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21. Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches with joy, knowing they have been spiritually ministered to, challenged, uplifted. Jonathan Philbrick, Pastor, Johnson City Alliance Church (C MA), Johnson http://www.thehales.com/referrals/c&ma.htm | |
22. Nashville, TN - Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches A listing of all the Christian Missionary alliance churches in greater Nashville, with address, phone, fax, email, and web site URL. http://www.nashcity.com/religious-institutions/christian-churches/churcma.htm | |
23. Alliance Video Magazine The C MA Edgewater alliance churches (approx. 500) Hear how a church in Edgewater, Florida, trusted God by sacrificing its people, money http://www.cmalliance.org/resources/av/avm/17.2/17.2_edgewater.jsp |
24. Edmonton Churches - Places Of Worship Together alliance churches across Canada support more than 240 missionaries worldwide involved in education, disaster relief work, medical work and church http://www.edmonton-businesses-online.com/churches.htm | |
25. Christian And Missionary Alliance Churches In Charlotte, North Carolina, South C Charlotte Hmong Alliance Church, 704394-0520. Churches - Christian Missionary Alliance, -. Churches - Christian Missionary Alliance, -. First Alliance Church, http://www.carolinas.net/charlotte/categories/churches&charities/christian&missi | |
26. Lansing Church Link Christian Missionary alliance churches. (if your church is not listed, please email the correct information and heading to our webmaster.) http://www.synergysoup.com/lansingchurchlink/christianmissalli.html | |
27. First Nations Alliance Churches Of Canada (FNACC): Details At CrossCanadaSearch First Nations alliance churches of Canada (FNACC) Top 50 Site No. This website is the Canadian headquarters for the First Nations alliance churches. http://crosscanadasearch.com/Detailed/871.html | |
28. Directory Of Christian And Missionary Alliance Churches On The Web Worldwide alliance churches Online. A Directory of Christian and Missionary alliance churches on the Web Worldwide. Tour Our Website. Clark Alliance Church; 2 Denman Ave. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/2715/cmaurls.html | |
29. CMA Local alliance churches seek to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and teach the salvation that He so freely offers to every person. http://www.titusvillepa.com/churches/CMA.htm | |
30. Alliance Churches & Schools NE CATEGORY SEARCH. NE » Alliance » Churches Schools Change Location. Categories (total 6). alliance churches Schools NE. Churches Schools Yellow Pages. http://nebraska.gigarank.com/1651/Alliance/Churches-Schools.html | |
31. Christianity - Churches Top Links Chinese Alliance Church MCAC We are an evangelical church belonging to the big family of about 400 Christian Missionary alliance churches in Canada. http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Christian_and_Missionary_Alliance_Ch | |
32. Chinese Alliance Churches Union Home Page. About Blenheim. Michael s Letter. What s Going On. Church Premises. Contact Location Details. Prayer Support. Chinese alliance churches Union (UK). http://www.blenheim.org.uk/cacuuk.htm | |
33. Harford County Churches And Places Of Worship www.thatharfordsite.com Your complete guide to Harford County www.ThatHarfordSite.com Harford Worship Christian Missionary alliance churches. http://www.thatharfordsite.com/worship/christianmissionary.htm | |
34. North Central Vermont Churches Chapels Synagogues Houses Of Worship Christian Missonary alliance churches Christian Alliance Church 43 Berlin Rd., Barre, VT 05641 Ph 802476-3221 - Call for Worship Schedule. http://www.vtliving.com/churches/mont.shtml | |
35. About Pastor-At-Large Donald L. Bubna has known the ecstasy and agony of pastoring. For thirtyeight years, he served three Christian Missionary alliance churches. http://www.gospelcom.net/mw/pal/pal1.html | |
36. Vietnamese: History they are not currently involved with in any joint projects the community, has good relations with the other Christian Missionary alliance churches in Lincoln. http://www.nebrwesleyan.edu/events/harvardrel/vietnam/history.html | |
37. Community Government, Religion Spirituality, Churches, More Listings, alliance churches (1 1 of 1), Christian Missionary Alliance phonephone map save Appears in the Category alliance churches. http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/CP-Community & Government^Religion & |
38. World Alliance Of Reformed Churches (WARC) An international fellowship linking over 75 million Christians in Congregationalist, Presbyterian, Reformed and United churches. http://www.warc.ch/ | |
39. The Alliance For Renewal Churches The alliance for Renewal churches is an association of churches and leaders fostering Christian 2002 The alliance for Renewal churches · Mansfield, Ohio · arc@arcchurch.org http://www.arcchurch.org/ | |
40. The Alliance For Saturation Church Planting A partnership of more than 50 churches and international mission agencies joining to start new churches in the 27 countries of the former Soviet Union. http://www.alliancescp.org/ | |
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