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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism by Diana L. Paxson, 2006-12-01
  2. Living Asatru by Greg Shetler, 2003-07
  3. The Nature of Asatru: An Overview of the Ideals and Philosophy of the Indigenous Religion of Northern Europe. by Mark Puryear, 2006-03-22
  4. The Ásatrú Edda: Sacred Lore of the North by The Norroena Society, 2009-04-24
  5. Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Shamanism and Other Pagan Practices by Pete Jennings, 2002-03-01
  6. Asatru For Beginners by Erin Lale, 2009-09-01
  7. Vigja Text Sacred Hof Of Asatru's Tenets Of Faith: Asatru Norse Pagan (Volume 1) by Mothi Thorsson, 1996-01-01
  8. Living Asatru: A Handbook of Simple Celebrations by Stephen A. McNallen, 1993
  9. Hraftzer Asatru: A Complete Guide by Raymond Livwell, 2009-01-01
  10. Asatru Incarcerated by Mothi Thorsson, 2008-06-30
  11. Ásatrú in the United States: Ásatrú in the United States, Odinic Rite, the Troth, Asatru Folk Assembly, Stephen Mcnallen, Ásatrú Alliance
  12. Néopaganisme Germanique: Mysticisme Nazi, Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Société Thulé, Divination Des Runes, Guido Von List (French Edition)
  13. Spiritualité Dans La Mythologie Nordique: Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Goði, Yule, Fylgja, Hamr, Hugr, Wyrd, Sejðr, Vörd (French Edition)
  14. Religion Polythéiste: Polythéisme, Religion Traditionnelle Chinoise, Religions Mésoaméricaines, Ásatrú, Marla, Religions Du Pérou Précolombien (French Edition)

1. Official Asatru Website -
asatru homepage I will continue to do asatru as and when I get time. 2249RE Demo Now available. Join the asatru Viking Metal club.
Home Downloads Band Biography ... Contact
News on Laugardagr, Þorri 14, 2254 RE (Runic Era)  Album delayed, 2nd Demo to be released   Album plans put back, New demo to be released ASAP  Rob Joins Cancer After being a huge fan of Cancer for many years, as well as a friend of the guys in the band, I was honoured to be asked to join them as second guitarist. So obviously I accepted. I will continue to do Asatru as and when I get time.
Asatru Viking Metal from the UK
It is a deplorable fact that the religion of our forefathers seems to be but little cared for in this country. The mythologies of other nations every student manifests an interest for. He reads with the greatest zeal all the legends of Rome and Greece, of India and China. He is familiar with every room in the labyrinth of Crete, while when he is introduced to the shining halls of Valhalla and Gladsheim he gropes his way like a blind man. He does not know that Idun with her beautiful apples, might, if applied to, render even greater services than Ariadne with her wonderful thread. When we inquire whom Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday are named after, and press questions in reference to Tyr, Odin, Thor, and Freyja, we get at best but a wise and knowing look. Are we, then, as a nation, like the ancient Jews, and do we bend the knee before the gods of foreign nations and forsake the altars of our own gods? What if we then should suffer the fate of that unhappy people-be scattered over all the world and lose our fatherland?

2. Asatru Folk Assembly

3. Irminsul Ættir Asatru Page
The Irminsul Ættir asatru page presents a broad view of asatru, Odinism and related religious views drawn from Norse and Germanic spiritual traditions and practices. This week's selected features Events. Ásatrú Althing 2004 Thursday, July 15, 2004, through Sunday Rituals and ceremonies of Ásatrú that will be held include sumbel, blóts
This week's selected features:


Harrow Moot 2004 - Texas Harrow Gild would like extend an invitation to attend Harrow Moot 2004 at Fort Parker State Park, Near Mexia, TX, from the 20th through the 22nd of February 2004. more...

Introduction to the Runes - Introduction to the Runes by Susan Granquist. more...

Indiana Ásatrú Council - The home page of the Indiana Asatru Council go...
Opinion Polls

Would you live in an intentional community made up of people with beliefs similar to your own? more...
Contact and Event listings are now available on the wireless web at: You can contact the Irminsul Ættir at P.O. Box 3312; Renton, WA 98056 or by email at

4. The Asatru Alliance
asatru means true to the Old Norse Gods. asatru is the Ethnic Religion of indigenous Northern European People. It is the religion of our ancestors, one of the oldest still in practice, dating back
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The asatru Folk Assembly practices the native religion of our Europeanancestors. asatru FOLK ASSEMBLY WANNABEES. The following article
Th e following article appeared as a flyer produced in 1995 by the Asatru Folk Assembly, aimed at European-Americans who are attracted to Native American spirituality. It has received praise from several Native American writers and thinkers, including Vine Deloria, author of GOD IS RED and many other books dealing with American Indians.
The term "wannabees" is used by some Native Americans to refer to outsiders who "want to be" Indians.
So you're a European-American who's attracted to Native American spirituality... The way of the American Indian offers much to those who want to live in harmony with the Earth, and with the own beings. The simplicity of a life close to nature, and the powerful techniques of the shaman, call out to all of us who want to walk lightly on this planet and to know the journeys of the soul that make one wise. Many people, including those of European ancestry, feel the pull of this spiritual path. However, there is something to consider. Many Native Americans feel that you should seek out the ways of your people, rather than intruding upon their ways. They understand your interest in their traditions, but they think you should look for something that is yours. Well, just what IS yours?

6. Asatru And The Elder Futhark
Features FAQs, timeline, calendar, information, graphics, screen saver, and links to related sites.
Ásatrú and the Elder Futhark By my count, you are the
person to enter my Hall since Saturday March 30, 1997 This page is optimized for IE 4.0+ Heil our mother countries! May our father's gods watch over them…
If you are stuck in someone else's frames… Click on the hammer to smash your way out! I would like to say thank you to everyone who sent me a comment or a link to be added. And a sincere apology to those whom I haven't been able to respond to or add their links download the Asatru Screen Saver! Big Update: Due to circumstances, I will no longer be able to update this site, nor will I have access to email, for how long I don't know, possibly permanently. I will be taking a more active role in my children's lives. For all those who have come to me with questions, I hope I have helped in some way, for all those who wrote and thanked me for making this site, I thank you personally for making it a success (although an unfinished success!), and for all those of whom I haven't been able to say good bye, my heartfelt apologies, and I ask you to remember the good times, as I will.
I would like to make a small dedication to Quorthon of Bathory , Thanx for making such great Asatru Metal, you're a true inspiration.

Informiert ¼ber die Alemannen und deren G¶tter und behandelt die Naturreligionen in der Schweiz. Setzt sich gegen Missbrauch des Heidentums f¼r rassistische Zwecke ein.
Die Alemannen Götter der Alemannen Die Welt der Geister ... Mystik und Ethik
Home: Willkommen FAQ
go native


Willkommen im Reich der Mythen. Willkommen auf! ANMERKUNG
Text: Pileatus; Bilder: Pileatus; zvg(2) Aktualisiert: 06/05/04

8. Asatru-Q:Networking For Lesbian, Gay, Bi, & TG Asatruar
Networking for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered asatruars.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Welcome To Asatru-Q
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Asatruar Home Page! The Purpose of this site is to address issues and concerns facing the Queer Asatru Community. The purpose of this site is not to exclude people outside of the Queer community, but to bring together the diversity of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender experience with the unique experience of the life affirming Asatru faith (open to people of all sexual orientations) to share our collective experiences as Queer Asatruar and to provide information and education to those outside of the respective communities. This page is quite raw right now, but we do have a mailing list.
Subscribe to asatru-q Powered by
If you are an Asatruar or partner of an Asatruar and would like to add any Asatru relevant queer-positive essays, experience or humor peices, articles, or topic suggestions, Please e-mail submissions and ideas to

9. The Asatru Archive
The asatru Archive. asatru is inspired by the Scandinavian and Teutonic preChristianreligions. It is often counted as a Neopagan denomination.
The Asatru Archive
Asatru is inspired by the Scandinavian and Teutonic pre-Christian religions. It is often counted as a Neopagan denomination. Asatruars are wellknown for their exellent hospitality.
Please note that some files in these archives may be compressed using gunzip. Unfortunately not all WWW-browsers can uncompress those files. However, you can still retrieve them by anonymous ftp from
Back to the Neopagan Archive
Back to the Religious Archives
To the Occult Archive
To Ceci Henningsson's Home Page
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10. Asatru
The Witches' Voice offers the latest (updated daily) in news and networking for the Modern Witch, Wiccan and Pagan Community. by Manny Olds ( History. Ásatrú is the modern revitalization of the indigenous religion old religion, and in 1972, Ásatrú was recognized as a legitimate religion
dqmcodebase = "" //script folder location Your browser does not support script
Pagans Profile
Belief Systems
Trad Profiles...

1734 Trad

A.D.F. (Druid)


Ar Afalon Tradition

Important NOTE: The tradition profile on this page contains the writings and opinions of the listed author(s) and is not necessarily shared or endorsed by the Witches' Voice inc. The Witches' Voice does not verify or attest to the historical accuracy contained in the content of this tradition profile. All WitchVox Tradition profiles contain a valid email address, feel free to send your comments, thoughts or concerns directly to the listed author(s).. vox menus... Author: Manny Olds Posted: Jan. 8, 2001 This Page Viewed: TRADITION... by Manny Olds ( History This religion was almost completely displaced by Christianity in the Middle Ages. Although the religion was no longer practiced, many aspects survived in the culture. The old religion left as its rich legacy much of our traditional legal and ethical systems and our folk customs. Organization Role of Ministers Ásatrú religious leaders are commonly called "gothi" (male form) and "gythia" (female form). Gothis/gythias are selected by the kindreds or communities that they serve; kindreds may have one or more gothis/gythias. Each kindred has its own notion of what role a gothi/gythia plays, but generally gothis/gythias develop and lead rituals and handle kindred administrative chores. All gothis and gythias are expected to be familiar with the lore and to be able to lead ceremonies.

11. De Noordse Traditie - Asatru In De Lage Landen
Een levensbeschouwing die geschoeid is op de traditie van de oude Germanen.
Welkom op de webstek van Het Rad,
een netwerk voor de Noordse Traditie. Op de verschillende bladzijden van deze webstek wordt De Noordse Traditie, door diverse mensen, op geheel eigen wijze belicht. De zinnige en onzinnige gedachten hebben vorm gekregen in onder andere artikelen, verhalen en liederen. English, please! Het Rad - De Noordse Traditie
Postbus 431
3300 AK Dordrecht
This Ring of the Niebelung WebRing site is owned by De Noordse Traditie - Asatru in the Low Lands
Click for the [ Next Page Skip It Next 5 Random site Want to join the ring? Click here for info
Site last updated on: 06 Jan, 2004

12. The Asatru / Povar
asatruEQ Guild on Povar. We are a guild of friends and family gaming together on the Povar Server. Our name does have significance, though we want to be clear in stating we are not a religious organization. The word asatru, means "faith in the Aesir", who are the gods of pre-Christian Scandinavia
Asatru-EQ Guild on Povar We are a guild of friends and family gaming together on the Povar Server. Our name does have significance, though we want to be clear in stating we are not a religious organization. The word Asatru, means "faith in the Aesir", who are the gods of pre-Christian Scandinavia. The main gods and goddesses of the Asatru, which are all considered friendly, practicable, dependable, and approachable include the following: Thor, the god of thunder and friend of the common folk. Odinn (or Allfather), the chief god, poet and wandering wizard. Tyr, the god of war and justice. Ingvi Frey, the god of peace, fertility, and nature. Freya, the goddess of love, magic, and war and quiet a few other gods and goddesses. Modern Asatru, which is open to anyone, regardless of race, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation was organized in the 1970s, almost simultaneously in Iceland, the USA and the UK.

13. Asatru Information
A satru I nformation
The Lay of Sigrdrifa
Old Norse and Modern English "Heill dagr.
Heilir dags synir.
Heil nótt ok nift.
Óreiðum augum
lítið okkr þinig
ok gefið sitjöndum sigr.
Heilir æsir.
Heilar ásynjur.
Heil sjá in fjölnýta fold.
Mál ok mannvit
gefið okkr mærum tveim ok læknishendr, meðan lifum." "Hail Day. Hail Sons of Day. Hail Night and New Moon. With unangery eyes look hither and grant us Victory while we live. Hail Gods. Hail Goddesses. Hail bounitful Earth. Grace us both with gift of speech and healing hands while we live."
N ew* articles, written in the last year!
What's it all about?
What do Asatruer do?
Well, just like everybody will tell you, Asatru isn’t a one day a week visit to the local god-house to pay your repects. Although, neither is it a life consuming practice where you have to shave your head and wear funny pj’s all day long. I suppose it starts with the hardest and biggest step, thought. A lot of Asatruer are (myself included) recovering Christians, and so the first real step to becoming common and garden Asatruer is to shrug off all Christian baggage and bandaging. No more guilt, sin, self denial or eternal damnation (or salvation for that matter, but that’s another days talk). So thinking like a heathen is the first step to ......hmmm, what, the journey home? OK!

14. Wicca And Asatru
An article by Devyn Gillette and Lewis Stead about the differences between wicca and asatru.
The Pentagram and the Hammer
Devyn Gillette and Lewis Stead The following article is based on the workshop "Wicca and Ásatrú", which was presented by the writers during the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival. Devyn Gillette is a English Traditional Wiccan, and former host of the Pagan radio show "Between the Worlds." Lewis Stead is an Asatruar who edits Asatru Today. Many Wiccans, particularly eclectics, indulge in Germanic practices without reason to suspect (or without concern) that a cadre of Germanic purists are shouting at them from over the heaths. In between these two distinct camps lie those who remain carefree of the matter, and who disregard anyone who would comment on what "is working for them." the general whole They are both Pagan earth religions. They both apply magic in their practices. They both feature an element of reification (i.e., basis on a romanticized notion of the past). While there may exist groups that individually feature more similarities, as far as the entirety of each faith is concerned, there are no other similarities. Pagan Earth Religion Mountain Thunder Curiously, some have questioned whether this is really true for Ásatrú. Some highly eco-aware Wiccans, for example, may balk that Norse Pagans, being generally more conservative (more on this later), might be prone to support legislation that is anti-environmental, or that the Ásatrú ritual of "land taking" (i.e., ownership) defies most understandings of land stewardship. To "own" the land, such a person would argue, is inherently "un-Pagan." For their own sake, many Ásatrú reject the label of "earth religion" and while environmentalism is important, veneration of the Earth Goddess is not a dominant feature of Ásatrú; Nerthus being merely another deity among many.

15. Asatru - The Haxton's Faith
asatru is the ancient religion of Northern Europe the word itself means 'true to the Aesir (gods)'. It has been described by some as more of an ethic than a religion, although we would disagree with that. The Nine Noble Virtues. While asatru does not have a formal creed
Asatru Asatru is the ancient religion of Northern Europe - the word itself means 'true to the Aesir (gods)'. It has been described by some as more of an ethic than a religion, although we would disagree with that. It does have a strong ethical component, best expressed in The Nine Noble Virtues . While Asatru does not have a formal creed, this statement of beliefs by Ravenswood could be considered an attempt in that direction. We are members of the Kindred of Ravenswood . While living in Minnesota, we celebrated several blots with Runehof . We were two of the founding members of Ravenswood, and Dave served as it's first godhi or priest This is the poem he wrote on the dedication of the harrow (altar) of Ravenswood. Dave has written two articles on Asatru that have been published in Idunna , the magazine of the Ring of Troth, a national Asatru organization. These were about the gods Vali and Baldr Another fine national organization is Frigga's Web . Dave serves on their Board of Trustees and also acts as webmaster for the organization. Dave is the President of the Council of Godhar of The Hoosier Heathen Alliance . This organbization hosts an annual "mini-moot" (gathering) every year at our stead, usually around the Winter Nights festival (middle of October).

This site tells about north magic runes, rune magic, religion asatru,futhark, gods and goddesses of the north. Welcome asatru.

17. Irminsul Ættir - Asatru-L
asatruL. asatru-L is sponsored by the Irminsul Ættir on behalf ofthe greater Heathen and Ásatrú community. This mailing list
Asatru-L is sponsored by the Irminsul Ættir on behalf of the greater Heathen and Ásatrú community. This mailing list has been established for the open and free discussion of topics related to Ásatrú or of interest to the Ásatrú community and to with a focus on individual and inter-organizational cooperation, resource sharing and communication. Anyone with a valid e-mail address is welcome to join. Subscription to the list will be considered to be an agreement to abide by the rules and guidelines for the mailing list.
To subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Asatru-L list simply send a message to with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject line. A digest format is available.
To receive the list in digest format send a message to with the word subscribe (or unsubscribe ) in the subject line. If you are receiving asatru-l you will want to unsubscribe from from asatru-l or you will receive both formats. Send all messages and replies to

18. ASATRU (Norse Heathenism)
asatru. (Norse Heathenism). Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. in Europeand North America. Corruption of asatru It is not unknown
(Norse Heathenism)
Click Here to Visit our Sponsors.
Asatru is frequently regarded as one of the Neopagan family of religions. That family includes Wicca Celtic Druidism , and re-creations of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other ancient Pagan religions. However, many Asatruers prefer the term " Heathen " to " Neopagan " and look upon their tradition as " not just a branch on the Neopagan tree " but as a separate tree. Unlike Wicca, which has gradually evolved into many different traditions, the reconstruction of Asatru has been based on the surviving historical record. Its followers have maintained it as closely as possible to the original religion of the Norse people. Some sources state that Asatru or Ásatrú is of Norse origin, derived from the Danish word Asetro . It was " first seen in 1885 in an article in the periodical "Fjallkonan". The next recorded instance was in "Heiðinn siður á Íslandi" by Ólafur Briem (Reykjavík, 1945) ." The title means "

19. Asatru > Heathen Hearts > Úvodní Stránka
asatru Heathen Hearts Official PanEuropean Heathen Website OfOriginal Religions Cultures. Kontakt
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Heathen Hearts
Informaèní server pan-evropských pøírodních náboženství a kultur.
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Oslava Hailagaiws - Zzzimních nocí (Samhainu] se koná v Praze (v lese v divoèinì na kraji mìsta) dne 1.-2.11. Slavnost bude temná, pøipravte se na nejhorší. Rozjímejte o smrtia pøipravujte si dáreèky pro mrtvé pøedky. Poøádá klan Villi Svín Pro naplnìní scénáøe slavnosti konané v Ralsku je nutné, aby každý úèastník mìl vlastní plamen - pochodeò . Proto bychom Vás chtìli požádat, aby si každý, kdo se slavnosti bude úèastnit, poøídil zahradní pochodeò (lampu) na lampový olej, a sice její nejmenší verzi (délka cca 80 až 100cm). Dále je vhodné, aby si úèastnící se skupinka poøídila jednu láhev lampového oleje Blíží se podzimní rovnodennost. Naše oslava se bude konat na stejném místì jako minulého roku. Ralsko u Mimonì u Èeské Lípy.

20. Welcome To The Customer Site
Features information about the Norse gods and asatru.
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