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21. Coachella Apostolic Assembly Pictures Coachella apostolic assembly Pictures, coachellaapostolicassemblypictures@groups.msn.com, What s New, Welcome to the Coachella apostolic assembly Picture page! http://groups.msn.com/coachellaapostolicassemblypictures | |
22. Apostolic, Messengers Of Peace The National Youth dept for the apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc....... Address http//groups.msn.com/ApostolicMessengersofPeace http://groups.msn.com/ApostolicMessengersofPeace/settings | |
23. Temple Emmanuel Apostolic Church apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Map, times and place of meetings, contact information, progress of building new sanctuary. http://www.morgan-hill-apostolic-assembly.org/ |
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25. Welcome To Apostolic Faith Temple apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Offers worship and Bible study in English and Spanish. FAQ, doctrinal statement, calendar. http://www.aftnet.org/ | |
26. Santa Cruz Guide Apostolic Assembly Religious Organizations Advertisement Business Listing. apostolic assembly 113 E Front St Watsonville, CA 950765012 831-724-9920, Business Category Religious http://www.santacruzguide.com/page.cgi/pages/970223/97022378.html | |
27. HOME OF CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH apostolic assembly of Faith in Jesus Christ. Church located central. Includes contact information, location and times for English and Spanish-language worship and study. http://www.cccministries.org/ | |
28. Requested File Not Found Apostolic Church of Fresno 1 The denomination to which we belong is the apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. We are a part of this organization of more than 700 churches. http://commerce.bizonthe.net/websitesearch/a/apostolicassembly.asp | |
29. Rev. Antonio Castaneda Nava Nava severed ties with the Indianapolisbased Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and incorporated the apostolic assembly under the laws of the State of http://members.aol.com/iglaposfre/tribute.htm | |
30. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Minneapolis, Minnesota apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Schedule, photos and biography of the pastor, doctrinal statement, map and directions. Information in English and Spanish. http://asambleaapostolica.tripod.com/inenglish.html | |
31. Community Government, Religion Spirituality, Churches Antioch apostolic assembly 602 West 2nd Street, Antioch, CA 94509 (925) 4322636 phonephone map save, Antioch apostolic assembly http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/CP-Community & Government^Religion & |
32. Community Government, Religion Spirituality, Churches save, Abundant Life apostolic assembly 1905 El Paso Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 (972) 6424412 phonephone map save, Abundant http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/CP-Community & Government^Religion & |
33. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Top Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity Denominations Pentecostalism apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (8) http://www.oobdoo.com/directory/Society/ReligionandSpirituality/Christianity/Den | |
34. @LA Religion/Christianity: Pentecostal/Apostolic In Southern California: Los Ang Index, apostolic assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ. Churches / Congregations. Directories. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ http://www.at-la.com/@la-god/pentecost.htm | |
35. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Toys Games. Click Here. Encyclopedia. Main Page See live article, apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. The Apostolic http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/apostolic_assembly_of_the_faith_in_chri | |
36. :: Ez2Find :: Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Guide apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Global Metasearch Guides, apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. ez2Find Home http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/Religion_and_Spiritu | |
37. Churches First apostolic assembly. Monticello. John R. Reeves. Sunday School at 930 am Morning Worship at 1030 am - Bible study 7 pm. This http://www.monticello.net/html/churches_14.html | |
38. San Diego Source | San Diego Daily Transcript, San Diego Source | San Diego Dail apostolic assembly. apostolic assembly is listed in Churches. Company Name apostolic assembly. Executives Subscription Only. Address. Subscription Only. http://www.sddt.com/Databases/BusinessListings/CompanyDetails.cfm?BusinessCatego |
39. San Diego Source | San Diego Daily Transcript, San Diego Source | San Diego Dail contains. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc is listed in Churches. http://www.sddt.com/Databases/BusinessListings/CompanyDetails.cfm?BusinessCatego |
40. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Los Angeles District Paz de cristo! Los Angeles District apostolic assembly of the faith in Christ Jesus. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. http://www.ladistrict.com/ | |
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