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         Ahmadiyya:     more books (100)
  1. Ahmadiyya: 100-Moscheen-Plan, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Ahmadiyya-Lehre, Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ischat-I-Islam Lahore, Jalsa Salana (German Edition)
  2. Level of support for evolution: Creation?evolution controversy, Project Steve, Evolutionand the Roman Catholic Church, Ahmadiyya views ofevolution, Creationism
  3. Religious Organizations Established in 1889: Unity Church, Ahmadiyya, Church of the United Brethren in Christ
  4. Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, USA Souvenir, 1994 "Mosques Around the World" A Pictorial Presentation by USA Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, 1994
  5. Islam in Switzerland: Minaret Controversy in Switzerland, Ahmadiyya in Switzerland, Rudolf Gelpke
  6. A brief sketch of the life of the Prophet of Islam: Presented by the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam, Lahore : to all fair-minded non-Muslims on the occasion of the fourteenth centenary by Muhammad Ali, 1928
  8. Ahmadiyya Mosques: Baitun Nur, Khadija Mosque, Baitul Futuh, Baitul Islam, Masjid-E-Aqsa, Berlin Mosque, Al-Sadiq Mosque, Fazl Mosque
  9. Kalif (Ahmadiyya): Mirza Baschir Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Nuur Ud-Din, Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifat Ul-Massih, Mirza Masrur Ahmad (German Edition)
  10. The Sikhs : In relation to Hindus, Moslems, Christians, and Ahmadiyyas. A Study in Comparative Religion by John Clark Archer, 1946
  11. Ahmadiyya-Moschee Frankfurt (German Edition)
  12. The New World Order of Islam. English Version of an Address Delivered to the 1942 Annual Ahmadiyya Gathering a Qadian by Amir-Ul-Moninin Hazrat, 1945-01-01
  13. Islamische Richtung: Drusen, Ahmadiyya, Aleviten, Nusairier, Liberale Bewegungen im Islam, Wahhabiten, Imamiten, Nurculuk, Al-Habasch (German Edition)
  14. Ahmadiyya-Moschee Berlin-Heinersdorf (German Edition)

41. - The Ahmadiyya Portal
A portal for the ahmadiyya Muslim Community that provides news, pictures, forums,articles and other content for the community. Jamia ahmadiyya Canada (498).

42. Qadianism
Statements of Islamic scholars about Qadianism (ahmadiyya).
The Heretic Sect : Qadianism
Qadianis Exposed and Condemned, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi` The Problem Of Qadiyanism, by Mawdudi Declaration of the Muslim World League Links to other relevant sites: "Truth on Ahmadiyyat " from Idara Dawat-o-Irshad Anti- Ahmadiyyah Movement Anti-Ahmadiyyah Movement (another site) Jam`iyyat Tahaffauz Khatme-Nabuwwat Jam`iyyat Tahaffauz Khatme-Nabuwwat (another site)
Qadianis Exposed and Condemned!
by the Late Mufti Muhammad Shafi` of Pakistan
From his preface to Imam Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri's
"al-tasrih bi-ma tawatara fi nuzul al-masih" (may Allah have mercy upon them both) Permission is granted to include it on web sites, and to make hard copies for the SOLE PURPOSE of da`wah (propagation) or educational efforts aimed at warning people against the Qadianis. Due acknowledgement should be given. His reprehensible attributes and despicable traits left no need for anyone to undertake refutation of his claims, for the traits in which he had become established from early in his life themselves gave lie to him in all that he claimed, and revealed his true colors. He can scarcely be likened to a venerable, respectable human being, let alone the Messiah or the like of him! Thus, none of the scholars heeded him at the start of his affair, nor did they pay attention to his errors and fallacies. [That was] until his ember became a live coal, and his puddle became a flood, so that his tribulation spread through the land and swelled! It awakened tribulations like pieces of the darkest night were agitated.

43. (Unsaved Publication)
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44. Books On Islam
The official online book store of the ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Canada.
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You can browse the list of items currently available in the store by clicking on the appropriate books section above. Featured books/items at special prices are listed below. Abdus Salam Musalmano Ka Newton new
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45. A Study Of The Ahmadiyya Movement
Muslim Movements and Schisms. C. A STUDY OF THE ahmadiyya MOVEMENT. (Lavan, The AhmadiyahMovement, p.58). 2. The ahmadiyya Movement Its Tenets and Branches.
Muslim Movements and Schisms
C. A STUDY OF THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian During the latter part of the last century the Muslims of the Punjab area in north-west India began to take notice of a Muslim writer from the village of Qadian named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. This man wrote a number of treatises attacking Christianity and Hinduism and in 1880 began an extensive work entitled Barahin-i-Ahmadiyah which defended Islam from the onslaughts of Christian missionaries and the Arya Samaj, a militant Hindu organisation. At first this work, published in four volumes, was favourably received by the Muslims and it appeared that a mujaddid , a worthy defender of Islam, had risen. These sentiments, however, soon gave way to almost universal opposition as the Mirza began to make one extravagant claim after another for himself. He arrogated to himself the title of "promised Messiah", that is, one raised in the Spirit of Jesus whom the Muslims believed would return to earth but whom the Mirza said was buried at Srinagar, a town in the Punjab. He also claimed to be the Mahdi as well as a prophet of Allah and even a re-incarnation of Krishna, one of the leading Hindu idols!
    With the declaration that he was masih maw'ud (the Promised Messiah)

46. Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani Fallacy Of His Prophecies Brochure
Examines ten prophecies made by the founder of ahmadiyya.
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani Fallacy Of His Prophecies brochure

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, the fonder of Qadiyanism or Ahmadism, so called Ahmadiya Movement in Islam wrote about prophesies of a prophet:
    a. The Torah and the Qur'an admit that the most truthful evidence of prophethood are the prophesies, and
    b. It is not possible that God's revelations be not confirmed by their fulfillment.
Let us examine the prophesies of the writer who claimed himself to be a prophet (nabi) and the Promised Messiah (al-Masih al-Maw'oud). If a single prophecy is not fulfilled, it would show that such a prophet is an imposter and a liar.
    Rains and earthquakes
    Ghulam Ahmad wrote, "God revealed to me that frequent rains will come down. Due to their frequency villages will be destroyed. After them will follow severe earthquakes". He did not specify where and when. If it was to be in India, there are some regions which receive a lot of rain and there are other areas which feel earthquakes. This is not a prophecy.
    Abdullah Atham's death
    A Christian, Abdullah Atham entered into a debate with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1893; neither succeeded in winning over the other. It was embarrassing to Ghulam Ahmad and feeling insulted, on June 5, 1883 he announced that he had been informed by God that Abdullah Atham would die within fifteen months, that is, September 5, 1894. Ghulam Ahmad supplicated to God for the death of Abdullah Atham by his announced date of death and he asked his followers to join him in praying for the curse to come true. The deadline came and went but Abdullah Atham lived and for a long time. Ghulam's invocations and supplications were of no use and Allah proved that he was not His prophet.

47. The Ahmadiyya Sect Of Islam
The ahmadiyya Sect of Islam. The ahmadiyya group is one fast growingmovement of Islam which is considered heretical by most Muslims.
The Ahmadiyya Sect of Islam
The Ahmadiyya group is one fast growing movement of Islam which is considered heretical by most Muslims. They do have quite a number of peculiar understandings. We will not enter into the discussion of their orthodoxy in the Islamic sense. This is for the Muslims to discuss among themselves. The Ahmadiyya have produced in particular some elaborate responses to Christianity that differ strongly from the classical arguments of the other Muslims but their innovative attacks have shaped much of current Muslim polemics. In this section we will make available articles responding to their special approach, reasons and presentations.
  • Sin and Salvation in Christianity and Ahmadiyya - Islam Ahmadiyya Claims Examined Short history of the beginnings of the Ahmadiyya Movement Steven Masood's book Jesus and the Indian Messiah gives detailed information on the development on various Ahmadi doctrines and theories. "Did Jesus go to India?" : Some articles about the origin of this claim : More from and about the Ahmadiyya
  • Answering Islam Home Page

    48. A Simple Way Of Looking At Qadiyaanism
    Discusses two false prophecies of the founder of ahmadiyya.
    Your are Here:
    By Shaykh Manzoor Nu'maani We will discuss, in detail two prophecies made by Mirza Ghulaam Ahmad. FIRST PROPHECY
    The first prophecy is concerning the death of a Christia, 'Abdullah Atham. The Mirza had fixed a period of fifteen months beginning from 5th June 1893 for it (i.e. up to 5th September 1894). He, then, repeated it on page 80 of his book, Shahaadat-e-Qur'aan, as a sign and criterion of his truthfulness that 'Abdullah Atham will definitely die within this time, i.e., up to September 5, 1894 (Since 'Abdullah Atham was about 70 years old at that time, his death, within the period fixed by the Mirza was after all, not something that could not be thought of). But as Allah intended to expose the bluff and falsehood of Mirza Ghulaam Ahmad, the old 'Abdullah Atham not only survived to the stipulated period but also went on to live for another two years. He died on July 27, 1896 which has been confirmed by the Mirza himself in Anjaam-e-Atham. We are not unaware of the disingenuous explanations given by the Mirza and his followers in defence of the prophecy. But no right-thinking person will draw any other conclusion from them than of the deceitfulness and dishonesty of these gentlemen. It is not a matter of logic or metaphysics. Mirza Ghulaam Ahmad had made a plain prophecy that Atham would die within a certain date and staked his claim to truthfulness on it. Now, if Atham had died the evening of September 5, 1894 then Mirza's truthfulness would have been established according to his own declaration. But when Atham did not die within that period and continued to live for two more years, every moment of his life during those two years, according to Mirza's own words, was an affirmation of his falseness and to offer excuses or explanations about it is to try vainly to defend and an indefensible position.

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    50. Lahore Ahmadiyya Beweging In De Islam
    STICHTING AHMADI YYA ISHA AT I - ISLA M. Lahore ahmadiyya Bewegingin de Islam. Presenteert DE LAHORE ahmadiyya BEWEGING, Noodzaak
    S T I C H T I N G A H M A D I Y Y A I S H A 'A T - I - I S L A M Lahore Ahmadiyya Beweging
    in de Islam
    Presenteert de Islam als: Vredelievend, Tolerant, Rationeel en Inspirerend GEBIEDSNAAM Inhoud WAT IS
    PUBLIKATIES VARIA Stichting Ahmadiyya Isha'at-i-Islam
    Postbus 73857
    2507 AJ Den Haag, Nederland

    51. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam
    Authentic information about Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his mission of serving the cause of Islam, and how it is being continued by the Lahore ahmadiyya Movement.
    The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
    presenting Islam as peaceful, tolerant, rational, inspiring Berlin Mosque Suriname Mosque Guyana Mosque Our Russian Quran translation reaches Russia Id Khutba in Holland 1. About ourselves
    2. Our view of Islam

    3. This is
    not ... a Qadiani website
    We believe that no prophet can come after Holy Prophet Muhammad. Major areas of this website:
    1. Islam
    2. Publications

    3. Activities

    4. Ahmadiyya Movement
    6. Non-English material

    Utilities: Discussion forums Contact us Search the Website Other Lahore Ahmadiyya Organisational Websites ... magazine by e-mail Major new additions to our Site A.S. Santoe receives royal honour from the state of Netherlands 12 May 2004 Ten misrepresented quotes clarified False anti-Ahmadiyya propaganda exposed 27 April 2004 Announcement of the Annual Convention of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore, U.S.A.

    52. Islam Vs. Qadiyanism
    Brochure detailing differences between Islam and ahmadiyya.
    Carbondale Prayer schedule I.C.C.'s activities Carbondale 2 mosques Islamdale Newsletter ... Other Links Search Islam online Search the NET
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      Taken from:
      Ahmadiyah mosque Suriname
      So called, Ahmadiya Movement in Islam, commonly known among the Muslims as Qadiyaniyat (or Qadiyanism) or Mirzaiyat was started in the 1880s by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadiyan in the Punjab province of India, then a British colony. The British supported such an schism among Muslims because it fitted their method of divide and rule. Since this early period, the Western powers, in general, British, American and the Israelis, in particular, have been very supportive of Qadiyanism. However, the West is coming to realize that Qadiyanism is not popular among Muslims, since Pakistan declared them to be non-Muslims. Even the Pakistani Supreme Court entered into the act at the initiation of Qadiyanis (the followers of Qadiyanism) and rendered its verdict in favor of the government, after a long process of litigation. In early 1996 the government of South Africa followed the suit and declared Qadiyanism not to be labeled as Islam. Some of the differences between Qadiyanism and Islam are given below.

    53. Qadiani (Ahmadiyya) Claim Of Eclipses As A Proof Of Mehdi Examined
    This page examines the claim of 2 eclipses in Ramadan as alledeg by ahmadiyya orQadiani people to be the proof of Mehdi coming immediately before the Judgment
    Qadianis' (Ahmadiyya) Claim of Eclipses as a Proof of Mehdi Examined
    by Syed Khalid Shaukat Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) attribute the claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad being Mehdi based on a writing in a book of Hadith (Dar Qutni) as follows: Amr bin Shimr narrates from Jabir who told him that Muhammad bin Ali said that for our Mehdi, two signs are given which never occurred in the past from the creation of the heavens and the earth. One is that a lunar eclipse will occur on the first night of Ramadan and the second sign is that a solar eclipse will occur in the middle of Ramadan and these signs had never happened from the creation of the heavens and the earth (Dar Qutni). Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) assert that a Hadith of the Messenger, Muhammad (SAW) says that the signs of Mehdi is that in his time lunar and solar eclipses will occur in the month of Ramadan and this sign is a clear proof that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is the real Mehdi according to the (Hadith-e-Nabavi) saying of the Messenger (SAW). ANSWER:
    1. The narration mentioned above is definitely not the saying of the Messenger (SAW), as the narrator clearly assigns it as the saying of Imam Muhammad Baqir bin Ali which was written in the book of Dar Qutni. Attributing this to Imam Muhammad Baqir is also wrong as the

    54. Al-Islami.Com - Islamic Directory And Search For Muslim And Islam Related Websit
    qadianism.php. Anti ahmadiyya movement Qadianism/Mirzaiyyat/ahmadiyyaMovement in Islam has become quite a controversial issue. Muslims

    55. Deendar Anjuman
    Uses excerpts of publications of the founder of Deendar Anjuman to describe a connection with ahmadiyya.
    Bismillah al-Rehman al-Raheem Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
    25th August 2000
    Updated on 2nd Sept 2000
    Another Face of Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement
    Deendar Movement in India
    by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali Times of India and other Indian Newspapers have reported these events in details. in its says that the Police detective team who is investigating the bombings of churches have arrested several activists of a cult called Deendar Anjuman. The latest arrest was of one Bashher Ahmad who according to the CoD sources is the Mastermind behind these explosions. He and his fathers were staunch supporters of this Anjuman. Basheer is honoured with the title "Bhakta Bhargava" by an elderly member of the sect. According to the newspaper report, Police said that the Tata Sumo which was used in the bombing of the churches was provided to Kalkujum, the chief of the Hyderabad unit of the Deendar Anjuman. (Times of India, Friday 11 August 2000) Further details of these incidents can be had from the following sites:

    56. Deendar Anjuman, The Milli Gazette, Vol. 2 No. 2
    Article by SouthIndian Muslims who say Deendar Anjuman is an offshoot of ahmadiyya and is not part of Islam.
    32 pages, Twice a month. Subscribe Now . (RNI DELENG/2000/930; ISSN 0972-3366)
    Since Jan 2000 Cartoons Special Reports National Issues ...
    Press Release
    s q » Tell me when the next issue comes online:
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    q » The Milli Gazette's Message Board:
    FOLLOW-UP Deendar Anjuman By Iqbal Mohammed, Bangalore The investigations by the C.O.D. into the unlawful events that led to bomb blasts in a church at Bangalore on the 9th of July 2000 have brought to light the Deendar Anjuman. Its members were involved in anti-national activities. The Police have so far arrested and filed charge sheets against about 30 persons belonging to this Anjuman. Among those arrested the notable were three brothers Syed Hasan-ur-Zaman, Khaliq and Geelani. The native village of the three brothers is Nujiveedu, near Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. Mr. Syed Hasan-ur-Zaman was employed by the Indian Air Force as a Junior Warrant Officer. Syed was caught passing on sensitive information about vital installations in India to contacts in Pakistan. His brothers, Khaliq (Bank Auditor) and Geelani (radio-mechanic), live in Nuzwid in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh. These two brothers have been arrested in connection with the Bangalore church bomb blast. Deendar Anjuman, more fully known as ‘Deendar Anjuman Channabasavesh -wara Siddiqui’, is a religious (Non-Muslim) Cult founded by Siddique Deendar Channabasaveshwara in 1924. Deendar Anjuman is an offshoot of the ‘Qadiani Cult’.

    57. AHMADIYYA-MOSCHEE In Schlüchtern - Segen Oder Gefahr Für Den Bergwinkel?
    Translate this page gekennzeichnet. In dieser Hinsicht hat ahmadiyya in der Tat alles versucht. versprechen..ahmadiyya-Moschee unerwünscht in Schlüchtern. (in
    "pro Schlüchtern"
    - die Kandidaten antworten
    26. Mai 2004 - Kommentar: "Laumeier & Co."
    "Babylonischen Gefangenschaft"
    der CDU
    warum fordert "pro Schlüchtern" nicht endlich die auf, Farbe zu bekennen?
    Was haben wir mit den Frankfurter Scharfmachern zu schaffen?
    Wer ist das U-Boot im Magistrat?
    KN vom 23.3.04
    Leuten, die das Sagen haben wollen in dieser Stadt mit dem Falko Fritzsch (SPD). Seiner Bitte zu entsprechen, die mangelnde Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung zu respektieren und auf das Projekt zu verzichten "komme nicht in Frage" - das ist eine "pro Schlüchtern" Ahmadiyya will sich mit der ihr eigenen Rücksichtslosigkeit über den Willen der Bürger dieser Stadt hinwegsetzen und behauptet gleichzeitig "Wir haben alles versucht" - eine weitere Lüge. Es wurde nie ein offener Dialog mit der Bevölkerung gesucht. Das Vorgehen der Islamisten war von Anfang an von Heimlichkeit, Hinterlist und Heimtücke gekennzeichnet. In dieser Hinsicht hat Ahmadiyya in der Tat alles versucht. Letztes Beispiel: Ausweitung des Baugeländes durch einen gesetzeswidrigen Bauantrag.
    Wie geht es weiter?

    58. The 'Accusations Answered' Section At The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement For The Prop
    Accusations answered against Islam, the Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, and the Lahore ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-e-Islam Lahore.
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    59. Moscheeprojekte Der Ahmadiyya
    Translate this page Texte über ahmadiyya. -. Lorbeerkränze. ahmadiyya-Projektein Deutschland, und wie sich die lokalen Weltordner ins Zeug legen
    "Hurra, wir bekommen eine Moschee und wollen gar keine!" interreligiöser "Dialog" "Die gesellschaftlich Verantwortlichen fordern die ständige Verinnerlichung von Toleranz , ohne allerdings gleichzeitig mitzuteilen, aufgrund welchen konkreten Interesses die neue Toleranz aufzubauen hätte." aus: Hans-Peter Raddatz: "Von Gott zu Allah?" , S. 19
    "Europa ist dabei, sich völlig mißbrauchen zu lassen im Namen der Toleranz und des Dialoges. Man erlebt eine langsame Infiltrierung der Strukturen ... Ich bin ebenso für eine Öffnung zum Fremden wie ich die Integration von Strömungen zurückweise, die die Demokratie ins Wanken bringen und universelle Werte in Frage stellen, um ein regressives und obskurantistisches Weltbild durchzusetzen, das vierzehn Jahrhunderte hinter der Zeit ist". Henri Boulad , in Ägypten geborener und aufgewachsener Jesuitenpater in einem Gespräch mit der Schweizer Zeitung Le Courrier (3.11.96). Der langjährige Leiter von "Caritas Ägypten" zeigte in dem Gespräch auf, wie sehr die Christen in der arabischen Welt diskriminiert werden und wie der Islam aus Angst vor dem Christentum diesem alle Rechte verweigert, die er für sich in den christlichen Ländern "selbstverständlich" in Anspruch nimmt.
    Faktenabwehr und Denkverzicht sind die "ultimativen Waffen der Ignoranz" gegen die Durchsetzungsmacht von Wahrheit und Vernunft.

    60. Qadiani Violations Of Ahmadiyya Teachings
    This Lahore ahmadiyya website deals with the ways in which the Qadiani Ahmadis have distorted the original teachings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib of Qadian.
    Qadiani Violations of Ahmadiyya Teachings A quick look at Mirza Mahmud Ahmad's views in contrast to those of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib This material has been compiled to show that the fundamental beliefs of the Qadianis, which form the basis of their existence as a movement, are entirely contrary to the noble teachings given in his books by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (d. 1908). The term 'Qadiani' is used here to refer to the movement which was led by Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (d. 1965) from 1914, being based originally at Qadian, India, and later moving to Rabwah, Pakistan. Its present leader is Mirza Tahir Ahmad, based in England since 1984. Differences on four main issues have been dealt with here: I. The Qadiani belief that no person can be a Muslim without accepting Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet of God, versus the Founder's own belief that everyone who acknowledges the well-known Islamic Kalima is a Muslim.

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