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81. WELCOME TO THE ASATRU ALLIANCE asatru ALLIANCE We have moved to alliance.eagleut.com. http://eagle.webpipe.net/ | |
82. Myth's Of Asgard, Home To Loki, Thor, Odin And All The Norse Gods A guided tour through the realms of the Norse universe. With descriptions of the major events and gods worshiped by the followers of asatru. http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/7152 | |
83. THE ASATRU KINDRED THE asatru KINDRED. The asatru Kindred is the foundation for the new asatru Nation,and as such, is the testing ground for the new tribes of our Folk. http://eagle.webpipe.net/thekin.htm | |
84. Reeves Hall Of Frigga's Web Has an ambitious plan to provide supporting information for asatru organizers and organizations. the intention is to collect and compile existing material where possible; otherwise, create the material from scratch. http://www.reeves-hall.org/ | |
85. Germanen, Asatru, Odinisme, Wicca, Nieuw Heidendom: Kritiek asatru (internationaal; Engelstalig). Michael Moynihan, VS; noemt zich fascist ;muzikant (Blood Axis); in zowel asatru Folk Assembly als Church of Satan; http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/heidenen.htm | |
86. Viking Religion A text about the original viking religion and how it relates to asatru today. http://www.ragweedforge.com/vikrel.html | |
87. Runehof Asatru Kindred A small Kindred in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, USA. http://www.runehof.org/ |
88. Asatru, Odinism, Germanic Heathenism, Paganism: Criticism asatru (international). Die neuen Heiden/neueRechte; Neuheidentum; Site Schweiz; asatru international history; Swedish http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/asatru.htm | |
89. Heathen Support Campaign A campaign initiated to raise awareness of the need for financial support of the various asatru and Odinist organizations that currently exist. http://www.bcsupernet.com/users/wodan/hsc-01.htm | |
90. Asatru-NE Home Page asatruNE is an E-List dedicated to the Discussion of the asatru Faith in theNortheast USA. Welcome to the asatru-NE Home Page. asatru-NE List Rules. . http://nycpagan.com/asatrune/ | |
91. Asatru In Iceland asatru from an Icelandic perspective. http://www.asatru.is/english |
92. Welcome To Asatru Lore An open board for the discussion of topics germane to asatru. Open to members of any religion. http://www.asatrulore.org/ | |
93. Divavalkyrie's Stead Information on asatru as well as a Heathen Parenting Page http://corona.homelinux.net/divavalkyrie/ | |
94. Links: Ásatrú, Culture, History,Runes... Ásatrú sites. Canadian Ásatrú Sites. Dan Miller s asatru website, with links;Icelandic-Viking Lore Religion a Canadian Ásatrú page, with many links; http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Religion/ERCE/Asatru_links.html | |
95. Utah Asatru Council Utah asatru Council Outreach Program. A NotFor-Profit Program Operated by the Utahasatru Council. Utah asatru Council Outreach Program Home Page and Outline. http://www.eagleut.com/uac/ | |
96. Asatru/German-American Pages The is the personal pages of Nissa Annakindt. This site contains German publications translated into English. Many of these publications from the Germanic Faith Community, an asatru organization established in 1909. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4452/ | |
97. Asatru And Racism asatru and Racism. There are many who use asatru as a vehicle fortheir hate, or simply and perhaps even more horribly - as an http://roswell.fortunecity.com/witches/427/race.htm | |
98. Frithstead A personal page primarily dedicated to the Vanir. http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~fealcen/frithstead.htm | |
99. Raven Kindred North, New England Asatru Kindred Raven Kindred North homepage. Located in Massachussetts, we serve NewEnglands asatru community. Asartú is a revival of the beleifs http://www.ravennorth.org/ | |
100. Asatru Etc. Original articles based on one heathen's point of view on various aspects of asatru. http://jaxsur.tripod.com/ | |
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