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41. Asatru (Odinism, Norse Heathenism) At Alternative Religions Links and resources on the religions of Heathenism, asatru and Norse Paganism. http://altreligion.about.com/religion/altreligion/cs/asatru/ | |
42. New York Metro Asatru Society KA Steinberg unless otherwise noted. NYMAS Web Pages IntellectualProperty Herein © 19972003 New York Metro asatru Society . http://www.nycpagan.com/ | |
43. Midnite_gale's Norse Poetry, Heathen Magick And Runes Site Features ancient Norse poetry, Runes and Magick, information about asatru and Heathenry, some ritual material and a Heathen contacts list. http://www.gale.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk | |
44. Asatru Symbols Search. Alternative Religions asatru Symbols. Alternative Religion/ features/ AlternativeReligions Glossary / Dictionary of Symbols/ asatru religious symbols. http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/blasatrusymbols.htm | |
45. THE ASATRU WEBRING THE asatru WEBRING. It is also NOT intended for Nazi propaganda you dishonor mypeople. Your site must contain information about asatru. NO LINKS WEBPAGES. http://members.tripod.com/~Lasaan/as.html | |
46. Index Of /ilsabein_folke A directory of Pagan periodicals in print, with emphasis on asatru (Norse Pagan). http://www.geocities.com/ilsabein_folke/ | |
47. Asatru List Charter Mailing List Charter, asatru. V 3.1 by Lewis Stead (lstead@webcom.com), December3, 1996 V 1.002.00 by John Rumpelein. Section 1.00 The asatru List http://www.webcom.com/lstead/charter.html | |
48. The Pagan Pride Project Website The Pagan Pride Project fosters pride in Pagan identity by hosting public Pagan rituals to honor the Autumn Equinox. Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids, asatru, Mages and other members of earthbased, neoclassical, or magickal spiritual paths gather to support charity and educate the public about Pagan religions. http://www.paganpride.org/ | |
49. Heathen Europe Networking and information on Heathen, asatru, Vanatru (and all such groups) related topics to all interested people living in Europe. http://www.geocities.com/heatheneurope/ | |
50. Indiana Asatru Council The Indiana asatru Council, or IAC, was founded in 1994 to promote theasatru religion in the state of Indiana. The council facilitates http://www.angelfire.com/in2/iac/ | |
51. Asatru Page @ Ravnen.com Welcome to my Home Page What you find in here has nothing to do withNazi Culture or Satanist Cults. This is a page for those who http://www.ravnen.com/indexold.html | |
52. Www.thyrfing.com Swedish metal band with an asatru theme. http://www.thyrfing.com/ | |
53. The Gathering Place For Pagans And Historians asatru, Wicca, Druidic Shamanism. Celts, Germans, Norse. Legends, Folklore, Customs, Myths, Traditions, and History. http://www.angelfire.com/my/gatheringplace/ | |
54. Free English Translations Of Eddas And Sagas On The Internet List of links to resources of Germanic literature, history, and mythology, including the Eddas, sagas, and Beowulf. http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/asatru/free.html | |
55. The Irminsul Aettir Asatru Page The Irminsul Aettir asatru Page has moved to http//www.irminsul.org/.100,000 plus visitors since January 27, 1996. http://www.eskimo.com/~valkyrie/ | |
56. Asatru/Odinism Click Here! asatru/Odinism Heathen Herbal Resource Page. It is a great list. Lotsof good people and information. Confederation of Independent asatru Kindreds. http://www.pacificnet.net/~spectre/asatru.html | |
57. Asatru Alliance, World Tree Publications Offers asatru related books, folk music, audio and video tapes, mead horns, and many more items. http://www.asatru.org/wrldtree.htm | |
58. Hexen - Brett :: Index Hier werden Erfahrungen ausgetauscht zu Heiden/Hexen/Druidentum, asatru, Magie, Kr¤uter, Traumdeutung, und vieles mehr, f¼r Anf¤nger und Erfahrene gleichermaen http://hexenbrett.ath.cx/phpBB2/index.php | |
59. Synopsis Of Rydberg's Edda Structure outline and abstract of Rydberg's Edda, of which three versions have been published. http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/asatru/mjo.html | |
60. ASATRU.CH Translate this page Willkommen auf www.asatru.ch! www.asatru.ch/forum Um Beiträge zu verfassen mussman sich registrieren, was aber nicht länger als eine halbe Minute dauert. http://www.asatru.ch/ |
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