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         Akan:     more books (100)
  1. African Religion Defined: A Systematic Study of Ancestor Worship among the Akan by Anthony Ephirim-Donkor, 2010-10-16
  2. Revelation: The Movement of the Akan People from Kanaan to Ghana by Akanba Akanba, 2010-02-25
  3. Selections From the Book of Mormon - Akan (Fante) Translation - Mormon Nwoma No Mu Bi by n/a, 1988
  4. Langue Akan: Baoulé, Agni, Abron, Langues Akan, Twi (French Edition)
  5. Protected Areas of Hokkaido: Akan National Park, Abashiri Quasi-National Park, Daisetsuzan National Park, Shiretoko National Park
  6. Religion in Afrika: Religion Der Akan, Leopardenmenschen, Combat Spirituel, Afrikanische Religionen, Afroamerikanische Religionen (German Edition)
  7. 10472 shrii madyein'kat'eishvaraashht'akan' by shriimaan brxn'da laqs-mand-aachaaryulu, 2010-05-11
  8. Geschichte (Mali): Geschichte Malis, Akan, Songhaireich, Wargee, Reich Von Ghana, Malireich, Bambara, Gao-Reich, Mali-Burkina-Faso-Grenzkrieg (German Edition)
  9. A history of the Akan Peoples of the Gold Coast by rev wt balmer, 1925
  10. Kwa Languages: Ga Language, Ghana-Togo Mountain Languages, Adangme Language, Siwu Language, Akan Language, Larteh, Anyin Language
  11. Dissolved Municipalities of Hokkaido: Hobetsu, Hokkaido, Memanbetsu, Hokkaido, Kumaishi, Hokkaido, Atsuta, Hokkaido, Akan, Hokkaido, Toya
  12. A history of the Akan peoples of the Gold coast, by the Rev. W. T. Balmer, with foreword by the Hon. C. W. Welman, M.A. by William Turnbull Balmer, 1926-01-01
  13. Hayots? ekeghets?akan tarrakan dprots?neri usumnakan tsragir (Armenian Edition) by Unknown, 1908-01-01

101. Mahasiswa Akan "Serbu" Cendana - 21/05/2004, 08:57 WIB - KOMPAS Cyber Media - Me
Dapatkan berita metropolitan terbaru lewat SMS. Kirim SMS dengan pesan MET ke5003. Khusus IM3 Satelindo. Mahasiswa akan Serbu Cendana. Jakarta, KCM.
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Rubrik Komunitas Kolom Surat Kabar Majalah CARI Updated: Jumat, 21 Mei 2004, 08:57 WIB METROPOLITAN
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Mahasiswa Akan "Serbu" Cendana
Jakarta, KCM Kirim Teman Print Artikel Sekitar seribu mahasiswa siang ini (Jumat, 21/5) pukul 13.30 WIB akan berunjuk rasa di Jalan Cendana, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, kediaman mantan Presiden Soeharto, untuk memperingati enam tahun tumbangnya orde baru. "Seribu mahasiswa akan ke Cendana siang ini," ungkap Bona Ventura, dari elemen mahasiswa Aliansi Mei Bergerak, menjawab KCM , Jumat (21/5) pagi. Ketika dihubungi, Bona Ventura bersama rekan-rekannya tengah berada di Tugu Proklamasi, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, yang merupakan titik kumpul aksi ke Cendana. Aliansi Mei Bergerak menilai,  pemerintah dan parlemen (DPR) tak mampu menyeret Soeharto ke pengadilan sesuai dengan tuntutan reformasi yang digulirkan mahasiswa enam tahun lalu. "Tetap saja Soeharto sampai saat ini tidak bisa dijerat hukum. Kenapa Soeharto tidak bisa diadili? Kenapa para koruptor tidak bsia ditangkap? Kenapa para jenderal dan pelanggar HAM juga tidak bisa diadili," bunyi pernyataan Aliansi Mei Bergerak. Hukum yang ada saat ini, menurut Aliansi Mei Bergerak, adalah untuk melindungi para koruptor dan penjahat HAM. "Padahal sudah sangat jelas bahwa Soeharto adalah fasis yang kekuasaannya dibangun atas militeristik yang sangat rakus dan sangat tamak. Untuk itu kami darfi aliansi menyerukan jangan lupakan Soeharto dan adili Soeharto sekarang juga," demikian Aliansi Mei Bergerak.

102. Gus Dur: 70 Persen Kiai NU Akan Golput - 13/05/2004, 14:08 WIB - KOMPAS Cyber Me
Khusus IM3 Satelindo. Gus Dur 70 Persen Kiai NU akan Golput. Jakarta, KCM. GusDur khawatir sikap para kiai tersebut akan diikuti oleh para warga nahdlyyin.
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Rubrik Komunitas Kolom Surat Kabar Majalah CARI Updated: Kamis, 13 Mei 2004, 14:08 WIB NASIONAL
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Gus Dur: 70 Persen Kiai NU Akan Golput
Jakarta, KCM Kirim Teman Print Artikel ANTARA/str-Jefri Aries Berita Terkait:
Gus Dur Mengadu ke Panwaslu
Calon presiden Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) mengatakan, bila dirinya tidak masuk dalam daftar calon presiden (capres) yang ditetapkan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), maka 70 persen kiai Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) tidak akan mengikuti Pemilu Presiden alias menjadi golongan putih (golput). "Para kiai itu sudah mengancam kalau saya tidak jadi masuk daftar capres maka mereka akan golput," ungkap Gus Dur di kantor Panitia Pengawas Pemilu (Panwaslu), Jakarta, Kamis (13/5), seperti dilaporkan Liliek dari Radio Sonora Menurut Gus Dur, satu kiai yang sudah menyatakan golput adalah KH Ahmad Sofyan dari Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Gus Dur khawatir sikap para kiai tersebut akan diikuti oleh para warga nahdlyyin. Gus Dur berharap sikap tersebut jangan sampai menimbulkan tindak kekerasan. Gus Dur sampai hari ini terdaftar menjadi calon presiden berpasangan dengan Ketua DPP Partai Golkar Marwah Daud Ibrahim, sebagai calon wakil presiden (cawapres). Namun,  dua SK KPU, masing-masing No. 26/2004 Tata Cara Pencalonan Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, serta SK. No. 31/2004 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian Rohani dan Jasmani Capres dan Cawapres dikhawatirkan akan menghadang langkah Gus Dur masuk daftar capres yang akan dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat pada tanggal 5 Juli mendatang.

103. - Rentak Muzik Terkini_____________________
pagi. Halim akan mengambil panggilan telefon dari pendengar lelaki danseorang pemanggil yang akan mewakili kaum perempuan. Permainan

document.write(''+strthesong+''); document.write(''+strartist+'');
Id Pengguna : Kata Laluan : Ingat Kata Laluan Daftar sekarang Perlu bantuan? SENSASI CERITA ARTIS PANGGUNG KLASIK PENTAS ERA BOLLYWOOD ERA ... SELEBRITI ONLINE Halim akan mengambil panggilan telefon dari pendengar lelaki dan seorang pemanggil yang akan mewakili kaum perempuan. Permainan atau peraduan ini mudah sahaja ! Pemanggil lelaki akan ditanyakan soalan berkenaan hal-hal perempuan, dan begitulah sebaliknya. Ini adalah untuk menguji sejauh mana anda kenal mereka yang berlainan jantina dari anda. Contohnya: Soalan untuk Rumie (Lelaki)!
1 Apakah yang dibuat oleh Osh Kosh ?
a. Pakaian Wanita

104. Ozgur Baris Akan
Ozgur Baris akan. Doctoral Student. Advisor Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz; Lab Broadband andWireless Networking Lab. Problems, comments? Please contact Ozgur Baris akan.
Ozgur Baris Akan
Doctoral Student
Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Biography Research Publications ... Other
Ozgur Baris Akan was born in Ankara, Turkey. After high school education in Ankara Fen Lisesi (Ankara Science High School), he received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bilkent University and Middle East Technical University , Ankara, Turkey, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. He is now a Research Assistant in Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology , Atlanta, GA. He is pursuing his Ph.D. degree under the guidance of Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz
His current research interests are transport protocols for diverse wireless architectures and heterogeneous application requirements, adaptive transport protocols for next generation wireless networks, transport protocols for deep space communication networks; MPLS, QoS and handoff management in wireless networks. He is currently involved in the following projects:
    Journal Papers
  • O. B. Akan, I. F. Akyildiz, "ATL: An Adaptive Transport Layer for Next Generation Wireless Internet,"

105. Gerbang Tempur Politik Maya Kmu Dot Net - Isu Parlimen Kepala Batas.. PAS Akan T
Isu Parlimen Kepala Batas.. PAS akan Terima Padah! Posted on Tuesday, May 04 @ 120500MYT by tengkudin. Re Isu Parlimen Kepala Batas.. PAS akan Terima Padah!

106. Children's Folk Games * I*EARN Project * Akan Tongue Twisters
akan Tongue Twisters. The akans form about 44?f the total populationof Ghana. The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, is an akan.
Games Rhymes Customs Tongue Twisters ... Home
Tongue Twisters
The Akans form about 44?f the total population of Ghana. The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, is an Akan. Actually Akan is a collection of Akin dialects: Twi, Fante, Akuapim and Bono. It is the most widely spoken dialect in the country. Almost every body understands the language. It will be the obvious choice if Ghana had to pick a lingua franca. The language lack z, x, v and q in its alphabets in place it has two alphabets which unfortunately my computer does not support those fonts but o e is a reflected "c" that is c with its arch facing the west instead of the normal english c. This is pronounced as 'orr' as in ball. The other alphabet is a e written like E also reflected by 180 degrees. pronounced as 'ehh' as in p(e)n. I hope that I about ok if you need any thing more about the language let me know. Agya kwaa paa koo apaa
kohunu mampam gyae apam
kopaam mampam maa mampam
foro pam yii pam boo agya
kwaapaa apampam pee. Translation:
Mr. Kwaapaa went to the farm to remove stumps

107. Detiki-Net
Call Pornografi, Indeks Berita, Standar WiFi Terbaru akan Muncul TahunDepan Reporter Ni Ketut Susrini detikcom - Jakarta, Standar
detikNews detikFinance detikSaham detikHot ... Ticket Box Rabu, 2 Juni 2004 Database
P i l i h : . . . . . . Jurnal TI Perundangan R e k a n a n
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Berita Lain Telko
01/06/2004 17:36 WIB
Sosialisasi Kode Akses SLJJ Telkom, Gerakkan Ekonomi

01/06/2004 09:51 WIB
Tarif Pascabayar ProXL Berubah

29/05/2004 15:20 WIB Excelcom Turunkan Harga Perdana Ringan Telko 28/05/2004 16:04 WIB Oktober, Tarif GPRS Matrix Naik Telko 28/05/2004 10:33 WIB Indosat Targetkan 9 Juta Pelanggan Seluler Indeks Berita Standar Wi-Fi Terbaru akan Muncul Tahun Depan Reporter: Ni Ketut Susrini detikcom - Jakarta , Standar wireless kini tidak hanya 802.11a, 11b dan 11g. Standar-standar baru berupa 802.11e dan 11i sedang digarap dan akan muncul dalam bentuk produk pada akhir tahun depan. Seperti dikutip dari situs PCWolrd, Kamis (06/05/2004), standar-standar wireless terbaru ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan dukungan terhadap aplikasi-aplikasi yang membutuhkan bandwidth yang tinggi. Standar 802.11e dirancang untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan untuk suara ( voice calls ), video beresolusi tinggi dan aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang banyak dibutuhkan. Sementara standar 802.11i difokuskan dalam hal sekuriti dengan menggunakan spesifikasi sekuriti yang didasarkan pada

108. KKAnti: Libation, Old Testament, Akan
LIBATION IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND AKAN LIFE AND THOUGHT: A CRITIQUE by K. K. AMOS ANTI Faculty of Education University of Cape Coast Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa
    We know that "an idol has no real existence"
    and that "there is no God but One". For although
    there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth
    - as indeed there are many "gods" and many "Iords"
    - yet for us there is One God, the Father, from
    whom are all things and for whom we exist, and
    One Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things
    and through whom we exist.
    I Corinthians 8:4-6 (R.S.V.)

    Many people were involved in the development of this study. It is not possible to mention them all.
    The late Rt. Rev. J. A. Ackon, Anglican Bishop of Cape Coast, Ghana, facilitated my studies by recommending me for U.S.P.G. Bursary to study Mission at the Selly Oak Colleges with the understanding that I would be more involved in ministerial training at St. Nicholas Anglican Theological College, Cape Coast where I have been working as part-time lecturer since 1981. I am most grateful to him. Words cannot express my gratitude to the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (U.S.P.G.) for granting me a bursary to study in Britain and also for making it possible for me to share in family and church life in the United Kingdom. Their assistance during my visit to California, U.S.A. and Frankfurt, West Germany to attend International Christian Conferences, is much appreciated.

109. Akan Spiritual United Order
THE akan SPIRITUAL UNITED ORDER (ASUO). Our Statement Of Purpose AndCommitment. Purpose. The akan Spiritual United Order, ASUO, is
Our Statement Of Purpose And Commitment
Purpose The Akan Spiritual United Order, A.S.U.O., is a non profit spiritual/religious, cultural and educational society that is dedicated to the spiritual upliftment and the cultural, educational and economic development of the African family.
Modalities and Functions
Through the dissemination of information, the A.S.U.O. contributes to the general African family an understanding of the traditional "religion" as practiced by the Akans of Ghana, West Africa. We train and ordain priests, priestesses, herbalists and healers in the tradition Of the Nana Akonnedi Shrine of Larteh, Ghana in particular, and we work with other shrines and community organizations in mutual exchange of knowledge.
The A.S.U.O provides the following services for family and community events:
  • religious ceremonies and festivals
  • puberty rites
  • naming ceremonies
  • spiritual and family consultations
  • baths
  • house blessings
  • pouring of libations at family and community events, and

110. Japan Atlas: Marimo And Lake Akan
The bottom of Lake akan is inhabited by miraculously spherical algae called marimo. Although marimo and its related species are observed in the lakes of
Akan Town, Hokkaido
Area: 13 sq km (5 sq mi)
Circumference: 25.9 km (16.1 miles)
Elevation: 420 m (1378 ft)
Maximum depth: 45 m (148 ft) AKAN NATIONAL PARK
on December 4, 1934
Area: 905 sq km (349 sq mi)
Annual Visitors: MARIMO
Cladophora sauteri or Cladophora aegagropila
First discovered in 1823 by Dr. Anton E. Sauter, an Austrian botanist, in Lake Zeller, Austria. The Rolling Green Jewels Under the Water The bottom of Lake Akan is inhabited by miraculously spherical algae called "marimo." Although marimo and its related species are observed in the lakes of several European countries and in some other lakes in Japan, only in Lake Akan marimo grow 20 to 30 centimeters (8 to 12 inches) in diameter and have a spherical surface that is beautifully soft and smooth like velvet. Marimo have not always had an easy life in the lake which serves the local community as a tourist attraction and a valuable water resource. Ironically, after the first governmental designation of marimo as a Natural Treasure in 1921, people came from all over the country to obtain these unique plants. Some were taken away as souvenirs by tourists and many others were stolen and sold for high prices in urban areas. Other damages were caused after a hydroelectric power plant was built along Akan River which flows out of the lake in 1920. A number of marimo, which can survive only in the shallow water, were exposed and withered as a result of the lowered water level due to the use of lake water for generating electricity.

111. NOVICA - West Africa - Masks : Akan (Ghanaian)
Read about their lives, explore their fascinating cultures, and select from morethan 15000 handcrafted works of art.NOVICA, West Africa, Masks akan (Ghanaian

112. NOVICA - West Africa - Masks : Akan (Ghanaian) - Ernestina Oppong Asante - Wood
lives, explore their fascinating cultures, and select from more than 15000 handcraftedworks of art.NOVICA, West Africa, Masks akan (Ghanaian), Ernestina

113. BOOMERANG AKAN RILIS 2 ALBUM > Media Anak Smansa Bali > Info Music
SmansaBali.Net Media Anak Smansa Bali Info Music. BOOMERANG akan RILIS 2ALBUM Posted by admin on 2004-02-24 print artikel ini beritahu teman
Posted by admin on 2004-02-24 print artikel ini beritahu teman BAND ROCK asal Surabaya, Boomerang, kini sibuk berbenah. Setelah mencuat kembali dengan album Terapi Visi, kini mereka kembali dengan formasi utuh. Beberapa bulan belakangan memang formasi mereka tidak utuh, lantaran basisnya, Hubert Henry, tertangkap tangan menggunakan ganja. Kini, setelah bebas, Henry bergabung kembali dengan band yang membesarkan namanya ini.
Kini, John Paul Ivan (gitar), Roy Jecomiah (vokal), Farid Martin (drum), Hubert Henry (bas), siap tampil lebih maksimal. Sebelumnya, Hubert Henry digantikan oleh additional basis, Zulkarnaen Pinem, yang juga kru Henry.
Kelompok musik yang pernah dipercaya untuk menjadi band pembuka konser rock grup asal Amerika, Mr Big, pada 15 Mei 1996, di Stadion Tambaksari Surabaya itu menelurkan beberapa album yang mencuatkan sejumlah hits di Tanah Air; di antaranya Kontaminasi Otak dengan hitsnya "Bawalah Aku" dan "O-ya", serta album Disharmoni dan album cover version bertajuk Segitiga.
Mereka juga sukses menjadi pembuka konser Megadeth di Stadion Teladan, Medan, pada 31 Juli 2001 lalu. Tak cuma itu, Boomerang juga akan meluncurkan dua album the best yang kemungkinan besar akan digulirkan pada konsernya kali ini. Kedua album itu adalah Best Ballad dan Hard 'n Heavy yang perilisannya pada saat itu dilakukan untuk merayakan ulang tahun kelima. "Kami akan merilis album ini dihadapan penggemar sekaligus perayaan ulangtahun Boomerang," jelas John Paul Ivan, yang ketika dikontak sedang berada di Solo karena Boomerang akan berkonser di sana.

114. AKAN Spirituality
This project is designed to impart information regarding the practice of the akanAkom Tradition in America. A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE TRADITIONAL akan RELIGION.
TRADITIONAL AKAN RELIGION A BRIEF HISTORY OF AKANS IN AMERICA In 1965, the late Nana Yao Opare Dinizulu I, whose research had revealed to him that his ancestors came from Ghana, traveled to the Akonedi Shrine in Ghana for an oracular consultation, which was done by Okomfohemmaa Nana Akua Oparebea's mother. Nana Dinizulu was directed to his ancestral home through divination. He was completely overwhelmed. He was initiated and upon his return brought to the USA, Nana Asuo Gyebi, Esi Ketewaa and Adade Kofi shrines. In 1967, he established the traditional African religious and cultural organization, Bosum Dzemawodzi in New York. In 1971, the late Nana Dinizulu requested, received and established the Akonedi Shrine in the U.S.A. Nana Dinizulu was given the titles of Omanhene and Okomfohene of Akans in America, as he was the first to introduce Africans born in America (African Americans) to the Deities of Ghana, West Africa. He invited Okomfohemmaa Nana Akua Oparebea to visit the USA. In 1971, Okomfohemma Nana Akua Oparebea accepted the invitation and traveled to America. Once here she established Nana Asuo Gyebi, Esi Ketewaa and Tegare shrines in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, California and Toronto, Canada. When returning to Ghana, she took young men and women to train at the Akonedi Shrine at Larteh . She taught Nana Dinizulu how to train Okomfo (traditional Priests and Priestesses) to serve the Deities. Since that time, many other Shrines and Deities have been brought to America by other Akomfo who were trained in Larteh, at other Shrines in Ghana, and by accomplished Akomfo in the USA.

115. AKAN Protocol: Remembering The Traditions Of Our Ancestors
enlightenment and healing. This project is designed to impart informationregarding the practice of the akan Akom Tradition in America.
T his book deals with some aspects of the customs and usages of the Akan-speaking people of Ghana. Though its target group is the Diaspora African, it should be a source of reference to all who wish to know the culture of the Akans. T he Akans are, all the Twi-speaking people of Ashanti, Akuapim, Brong-Ahafo, Akim, Wassaw, Sefwi, Denkyira, Kwahu and the Fantes along the coastal belt. What distinguishes one group from the other is their dialect, otherwise they speak the same language and their customary practices are not different from each other. Even though they are immensely influenced by Christianity, Islam and other foreign cultures, they have not departed from their ancestral culture, which distinguishes them as Akans. For instance, the Akans have a way of showing loyalty and courtesy to their chiefs and elders, honoring their Ancestors, organizing funerals and performing marriage rites etc.; which is worth knowing by any person who claims legacy to Akan ancestry. This book provides the basic material for such persons. A fricans in the Diaspora need to know the basics of Akan Protocol to avoid embarrassment when visiting Chiefs or attending funeral ceremonies or festivals in Ghana.

116. Akan :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
akan. Online Encyclopedia The akan are an ethnic group from westernAfrica. Some of everything ). See also akan (language). This
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Akan
Online Encyclopedia

The Akan are an ethnic group from western Africa Some of the most important mythological stories are called Anansasem (" spider stories" also Nyankomsem "words of a sky god"). These stories generally, but not always, revolve around Kwaku Ananse , a trickster spider spirit. The highest god is Brekyirihunuade ("he who knows and sees everything"). See also: Akan (language) This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice

117. ˆ¢Š¦ƒŠƒ“ƒNi‚`‚‹‚‚Ž-‚k‚‰‚Ž‚‹j
The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

118. Akan Ethnic Group
General akan History (from http// The akan people occupypractically the whole of Ghana south and west of the Black Volta.
History Gold Akan Kente General Akan History (from
When Europeans arrived at the coast in the fifteenth century, the Akan were established there. The typical political unit was the small state under the headship of an elder from one of the seven or eight clans that composed Akan society. From these units emerged several powerful states, of which the oldest is thought to be Bono (also called Brong). As a result of military conquests and partial assimilation of weaker groups, well-known political entities, such as Akwamu, Asante, Akyem, Denkyira, and Fante emerged before the close of the seventeenth century. Asante, for example, continued to expand throughout the eighteenth century and survived as an imperial power until the end of the nineteenth century, when it succumbed to British rule.
The coastal Akan (Fante) were the first to have relations with Europeans. As a result of long association, these groups absorbed aspects of British culture and language. For example, it became customary among these people to accept British names as family names.
The primary form of Akan social organization is the family or the abusuthe basic unit in a society based on matriclans. Through the exogamous matriclan system, local identity and individual status, inheritance, succession to wealth and to political offices, and even basic relations within the village community are determined. Every lineage (see Glossary) is a corporate group with its own identity, group solidarity, exclusive property, and symbols. The ownership of a symbolic carved chair or stool, usually named after the female founder of the matriclan, became the means through which individuals traced their ancestry. These lineages have segmented into branches, each led by an elder, headman, or chief, but a branch, although it possesses a stool, is not an autonomous political or social unit. Possession of the ritually important stool is seen as vital, not only to the existence of the abusu but to the group as a whole.

119. Indonesia Akan Kehilangan Hutan Primer - Rabu, 19 Mei 2004
Indonesia akan Kehilangan Hutan Primer. Akibat kapasitas industri kayu yang melebihiproduksi kayu, suatu saat kelak Indonesia akan kehilangan hutan primernya.

120. Warga Akar Dan PBASampoerna Akan Hijaukan Bandung - 14/05/2004, 22
lewat SMS. Kirim SMS dengan pesan NAS ke 5003. Khusus IM3 Satelindo.Warga Akar dan PBASampoerna akan Hijaukan Bandung. Jakarta, KCM.

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