Eldaring fündig werden und vielleicht auch das finden was er/sie immer gesucht hat. Aber auch auf die

129. Answers About Asatru
copyright (c) 1995 by Stephen A. McNallen. WHAT IS asatru? Long beforeChristianity in these regions. WHAT DOES THE WORD asatru MEAN?
Long before Christianity came to northern Europe, the people there - our ancestors - had their own religions. One of these was Asatru. It was practiced in the lands that are today Scandinavia, England, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and other countries as well. Asatru is the original or native religious belief for the peoples who lived in these regions.
It means, roughly, "belief in the Gods" in Old Norse, the language of ancient Scandinavia in which so much of our source material was written. Asatru is the name by which the Norsemen called their religion.
Asatru is thousands of years old. Its beginnings are lost in prehistory, but it is older than Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or most other religions. The spiritual impulses it expresses are as ancient as the European peoples themselves - at least 40,000 years, and perhaps much older.
People are attracted to the better-known religions because they have genuine spiritual needs which must be filled. People are looking for community and for answers to the "big questions": What life is all about, and how we should live it. For many people today, the so-called major faiths do not have answers that work. Asatru has answers, but it has not been an alternative for most seekers because they haven't known about it. Once they realize that there is another way - a better, more natural, more honorable way - they will not be satisfied with anything less than a return to the religion of their ancestors.

130. Asatru-Chat
Translate this page mainChat ist die schnelle HTML Chat Community in PHP von der fidion GmbHin Würzburg. Er wird in einer kostenlosen, einer Miet-Lizenz
mainChat ist die schnelle HTML Chat Community in PHP von der fidion GmbH in Würzburg. Er wird in einer kostenlosen, einer Miet-Lizenz und einer Lizenz zum Kauf angeboten.
Features: Mail, Forum, Punkte, beliebig viele Räume und User, IRC-Befehle, Multihoming, SSL, Support für, Smilie-Grafiken (Smilies), Gäste, Administratoren, Top10 / Top100 Listen, Freunde, User-Homepages, Profile, Privatnachrichten, öffentliche Nachrichten, Mehrsprachig, vordefinierte Sprüche, Nicknamen-Ergänzung, Teergruben, Moderation, Spam-Schutz und vieles mehr.
Weitere Informationen zur mainChat-Community finden Sie auf unserem Angebot weiter

131. Asatru
asatru. Less than a thousand years ago, the elders of Iceland made a fatefuldecision. asatru recognizes many familiar Gods and Goddesses.
to promote a multidisciplinary view of the religious, spiritual and esoteric phenomena. About Us Links Search Contact ... Back to World Religions Religion sections World Religions New R. Groups Ancient Religions Spirituality ... Extremism Science sections Archaeology Astronomy Linguistics Mathematics ... Contact
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Less than a thousand years ago, the elders of Iceland made a fateful decision. Under political pressure from Christian Europe, and faced with the need for trade, the Allthing declared Iceland to be an officially Christian country. Within a few short centuries the last remnants of Nordic Paganism, which once stretched through all of Northern Europe were thought dead. However, Iceland was a tolerant country and the myths stories, and legends of Pagan times were left unburnt to kindle the fires of belief in later generations. Under pressure from the famous poet, Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson, Iceland once again recognized Nordic Paganism as a legitimate and legal religion. A restoration of our ancient faith is likewise in full bloom in America.

132. Pagan And Wiccan - Pendants - Asatru - Norse - Viking
asatru Norse - Viking. Pagan and Wiccan Pendants asatru Norse Viking TV1Roving Long Boat -Gold SL Pagan and Wiccan Pendants asatru Norse Viking.
Pagan and
Wiccan Jewelry
Amulets Talismans Charms Health
Long Life

... Ritual Crowns Pendants and Charms




... Miscellaneous
Toe Rings
Toe Rings Adjustable Toe Rings
14K Gold Belly Ring Amber Belly Ring Anodized Belly Ring Black Line Belly Ring ... UV Zoo Body Jewelry
LINKS My Witch Shop Pagan and Wiccan Information Center Ariandne Spider ... Worry Stones African Masks Altar Cloths Altar Kits Altar Tiles Amulets Art Work Athames Baskets Bells Book of Shadows Books Bottles, Jars Boxes Bowls Bumper Stickers Calendars Candles Candy Carpet Cauldrons CDs Clothing, Fashion Clothing, Ritual Coasters Crystal Balls Decals Dream Catchers Drums Feathers Garden Gemstones Glitter, Magick Dust Herbs Incense Kama Sutra Ink, Pens Papers Jewelry Jewelry, Gold Kama Sutra Knives Magazines Magick Wands Martial Art Music Oils Patches Pendulums Plastic Baggies Posters Pottery Rain Sticks, Painted Rain Sticks, Plain Runes Salt Scourging Tools Scrying Smudge Smoke, Ritual Spell Kits Statues Sun Catchers Swords Tapes Tapestry Tarot Tea Therapy Balls Videos VooDoo Wall Hangings Walking Sticks, Staff

asatru. What is asatru ? HAVAMAL. asatru Links. Back To Previous Page.
Asatru What is Asatru ? HAVAMAL Asatru Links Back To Previous Page

134. PAGAN - Asatru Top Links
asatru Web Site Links. Tribes and asatru Come Together Respect paidto old bones of Kennewick Man before move to Seattle museum.

Sub-Categories Anglo-Saxon
Chats and Forums


Mailing Lists
Asatru Web Site Links The Nordic Way - A page about "Norse religion" or "Way" ["Sed"/"si°r"].
- Features information about Germanic goddesses, Skvala Press pagan articles, details of Arlea and Stormerne's 1998 heathen wedding, Germanic heritage information, and British folk customs. satrº Page
- A collection of links mostly concerning or related to satrº, the reconstruction of an ancient polytheistic religion of Northern European origin.
Devotional Site to the Norse God Tyr
- History of Norwegian paganism as well as background for the god Tyr.
Loki: A Paean in Progress
- A site devoted to Loki, most underappreciated and misunderstood of the Norse Gods, the trickster and agent of change: exploring his role from the perspective of a sincere dedicant.
Tribes and Asatru Come Together
- Respect paid to old bones of Kennewick Man before move to Seattle museum. [Tri-City Herald] Wicca and Asatru - The following article is based on the workshop "Wicca and satrº", which was presented by the writers during the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival.

135. Echoed Voices: Modern Asatru
Modern asatru By Maude Stephany. asatruar (people who practice asatru) make a pointof differentiating themselves from Wicca and other neopagan belief systems.
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Modern Asatru
By Maude Stephany
    When I set out to do this article, I expected to refer to a few of my favorite sources, look at a few places on the Internet and have my article fairly wrapped-up. Weeks of research, hundreds of websites and several books and research papers later, I have discovered that this has been a journey that illustrates how diverse both individuals and organizations within modern Asatru are. Each has their own pattern of the boundaries they accept or explore, meaning that the history of Modern Asatru is like a giant asymmetrical patchwork quilt. Alternately called Odinism and Asatru, "Asatru" was first used to describe the religion of the old pre-Christian Norse gods in the 1830's by the writer O. Brownson i , and is derived from the Danish word Asetro ii meaning "belief in the Aesir". Asatruar (people who practice Asatru) make a point of differentiating themselves from Wicca and other neo-pagan belief systems. Lew Stead, one of the leaders of the Raven Kindred, and Devyn Gillette, former host of the pagan radio show "Between the Worlds," presented a workshop at the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival about the differences between the two faiths. Their article entitled The Pentagram and the Hammer still stands as excellent reading although almost ten years have passed since they wrote it.

136. Echoed Voices: Asatru And Racism
Racism and asatru By Maude Stephany. Most of these letters had a single responsethat being asatru did not necessarily equate with being racist.
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Racism and Asatru
By Maude Stephany
    "One day, Odin and Vili and Ve were striding along the frayed edge of the land, where the earth meets the sea. They came across two fallen trees with their roots ripped out of the ground; one was an ash, the other an elm. Then the sons of Bor raised them and made from them the first man and woman. Odin breathed into them the spirit of life; Vili offered them sharp wits and feeling hearts; and Ve gave them the gifts of hearing and sight. The man was called Ask and the woman Embla and they were given Midgard to live in. All the families and nations and races of men are descended from them." i It is as children that we first learn our myths, that we form our first understanding of the world around us. Through our stories we learn about our place in the world, how the world was created, how humans came to be, our role in the creation and in the care of the world in which we live. All humans share this truth: our stories instruct us about ourselves, who we are, where we are from, what is right, what is wrong, and where we are going in our passing from this world. All world creation myths deal specifically with one people. One tribe. One culture. Every culture's myths place them at the centre of the world, of creation. Is it racist? No, not inherently. And yet, all these myths pertain to one specific group of people. They instruct what to eat, when to eat and how to eat it. The myths tell us why we are the way we are, and why we are different from others. The myths tell us why we have conflict with others: because they are different from us. It is because our social evolution has instructed us that it is right and acceptable for us to perpetuate an "us vs. them" mentality that racism exists.

137. This Is A Collection Of Blots We Did At Hammerstead
asatru Information. Page. Basic asatru Material
Asatru Information
Page [Main Index] [About Jordsvin] [Asatru Information] [Young Heathens Page] ... [Norse Links] INDEX: Basic Asatru Material M ore Specialized Asatru Information Core Asatru Texts ... Creative Writing By Heathens (articles and comments, with a bit of poetry and fiction) Basic Asatru Material
Asatru, an Ancient Religion Reborn - by Jordsvin, good reading list
Asatru Historical Time-Line
Asatru in Prison
Asatru U(niversity) Online, from Frigga's Web
M ore Specialized Asatru Information
Anglo-Saxon Ealdriht Gods Page
Chapter 1 of Teutonic Religion by Gundarsson, w/ editor's approval
"Germanic Paganism: An Introduction"- by Jordsvin
"Her Stend Ek" - Affirmation - by Gamlinginn ...
Huginn and Muninn: the Heathen and Asatru Search Engine
[Tons of good information!
Interview with the late Sveinbjorn B., Icelandic Asatru Pioneer
"Lesbigays in Germanic Paganism" - by Jordsvin
The Nine Noble Virtues of Asatru with Commentary
Our Troth, a great, free, huge online Heathen book
[Brought to you by The Troth , of which Jordsvin is a proud and active member.

138. Asatru Teutonic Prayers
Teutonic* Prayers *Teutonic refers to Northern European PreChristian people andis sometimes used interchangeably with words like asatru, Norse-Paganism
Teutonic* Prayers
*Teutonic refers to Northern European Pre-Christian people and is sometimes used interchangeably with words like Asatru, Norse-Paganism, Heathenism. We prefer the term Teutonic just as their European cousin tribe calls itself Celtic. A Child's Invocation
Odin and Ostara, lead me in the ways of the Gods. May I be honest and true to my family and friends. Teach me to care for the animals, trees, flowers and birds. Guard me and my family and may we always have your blessings.
-From the Book of Blotar Night has fallen, Day is flown
Holy Frigga, bless our Home
With Joy and Laughter, Love and Song
Frigga keep our Family strong.
Night has fallen, Day is flown
Holy Hammer, ward our Home
From Trolls and Thurses - Thunar keep
Our Family safe, so we can sleep. -By Bernhard's friend, Groa Now I lay me down to rest, Freyja guard me in my nest, Above, below, and round about, Keep all the things I fear without, Bless those I love, And bless me too, Dearest Freyja, I love you! -Adapted by Thorleif, an Asatru Dad Feast Blessing

139. Ae Advent Und Weihnachten: Jul - Asatru
asatru Ethnische Feste (4). aepages gewinnspielegewinnspiel © by Heinrich Hofer. JUL (asatru). 20/21.Dezember. Das Rad der Zeit.
Jul - Asatru
Ethnische Feste (4)
Ajouriert am 1.12.2003
ae Pages
... eMail / Kontakt
INHALT Advent und Weihnachten

Island Russland Finnland Schweden Norwegen Advent und Weihnachten ethnisch Kwanzaa - afikanisch Eid al fitr - islamisch Jul - Asa-trur Weihnachts-Grafiken Cliparts Gifs Icons Animierte Gifs Backgrounds Sets (Grusskarten) eCards (Gift Tags) Weihnachts-Gewinnspiele Adventskalender-Gewinnspiele Weihnachtliche Gewinnspiele Eid al fitr islamisch Kwanzaa afrikanisch ... international
JUL (Asatru)
Das Rad der Zeit
Wenn sich Skandinavier ein God Jul (Schweden), Hauskaa Joulua (Finnland) oder Frohe Weihnachten , allerdings nur in adoptiertem Sinne. Jul wird auf das Wort Rad Besucher auf aePages seit 1.8.2000 Mehr zu Heinrich Hofer ae Astro Das Chinesische Horoskop Mit Zeittabelle zum Nachschauen
Diese Samhain (das heute nichtchristlich als Halloween und christlich als Allerheiligen gefeiert wird) aufweist. Grenzen zwischen den Welte Julfeuers prophetisches Potential
Auch das Brauen es ganz speziellen Bieres, des

140. Wolfgar Freehold Is A Northen Heritage Webpage Dedicated To Our Religion.
A Montana asatru page about our the Norse and Germanic Gods and Goddesses. Ancestral beliefs and viking religion
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
the religion of our
T raditional N orthern H eritage
A member of
The Federation of Vinland Freeholds

Dedicated to Preserving Our
Faith ~ Heritage ~ Folk
Family ~ Freedom
If you have sailed long apon the cyber-seas, then by now you've seen a lot of Northen Heritage webpages full of information about our people, our Gods, our Faith and our Religion. If not, please take the links below and visit some of the amazing sites of our good friends...Oh, but before you ship oars and point your Dragon -Prowed -Mouse back to sea, you might want to stop by and check out our webpages. You see, here in these pages, since so many of our folk have done so much hard work covering everything about our Northern Heritage that you can imagine, instead of duplicating their efforts we decided to cover some of the other things that make our folk what they are. And maybe even put a bit of a smile on that grim visage of a viking that most people have. Remember that a Viking with a full belly and a joke upon his lips is a happy Viking...of course a full horn of mead doesn't hurt none either.
We'd also like to let those who live in the Montana area, who are interested in Asatru or our Northen Heritage, to know that we are here. So if you have questions, suggestions, recipes, information to share or just want to chat, pull up a bench by the hearth and email us at

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