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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Asatru' - The Hidden Fortress by Edred Wodanson, 1995
  2. Neopaganismus: Wicca, Walpurgisnacht, Ásatrú, Keltisches Baumhoroskop, Viking Metal, Neue Rechte, Julfest, Neuzeitliche Druiden (German Edition)
  3. Lebensstil: Religion, Eremit, Kultiviertheit, Ásatrú, Yuppie, Bohème, Bourgeoisie, Barfüßigkeit, Schlafkultur, Individualismus, Konformität (German Edition)
  4. Asatru Texts
  5. Runestone Journal, Issue 1 by Asatru Folk Assembly, 2007
  6. Voices of Modern American Asatru Women by steffanie snyder, 2009-01-01
  7. What is Asatru? by Stephen A. McNallen, 1985
  8. The Values of Asatru by Stephen A McNallen, 1988
  9. Ásatrú in the United States
  10. Rituals of Asatru by Stephen A McNallen, 1985
  11. THE RELIGION OF ODIN: A HANDBOOK by Asatru Free Church Committee, 1978
  12. Sojourn: The Epic by Thomas Coghlan, 2003-04-15
  13. Reflections on Northern Heathenism by Mike Wolf, 2009-09-02
  14. The Elder Troth: An Introductory Course of Study by Kveldúlf Hagan Gundarsson, 2009-06-08

21. Hermanad Ásatrú Argentina
Presentazione dell'asatru, l'antica religione europea degli dei nordici Odino e Thor. Link a siti correlati.

22. Esoteric Theological Seminary - Become An Ordained Minister
Offers degrees in paganism, asatru, magik, and a variety of other esoteric subjects.

Christian, Interfaith, Christian Goddess,
even the shamanic and ancestral religions such as Celtic Northern European and Native American In fact, you may custom design your own ministerial title. For all the details, click here
Have you always felt called? Called to serve, teach, or heal others? As an Ordained Minister you can legally give spiritual counseling, healings, intuitive readings, and perform all other religious services, including weddings. You can legally accept money for your services, file taxes as a clergy member, and get tax exempt status. With the credentials you receive from us you may set up your own counseling/healing practice or even start your own church of ANY faith.
NEW! ETS Ordained Minister Newsletter This site is updated weekly. Beautiful.
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merchants from here. This site is a member of WebRing.
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Minister Supplies Books offering a variety of ceremonies for weddings, funerals, etc. Written for celebrants and/or ministers. Many extras such as baby naming and house blessing certificates.

23. Artikel ber Asatru, Germanen, Nordische Mythologie Und Runen
Neben Artikeln ¼ber asatru, die Friesen, Runen und nordische Mythologie gibt es auch ein EddaW¶rterbuch und eine Bildergalerie mit Kultpl¤tzen in Schleswig-Holstein.
"Die Herdfeuer" Zeitschrift des Eldarings"
Der Mythos der Friesen Nidstang ... Das Weib in der Wikingerzeit Wenn Sie passende Artikel haben, dann werden Sie herzlichst eingeladen, diese zur Aufnahmeprüfung zu zu schicken an:

24. Woden's Harrow: Norse / Asatru Art, Literature, Mythology, And Religion
Woden's Harrow, asatru and Heathen art, original images based on Norse mythology, new and historic rune poems, the Eddas, essays, poetry, Norse symbols, Heathen religion, asatru essays, links.
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powered by FreeFind Heathens Against Hate-mongering, racism, sexism, homophobia,
and other ideologies that do violence to people. Read the statement and please supportt the HAH member websites by visiting them. Thanks!
Woden's Harrow and the Web
Site Search + Multiple Major Search Engines,
Pagan and Heathen Specific Searches and More!
Fare the ways to all Nine Worlds, Mighty Laerath's limb-hoard; Find word-waves of Wodenic verse, To stun thought's strand with Thund's gift; See sights born of Sath's surf-mead, In the heart of Havi's daughter. NOTE: WODENSHARROW HAS A NEW URL! There are, as of July 10, 2003, 800 pages on this site, including its sister sites (on different subdomains)

25. Ásatrú Page
Download Netscape Now! $Header /home/mch/squirrel/asatru/index.html,v1.241 2001/10/05 185629 mch Exp mch $. Music The Twa Corbies
Kom heill og sæll! You can donate money via to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund by clicking here nithings Check out my list of translations into English of Old Norse sagas and eddas . If you enjoy the sagas and can afford it, you can purchase The Complete Sagas of the Icelanders . This is a wonderful set of translations of the Old Icelandic sagas. "Búið arki að auðnu til hvers sem draga vill." Brennu-Njáls saga "Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!" Beowulf

26. Irminsul Ættir - The Religion Of Asatru
Information on the beliefs and values of the asatru religion. is to present as broad a picture of Ásatrú as possible, as a religion and a community of Please be aware that Ásatrú is represented in RolePlaying Games such

Our intention is to present as broad a picture of Ásatrú as possible, as a religion and a community of diverse viewpoints and interests. Inclusion here does not necessarily imply a recommendation for any particular view, organization, or individual. Please be aware that Ásatrú is represented in Role-Playing Games such as "MAGE: The Ascension" but they have no bearing on the reality of the religion or actual practice of Ásatrú.
Some Odinists consider themselves to be Ásatrú, while others do not, nor are all Ásatrúar Odinists. Ásatrú is a polytheistic religion and the gods and/or goddesses that one chooses to worship or dedicate to among the Elder gods is a matter of individual choice and conscience. Odinism is included in the presentation of Ásatrú although not considered to be exactly the same thing. Heathen is another term that you will come across and refers to religious groups which are based on Northern European pre-Christian Pagan beliefs while Paganism is an even more general term. Last updated in March 2004.

OUR NEW SITE CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.asatru.ORG The asatru Alliance web presence containsinformationabout the ancestral religion of asatru,the asatru Aliance

28. Welcome To The Customer Site
Welcome to our Customer Site. Customer paladin - does not existon this server. Please verify the spelling and try again.
Welcome to our Customer Site. Customer - paladin - does not exist on this server. Please verify the spelling and try again.

29. Sveriges Asatrosamfund - Välkommen!
Information about the Society and its activities, as well as ancient norse myths, legends and cultural history.

30. Asatru Ks's Home Page
NewGladhome Hearth. NewGladhome Hearth, Church of asatru. Wichita, Ks ( 316) 9424TRU. NewGladhome Hearth, Church of asatru, is dedicated to the promotion of self expression and self responsibility
Main htmlAdWH('7008303', '234', '60');
NewGladhome Hearth
NewGladhome Hearth, Church of Asatru
Wichita, Ks
NewGladhome Hearth, Church of Asatru, is dedicated to the promotion of self expression and self responsibility through the religion known as Asatru. Asatru is an ancient religion of the northern Germanic tribes prior to the year 1000 C.E. It works towards the ideals known as the Nine Noble Virtues. These virtues are: Courage, Honor, Truth, Loyalty, Hospitality, Self Reliance, Discipline, Hard Work and Perseverance.
Our Goals are:
1. Righteousness - The desire and attempt to build a life and coummunity based on rational and mutually beneficial ideals and goals.
2. Wisdom - Love and promotion of knowledge that will bring about a true since of happiness and well being.
3. Might - Strength to achieve victory or provide defense in the various arenas of interaction
4. Harvest - Prosperity of a person, a family, and institution and/or community.
5. Frith - Enjoyment and satisfaction found in living a life that embodies those virtues and ideals expressed in Asatru.
6. Love - Pursuit of physical, emotional, and spiritual pleasure, honorably, in accordance with the ideas of self respect, respect of others, and the desire and intention to promote only that which is healthy.

31. Rabenclan E.V.
Die offizielle Seiten des Arbeitskreis der Heiden in Deutschland e.V. , einem Verein von naturreligi¶sen Menschen asatru, Kelten, Hexen und Schamanen.
Willkommen beim Rabenclan... News Neu im Container Es gibt seit Anfang September zwei neue Rubriken im "Container": Historisches mit Artikeln zur Geschichte und Archäologie und Webzine mit englischsprachigen Beiträgen. Stichwort „Berliner Heidenfest“-
Toleranzverständnis in der Diskussion

Derzeit wird in Teilen der Hexen- und Heidenszene eine Diskussion über das sogenannte Berliner Heidenfest vom 13. März 2004 geführt, bei der die Schwierigkeiten ersichtlich werden, wenn Anspruch auf Toleranz und politische Neutralität mit den Versuchen rechtsgerichteter Politiker kollidiert, eine heidnische Veranstaltung politisch auszuschlachten. Lucas Corso, April 2004 Pseudo-Rationalität:
Völkische Ideologie

In der Heidenszene sind theosophische oder ariosophische Ideologien auf dem Rückzug, während völkische Ideologien – mit Scharnierfunktion zum Rechtsextremismus – an Bedeutung gewinnen. Anlass genug für das Ariosophieprojekt sich eingehend mit den geistigen Wurzel der „neuen“ völkischen Denkens zu befassen.

32. Heathenry & Homesteading
Many aspects of farming and simple living from an asatru point of view.

33. Stilkams Asatru-Online - Stilkam’s Asatru Pages
Translate this page Hier gehts weiter Bitte neue URL merken / abspeichern.
Hier gehts weiter ...
Bitte neue URL merken / abspeichern.

34. Venice's Venus: Neopagan Sites Of Goddess.
Venetian Aphrodite link to heathen rites among asatru, Celts, Hellenic gods, Wicca and the New Age cyber meditation from the ancient Venets.
A cult pays politeista that has in Cybele the main divinity. Origins: it comes from the Paflagonia, ancient reign on the Mar Nero (odierna Turkey). People: it is the tradition of stirpe the Veneta that lived in Paflagonia and, after the war of Troy, migrò in the Adriatic. Classification: branch oriental of the pagani of Europe (to north the Asatru, the west the Druidismo and south Of the Greeks). Cybercult: Cybele revival cult is to carry on web the ancient anatolica tradition of which the Veneti they are the only remained depositaries, pure they in via of extinction. Theoretical section is one, with archaeological bases, and practical of a 14 cybermeditazioni (visualization of colorful images). It has sense today? Yes, why the pagana vision conciliates the Nature with science and the nuclear physics.
Here cultural and tourist informations about veneto and venice venetian history. Also padua, treviso, verona, vicenza, main language and venetic religion.

35. Social Problems And Occult Tendencies: SIMPOS Information
AMORC, Anthroposophy, asatru, Astrology, Alice Bailey, Castaneda, Eckankar, Findhorn, Gurdjieff, Heaven's Gate, Jung, NeuroLinguistic Programming, Neo-Pagans, Order of the Solar Temple, Ordo Templi Orientis, Reich, Rosicrucians, Satanism, Scientology, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Wicca and other topics.
Site search Web search
powered by FreeFind All information, available through this site, remains the authors' responsibility
Links to (mainly critical) information on occult tendencies (more extensive index here
General Adi Da (Da Free John) Aetherius Society ... Carlos Castaneda The Celestine Prophecy Ching Hai Maria Duval Eckankar ... etc. What social questions? Agriculture Animals Armed forces Aristocracy ... Women To top of file Nederlands: home page E-mail:

36. Ásatrúarfélagid
7374. Nýr vefur Ásatrúarfélagsins opnar 15.maí 2004. fyrirspurnirvarðandi vefinn má senda á netfangið asatru(a)
english starfsemi tenglar english starfsemi tenglar

37. Welcome Rune Work
Dedicated to the study of the Futhark, asatru, and Rune Reading.
Welcome to Rune Work!
Please click on the Dragon to enter

38. Lehto - Suomen Luonnonuskontojen Yhdistys Ry
Yhdistys luonnonuskontojen (mm. wicca, asatru, druidismi) harjoittajille ja luonnonuskonnoista kiinnostuneille.

. This site tells about north magic runes, rune magic,religion asatru, futhark, gods and goddesses of the north.

40. Pagan Fish
Remember the Fish Wars? Introducing the new Pagan Fish. Offers a Druid Fish and an asatru Fish.
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, P.O. Box 291323, Temple Terrace, FL 33678-1323.

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