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         Apostolic Assembly:     more books (19)
  1. The Scriptural view of the Christian pastorate by Karl Franklin Smith, 1951
  2. The secrets of power: A break-through from the Bible context by John S Umoh, 1984
  3. The Westminster Shorter Catechism: A structural analysis & systematic arrangement to aid pastors and teachers in preparation for sermons and instructional classes by Brian E Coombs, 1998
  4. The life and writings of G.T. Haywood (Oneness Pentecostal pioneer series) by G. T Haywood, 1968
  5. A devout man: Biography of Karl F. Smith, 1892-1972 by Aaron J Smith, 1998

21. Coachella Apostolic Assembly Pictures
Coachella apostolic assembly Pictures,, What s New, Welcome to the Coachella apostolic assembly Picture page!
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22. Apostolic, Messengers Of Peace
The National Youth dept for the apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc....... Address http//
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23. Temple Emmanuel Apostolic Church
apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Map, times and place of meetings, contact information, progress of building new sanctuary.

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25. Welcome To Apostolic Faith Temple
apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Offers worship and Bible study in English and Spanish. FAQ, doctrinal statement, calendar.
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26. Santa Cruz Guide Apostolic Assembly Religious Organizations
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apostolic assembly of Faith in Jesus Christ. Church located central. Includes contact information, location and times for English and Spanish-language worship and study.
JESUSCHRISTISLORD CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Home Statement of Faith Our History Ministries outh ebsite College -Career Web SUNDAY SERMON Events-At-A-Glance May 2 COMMUNION May 6 National Day of Prayer May 9 Mother's Day; Pastor Bryan's Graduation June 20 Father's Day June 26 July 16-18 Family Camp 2004 Directions Contact Us Links Welcome Congregational Christian Web!!! Congregational Christian Church is located at 2400 West Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90046. See Map SERVICES. Our church conducts morning and evening services, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm respectively. While other churches have abandoned midweek prayer meetings, we continue to hold PRAYER MEETINGS on Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm. Sunday Sermon plus notes will be ready for download immediately after the service. Bible Studies. Besides the Bible Study that takes place on Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings, we have Bible Studies starting Thursday, all the way through Saturday. THURSDAY Bible Study at Uncle Sam’s.

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Apostolic Church of Fresno 1 The denomination to which we belong is the apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. We are a part of this organization of more than 700 churches.
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29. Rev. Antonio Castaneda Nava
Nava severed ties with the Indianapolisbased Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and incorporated the apostolic assembly under the laws of the State of
Mission Statement

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."
John 11:25
A Life Spanning Almost Three Centuries
A Unique Ministry within the
Hispanic Sector of the U.S.

Rev. Nava came to live in the United States in 1915. In the following year, 1916, while working in a camp in Imperial Valley, he met Marcial de la Cruz who was also a rural worker. Together they traveled from Imperial Valley to Los Angeles, CA. Bro. De la Cruz had been giving him gospel testimony for two months. At the end of the year, they went to visit a Caucasian brother who was going to take them to find work. Upon arriving, they found this brother praying in a church, so they had to wait until he finished. After waiting for a long time, bro. Nava made the decision to leave, but bro. De la Cruz convinced him to stay and they both entered the church. Upon entering bro. Nava was led to the altar and there was baptized by the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues. Two hours later, on that same day of 23 of November 1916, he was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. After that unforgettable experience, bro. Nava lived with bro. De la Cruz for the following two years and they both moved to Riverside, CA.

30. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Minneapolis, Minnesota
apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Schedule, photos and biography of the pastor, doctrinal statement, map and directions. Information in English and Spanish.

Coming soon the Bloomington/Burnsville work will be opening!

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Pastor: Rev. D. Hernandez
Bible Verse for The denomination to which we belong is the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. We are a part of this corporation of more than 500 churches spread throughout the United States, Mexico, South America, Canada and some European nations. Every four (4) years, in a General Convention, eight officials are elected to direct our organization whose offices are in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. This executive board is presently presided over by Bishop President Rev. Baldemar Rodriguez. At the national level, the Assembly is structured into Districts. Each district is supervised by a bishop. Our Pentecostal movement had its origin in the beginning of the 19th century on Azuza Street in Los Angeles, California; world renown in the history of Pentecostalism. People from all nationalities came to this place mainly to receive the experience of "speaking in other tongues". A Hispanic by the last name of Navarro, who had received this experience at the mission on Azuza street, came into contact with another Hispanic named Francisco F. Llorente, originally from Acapulco; who baptized him and later baptized Marcial de la Cruz, a native of Torreon. These three ministers moved from the ranks of the Anglo-Saxon church to preach amongst the Hispanics. They began to spread themselves throughout Riverside, Colton, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Watts. This initial group was affiliated with the "Pentecostal Assemblies of the World".

31. Community Government, Religion Spirituality, Churches
Antioch apostolic assembly 602 West 2nd Street, Antioch, CA 94509 (925) 4322636 phonephone map save, Antioch apostolic assembly & Government^Religion &

32. Community Government, Religion Spirituality, Churches
save, Abundant Life apostolic assembly 1905 El Paso Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 (972) 6424412 phonephone map save, Abundant & Government^Religion &

33. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus
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Top Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity ... Pentecostalism : Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (8)
    First Apostolic Church of Fresno / North Central District of California - Site does double duty as home for both the local church and district of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Doctrinal statement, extensive links. Bilingual: English and Spanish. Siloam Temple - Minneapolis, Minnesota. Schedule, photos and biography of the pastor, doctrinal statement, map and directions. Temple Emmanuel Apostolic Church - Morgan Hill, California. Map, times and place of meetings, contact information, progress of building new sanctuary. Solid Rock Worship Center - Grandview, Washington. Explanation of beliefs, brief history, regular schedule, map and directions. Apostolic Faith Temple - San Jose, California. Offers worship and Bible study in English and Spanish. FAQ, doctrinal statement, calendar. Central East Coast District - Official web site of this AAFCJ district covering Georgia and the Carolinas. Denominational history and doctrine, list of district board members, directory of local churches, convention news, upcoming events, photo gallery.

34. @LA Religion/Christianity: Pentecostal/Apostolic In Southern California: Los Ang
Index, apostolic assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ. Churches / Congregations. Directories. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ
Religion/Christianity: Pentecostal/Apostolic
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New Bethel Church Apostolic
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San Pedro Family Worship Center

Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ Churches / Congregations Directories Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus , Rancho Cucamonga Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Los Angeles District Directories Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Links Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Los Angeles District Churches Churches/Congregations Apolostic Worship Epicenter , Baldwin Park Bread of Life Fellowship , Lake Elsinore Christian Tabernacle , Santa Ana Coachella Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Family Life Center Apostolic Church , Whittier Fortaleza Divina Church , San Bernardino Life Tabernacle Apostolic Church , Whittier - bilingual Spanish Los Angeles District Messengers of Peace Southern California District Messengers of Peace (SCDMOP) West Coast Christian Tabernacle , Santa Ana Index Apostolic Faith Church

35. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus
Toys Games. Click Here. Encyclopedia. Main Page See live article, apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. The Apostolic
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Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus
The Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus is the oldest Spanish-speaking Oneness Pentecostal denomination in the United States. It was founded in and incorporated in California on March 15 . The first Bishop President elected was Francisco Llorente, who was baptized by Juan Navarro, a participant in the Azusa Street Revival . Its predominant ministry has been to Spanish-speaking immigrants to the United States . In the body was comprised of over 700 congregations in the United States, as well work in over 20 countries. Estimated worldwide membership is more than 130,000. International headquarters are located in

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Guide apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Global Metasearch Guides, apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. ez2Find Home
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37. Churches
First apostolic assembly. Monticello. John R. Reeves. Sunday School at 930 am Morning Worship at 1030 am - Bible study 7 pm. This
The Monticello, Illinois, Piatt County USA Website First Apostolic Assembly Monticello John R. Reeves Sunday School at 930 am - Morning Worship at 1030 am - Bible study 7 pm This site is hosted and maintained by Monticello Online Internet Services. For additions or corrections, contact us.

38. San Diego Source | San Diego Daily Transcript, San Diego Source | San Diego Dail
apostolic assembly. apostolic assembly is listed in Churches. Company Name apostolic assembly. Executives Subscription Only. Address. Subscription Only.

39. San Diego Source | San Diego Daily Transcript, San Diego Source | San Diego Dail
contains. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc is listed in Churches.

40. Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus Los Angeles District
Paz de cristo! Los Angeles District apostolic assembly of the faith in Christ Jesus. apostolic assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus.
Serving the churh in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties. Applications: Real State
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