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         Akan:     more books (100)
  1. The Quest For Spiritual Transformation: Introduction to Traditional Akan Religion, Rituals and Practices by Nana Akua Kyerewaa Opokuwaa, 2005-05-23
  2. Akan World of Gold Weights: Abstract Design Weights (L'univers Akan Des Poids a Peser L'or: Les Poids Non Figuratifs) (French and English Edition) by G Niangoran-Bouah, 1984
  3. Bu Me Be: Proverbs of the Akans by Peggy Appiah, Kwame Anthony Appiah, et all 2008-02-20
  4. Witchcraft in Ghana: a Study on the Belief of Destructive Witches and It S Effect on the Akan Tribes by H. Debrunner, 1961-01-01
  5. Female Song Tradition and the Akan of Ghana: The Creative Process in Nnwonkoro by Kwasi Ampene, 2005-10-15
  6. Bibliography and vocabulary of the Akan (Twi-Fante) language of Ghana (African series ; v. 6) by Dennis M Warren, 1976
  7. Ughets?oyts? k?riston?akan ughghap?a? vardapetut?ean (Armenian Edition) by Matt??os, 1861-01-01
  8. The Techiman-Bono of Ghana: An ethnography of an Akan society by Dennis M Warren, 1975
  9. Building Technology and Settlement Planning in a West African Civilization: Precolonial Akan Cities and Towns (Distinguished Dissertations) by Tarikhu Farrar, 1996-07
  10. Groupe Ethnique de Côte D'ivoire: Mahous, Baoulés, Soninkés, Mandingue, Malinkés, Agnis, Abés, Attiés, Mossis, Sénoufos, Ébriés, Akans, Lobi (French Edition)
  11. Funeral dirges of the Akan people by J. H. Kwabena Nketia, 1955
  12. Comparing Religions, a Limitative Approach: An Analysis of Akan, Para-Creole, and Ifo-Sananda Rites and Prayers (Religion and Reason, 24) by J. G. Platvoet, 1982-06
  13. Skzbunk? k?aghak?akan tntesut?ean (Armenian Edition) by Joseph. Carnie, 1873-01-01
  14. Conversational strategies in Akan: Prosodic features and discourse categories (Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen) by Samuel Gyasi Obeng, 1999

21. Abdula, Akan
Case WesternWeatherhead School of Management MBA student doing research on Eastern European economy. Includes a resume, research interests, readings, and contact information.
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Projects Academic Hold Demographic Info ... Resume
Akan Abdula MBA
w/specialization in International Management
Weatherhead School of Management

at Case Western Reserve University
Whatzzz Up?
- I just got admission offer from Columbia's SIPA.
- It is been a while since I checked my web page. I am in Istanbul at the moment. I will leave to Macedonia soon. Nothing from Columbia for now, I will be notified at end of March I guess.
- I just updated my photo gallery. Just click on the "photos" link in the upper left corner.
- Long time no update... Yeah, I know.. But what can I do? Hopefully, I am graduating this semester. I am working in AV Services (IT department) of Weatherhead School of Management. Consulting Cleveland Cliffs Inc. , a global authority in steel industry. Trying to get a fellowship from Columbia University’s SIPA School, for MIA with International Finance concentration. If I survive this semester I promise to update my web more often and get back to your e-mail's.(I know that it sounds strange, but I saved all the mails and I will answer them a.s.a.p).

22. Ethnologue Report For Akan
Language Family Trees. NigerCongo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kwa,Nyo, Potou-Tano, Tano, Central, akan. Niger-Congo (1489) Atlantic

23. Akan Architecture Symbols
Dr George Kojo Arthur and Prof. Robert Rowe of Marshall University examine the decorative symbols used in buildings of the akan people of Ghana.
AKAN ARCHITECTURE AKAN CULTURAL SYMBOLS PROJECT G. F. Kojo Arthur and Robert Rowe - 1998-2001 A wall of an old house
showing in relief form some
of the Akan symbols Akan architecture is not only elaborate in terms of function and building technology. It also presents, as a reflection of the people and their spirit of independence, a variety of forms and design principles that encode expressive messages which continue to astonish foreign observers. Various symbols are used as base relief or plinths, banisters, and walls in Akan architecture. The fihankra (compound house) style of building consists of a central quadrangle which is enclosed on all four sides with rooms. The multi-room rectangular building with an open courtyard found in Akan houses, as captured by the fihankra symbol, marks the Akan concept of private and public space. The Akan fihankra building used as a home demarcates between the fie (inside, private) and ab o nten (outside, public).

24. Agenda Kampus
Memberikan informasi acara yang akan diselenggarakan di kampus. Dan juga untuk anda yang ingin mempublikasikan acara yang akan di adakan di kampus anda.
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] KampUs > Agenda Kampus [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Kirimkan jadwal acara yang akan diselenggarakan di kampus Anda melalui form di bawah ini atau Faks ke: 021 7508308. 25 Oktober 2001
Kuliah Umum: "The Future of Islamic Finance"
Bersama: Dr. Muhammad Umer Chapra Penasehat Senior pada Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Pemenang Penghargaan IDB dalam Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Islami (1989), Penulis Buku: "Menuju Sistem Moneter yang Adil", "Islam dan Tantangan Ekonomi", dan "Masa Depan Ilmu Ekonomi dalam Perspektif Islam". Waktu: Kamis, 25 Oktober 2001
Pukul 10.00 - 12.30 WIB Tempat: Auditorium MM UGM, Barek, Yogyakarta Kontribusi:
Rp. 5.000,- (Mahasiswa S1/SD3)

25. Akan Bibles
This page provides links to gospel resources in the akan language. akan Bible. akan is one of the indigenous languages of Ghana (Africa akan Asante New Testament on audio cassette. akan Akuapem New Testament on audio cassette
Akan Bible
Akan is one of the indigenous languages of Ghana (Africa).
SIL Ethnologue = TWS

You can purchase these Scripture portions from Faith Comes By Hearing: *NOTE: These links open a new window in your browser.
To return to this screen, close the new window. Return to Bibles in Your Language Homepage
Visit Ethnic Harvest for practical articles, stories, free demographics and resources to help your church become more effective at cross-cultural ministry.

26. Akan Goldweights And Proverbs
Goldweights symbolizing proverbs.

27. - Tebak Olahraga Berhadiah
Buktikan bahwa anda memang jagoan memprediksi hasil pertandingan sepakbola, balap, basket, tinju, bulutangkis, tenis, dll. Anda akan mengumpulkan poin dari tebakan anda. Poin yang terkumpul menentukan posisi anda pada kompetisi gratis dan premium.
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Ajak Teman
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Ikutilah kompetisi tebak sepakbola berhadiah. Buktikan bahwa anda memang jagoan memprediksi hasil pertandingan. Anda akan mengumpulkan poin dari tebakan anda. Poin yang terkumpul menentukan posisi anda pada kompetisi. Peserta yang masuk dalam daftar urutan terbaik akan memenangkan hadiah. Tunggu apa lagi daftar di sini Ajaklah juga teman-teman anda untuk mendaftar . Setiap teman yang mendaftar, anda akan mendapat tambahan deposit Rp.25.000 Daftar Pertandingan Sepakbola Liga Prancis (Le Championnat) 2002-2003 Sabtu, 3 Agustus / 1:45 WIB Liga Jerman (Bundesliga) 2002-2003 Sabtu, 10 Agustus / 1:00 WIB Liga Belanda (Eredivisie) 2002-2003 Sabtu, 17 Agustus / 1:45 WIB Liga Inggris (Premiership) 2002-2003 Sabtu 17 Agustus / 21:00 WIB Liga Spanyol (La Liga) 2002-2003 Minggu 1 September / 1:30 WIB Liga Italia (Serie A) 2002-2003 Minggu 15 September / 21:00 WIB

28. AKAN A Language Of Ghana
akan a language of Ghana A page from the Web edition of Ethnologue Languages of the World (14th edition) giving basic facts about the language and where it is spoken.

29. Studio 21
Memberikan informasi filmfilm bioskop yang akan dan telah diputar di studio-studio 21 di Indonesia.

30. Puisi Cinta Kerinduan Hati Kekasih Pujaan
puisi cinta, kerinduan hati akan kekasih pujaan, romantisme bercinta, kasih sayang kekasih, ajang gaul remaja indonesia, kirim kartu, kartu cinta, cari sahabat/pacar, artikel cinta

31. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5
akans hjemmesider har blitt flyttet. De nyesidene finner du på. http//

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33. Om AKAN
Om akan. akansekretariatet tilbyr kurs og konferanser; bedriftsinternopplæring; råd og veiledning; opplærings- og informasjonsmateriell.
Om AKAN Nytt fra AKAN Mer om AKAN...
AKAN i bedriften
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AKAN-sekretariatet tilbyr:
  • kurs og konferanser

AKAN forholder seg til rusmiddelbruk forbundet med arbeid, og er ikke en avholdsorganisasjon Postboks 8822
0028 Oslo
Tlf: 22 40 28 00
Fax: 22 40 28 28 e-post:

34. ˆ¢Š¦ŠÏŒõ‹¦‰ï`‚悤‚±‚»uƒ}ƒŠƒ‚v‚̂ӂ邳‚Æ
The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

35. Find A Focus In His Face
Situs seorang kelahiran Bandung, 21 Desember 1966, lulusan 1991 S1 Teknik Industri Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Bandung (UNJANI). Dalam bahasa Inggris, akan segera dihapus apabila tidak segera di bahasa Indonesia-kan.
incl. : Yahoo, AltaVista, Infoseek, Webcrawler, Excite, Lycos
any all Web Newsgroups Files Stock Quote
LinkExchange Member

36. Index
Provides international directory of Priests and Priestesses of the akan, Candomble, Haitian Voodoo, Yoruba, Lucumi, Santeria, and related religions of the African Diaspora. Discusses unity among practioners of all African based religions and gives information on upcoming NARC conferences and ceremonies.

37. Akan Social Organization
akan Social Organization. Talking drums © 2000,University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents.
Akan Social Organization
Talking drums
  • Settlement Patterns
  • Matrilineal Organization
  • Akan Kin Terms
  • Marriage ...
  • Return to Kinship Menu 1997 Brian Schwimmer
    University of Manitoba
    Last modified September 1997

    38. Yang Namanya LADANG Bisa Bermacam
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  • 39. Akan Lineage Organization
    akan Lineage Organization. The akan have a multitiered segmentary structure consistingof matrilineal clans, major matrilineages, and minor lineage segments.
    Akan Lineage Organization
    The Akan are best known for their colorful kingdoms, which are located throughout the forest zones of southern Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire. The tropical environment has supplied them with valuable resources for both commercial cocoa farming, a recent economic innovation, and gold mining, which in former times supported regal opulence and pageantry. The Ashanti empire, the largest and most powerful of the precolonial polities, owes its prominence to is location within the region's richest goldfields. The traditional kingdom remains an important national cultural and political force and is inseparably tied to the structures and functions of the matrilineal descent system which forms the foundation for the Akan social order.
    Ashanti Gold Weight.
    These small brass figurines were used to weigh gold dust, a major trade good and exchange medium. The weights were sometimes styled to portray a proverb, in this case: "Only birds of the same abusua (family or clan) play together on the same tree".
    Source: Martha Erlich, 1995

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