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         Ahmadiyya:     more books (100)
  1. Invitation to Ahmadiyyat: Being a Statement of Beliefs, a Rationale of Claims and an Invitation on Behalf of the Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation and Rejuvenation of Islam by Mirza Tahir Ahmad, 1980-01
  2. Islam and the Ahmadiyya Jama'at: History, Belief, Practice (Columbia/Hurst) by Simon Ross Valentine, 2008-10-06
  3. THE SIKHS - in Relation to Hindus, Moslems, Christians, and Ahmadiyyas. A Study in Comparative Religion by John Clark Archer, 1946
  4. Commonsense about Ahmadiyyat by Faizur Rasul, 1987
  5. Ahmadiyya movement in India by Barakat Ahmad Rajeke, 1968
  6. Life of Ahmad: Founder of the Ahmadiyya movement by A. R Dard, 1948
  7. True Conception of the Ahmadiyya Movement by Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1996-01
  8. Testimony of the Holy Quran: English Translation of Shahadat Al-Quran by Ghulam Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 1995-03
  9. Message of peace by G̲h̲ulām Aḥmad, 1993
  10. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement: A Short Story by Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1995-03-01
  11. Islamic Creationists: Adnan Oktar, Islamic Creationism, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, Ahmadiyya Views of Evolution, Said Nurs, Mustafa Akyol
  12. Islamic Television Networks: Islam Channel, Peace Tv, Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International, Salaam Tv, Ary Qtv, Iipc Tv, Assadissa
  13. Ahmadiyya Case Famous Religious Court C by Maulana H Mohammad,
  14. Prophethood (Ahmadiyya): Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Evolutionary origin of religions, Khatim an- Nabuwwah, Seal of the prophets, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Muhammad, ... Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Sunni Islam, Qur'an

1. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - Home Page
Women in Islam. Eid. ahmadiyya History. Contemporary Issues. Persecution Report.Copyright © by ahmadiyya Muslim Community 19952004. All rights reserved.
This Month's Focus Majlis-e-Irfan Tarjmatul Quran Classes Religious Knowledge Dars-ul-Quran ... More... Multimedia Alislam Picture Gallery Poems in Urdu Audio Books Askislam ... More... Periodicals Alfazl International Daily Alfazl Rabwah Weekly Badr Qadian Review of Religions ... eGazette Pillars of Islam Unity Of Allah Salat Zakat Fasting ... Hajj Annual Conventions Purpose of Jalsa Qadian United Kingdom Germany United States Canada More... Ahmadiyyat is the divinely promised revival of Islam prophesied in the Holy Quran ( ) and by the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all things. More He is Allah , the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner, His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. Chapter 59:25 More Promised Messiah His Photograph A Life Sketch of the Promised Messiah His Belief His Claim ... More... Khilafat Quranic Passage on Khilafat Prophecy of Holy Prophet Khilafat - Second Manifestation of God Khulafa-e-Rashideen ... More...

2. Ahmadiyya. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Basic introduction covers the early history of the ahmadiyya movement, its beliefs, and the split into Qadiyani and Lahore branches. In the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Ahmadiyya d KEY Barahin-i Ahmadiyya

3. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam
The aim of the Lahore ahmadiyya Movement is to propagate the religion of Islam from the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Our founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
presenting Islam as peaceful, tolerant, rational, inspiring Berlin Mosque Suriname Mosque Guyana Mosque Our Russian Quran translation reaches Russia Id Khutba in Holland 1. About ourselves
2. Our view of Islam

3. This is
not ... a Qadiani website
We believe that no prophet can come after Holy Prophet Muhammad. Major areas of this website:
1. Islam
2. Publications

3. Activities

4. Ahmadiyya Movement
6. Non-English material

Utilities: Discussion forums Contact us Search the Website Other Lahore Ahmadiyya Organisational Websites ... magazine by e-mail Major new additions to our Site A.S. Santoe receives royal honour from the state of Netherlands 12 May 2004 Ten misrepresented quotes clarified False anti-Ahmadiyya propaganda exposed 27 April 2004 Announcement of the Annual Convention of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore, U.S.A.

4., A Site Dedicated To Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Worldwide.
Latest Friday sermon by head of ahmadiyya community, Free email like, literature, download books, answer to anti ahmadiyya sites, album, sound files, Discussion Forums plus
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5. Religious Persecution Of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Religious persecution of ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Pakistan continues. Blasphemy Laws are being used against religious minorities specially Ahmadis to harass them. Millions of religious Disclaimer The views expressed here may not represent the official views of the ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The official views of the ahmadiyya Muslim Community are the teachings of
Recommend Us Email this Page eGazette What's New A brief Note Write a letter Download Reports Monthly Newsreports Media Reports Individual Case Reports Pakistan and Ahmadis ...
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Murder in the name of Allah Quote from the book:
US$12.99 (Free shipping worldwide)
UPDATES Participate in Letter writing campaign
Latest message from Bangladesh
- November 24, 2003 May, 2004 Ahmadiyyas under siege in Chittagong Going from bad to worse - Editorial - The Daily Star, Bangladesh - May 30, 2004 S Asian body Protests change of signboard
New signboard removed from Ctg Ahmadiyya mosque
- The Daily Star, Bangladesh - May 30, 2004 Ahmadiyas blame external forces for igniting bigotry - Press Conference coverage by various Newspapers - May 30, 2004 - The Daily Star, Bangladesh - May 30, 2004

ahmadiyya Movement a movement of Reform or a Pious Fraud in the name of Islam? Mohibbane-MustafaPresents ANTI ahmadiyya MOVEMENT IN ISLAM. Homepage.
English Portuguese Spanish Swahili ... Other Languages
Praise be to Allah, The One and Only,
May His Love and Peace eternally shower upon Syedna wa Habibana Muhammed,
after whom there is No Prophet and upon His Family and His Companions.

Holy Prophet Mohammed SAAW said:
"In My Ummah, there shall be born Thirty Grand Liars (Dajjals),
each of whom will claim to be a prophet,
But I am the Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me."
(Abu Dawood Vol 2 p. 228; Tirmidhi Vol 2 p.45)
Q adianism/Mirzaiyyat/Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam has become quite a controversial issue. Muslims everywhere have strated campaigning against them. Pretending to be the Champions of islam and the only true Muslims, they are leading ignorant Muslims out of its fold. Is it a Movement of Reform within Islam as it claims to be? OR is it a Pious Fraud in the name of Islam? In 1988 Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement and Grandson of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, issued a challenge of Mubahila, in which he labeled the entire Muslim Ummah as Disbelievers and Liars. Syed Abdul Hafeez took up the challenge and set up Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. it is an awareness campaign to educate Muslims and non-Muslims about the true nature of this creed and bring to the light the true personality of its founder and his heretical beliefs, as depicted in his writings. It is an honour for me to assist Shaikh Abdul Hafeez in his efforts. The Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is

7. Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Organization - University Of Texas At Austin
What is the ahmadiyya Movement in Islam? For more information about the ahmadiyyaMovement in Islam, visit the official web site at
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you! What is the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam? The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), foretold the coming of a divine reformer who would perform a revival of Islam , bring the faith back to the principles of Quran and Sunnah, and will bring together other religions into the fold of Islam. He would do so with peaceful exhortation, and God would show great heavenly signs for him. That person has been given two names: Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) and Imam Mahdi or the Guided Imam (peace be upon him). That divine reformer has arrived. His name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on whom be peace) and he laid the foundation of a new community in Islam in 1889, which he named as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. For more information about the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, visit the official web site at Quick Links at
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  • 8. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Deutschland - Assalamu Aleikum
    Vorstellung der ahmadiyya Reform Bewegung Online Bestellung von islamischer Literatur des Verlag Der Islam.
    "+myText[i]+""); document.write(""+myText[i]+""); //> Monats Fokus Islam und Menschenrechte
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    Online Shop Das Leben des Heiligen Propheten Muhammad Ein Mann Gottes Die Philosophie der Lehren des Islams Das islamische Gebetsbuch ... Mehr ... Gebetszeiten Suche auf Ahmadiyya-Seiten ) und durch den Heiligen Propheten des Islams, Friede und Segen Allahs seien auf ihn. Unsere Lehre Der Wert des Bai'at (Treueschwur beim Eintritt in die Gemeinde) Das Bai'at und die Jalsa Salana Das Khalifat mehr ... Unser Glaube Nachrichten Was ist Islam? Was ist Ahmadiyyat? Was ist ein Hadith? Khutbas (Freitagsansprachen) Mehr ... Die Kopftuchdebatte Ein Kopftuchverbot ist gleich einem Kopftuchzwang eine Bevormundung der Frauen. Die Frage, ob, wann und wie eine Kopfbedeckung getragen werden soll, sollte vornehmlich unter Frauen diskutiert werden. Die Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat warnt davor, kopftuchtragenden Frauen den Zugang zu Zukunftschancen zu verbauen. Mehr ...

    9. The Ahmadiyya Movement
    Harsh words about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, from a Sufi group that considers him to be the Antichrist.
    The Ahmadiyya Movement
    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya movement, was in a category all by himself in Imam Ahmad Raza Khan’s (may Allah be pleased with him) Husam al-Haramain. Condemned as the Antichrist [dajjal] inspired by Satan, his kufr was believed to be greater than the other ulema mentioned. Imam Ahmad Raza’s opinion was based on a large number of claims made by Ghulam Ahmad, among them the fact that he was ‘like the Messiah’ [Jesus Christ], and that, having received revelations from Almighty Allah, he was a kind of prophet: In the beginning, he claimed to be ‘like a Messiah’. Allah, in this he spoke the truth, because he is like the Antichrist, the lair. Then he began to elevate himself still more, and claimed to have received revelation. And Allah, in this too he is truthful, because Allah says that in the assembly of devils there is one among them who is inspired by Satan, whose inspiration is false and deceptive…Then he made an unambiguous claim to prophecy [nabuwwat] and messengership [risalat], writing that Allah is He who sent His messenger to Qadiyan, and asserted that a verse had been revealed to him that says, ‘We sent him to Qadiyan, and sent him with the truth.’ He also asserted that he was the Ahmad whom Jesus had predicted would come [after him as the next prophet]…Then he began to say that he was better than all other prophets and messengers: forget about Ibn-e Maryam [Jesus], Ghulam Ahmad is better than he. [Ahmad Raza Khan, Husam al-Haramain, p.12]

    10. The Ghanaian Chronicle - News
    Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has been elected as head of the ahmadiyya Movement, with the title Khalifatul Masih V. The Ghanaian Chronicle
    Advertise Here Advertise Here Volume 3, No. 51 - Thursday, May 1, Home Page



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    New Supreme Head for Ahmadiyya Movemen
    Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, principal director of Education of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, has been elected supreme head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Movement with the title Khalifatul Masih V. The movement’s electoral college, comprising members from more than 100 countries which met in London on Tuesday, April 22, elected him. The new khalifa who is 53 years old succeeded the late Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, khalifatul masih IV, who passed away on April 19, this year in London and was buried at Islamabad, Tilford, last week Wednesday. According to a press release issued by the public relations officer of the movement in Ghana, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was born on September 15, 1950 in Rabwah, Pakistan, attended the T.I Ahmadiyya College, in Rabwah from where he obtained his B.A degree. He later earned his Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the Agric University, in Faisalabad, also in Pakistan in 1976. In 1977 he dedicated his life to the Nusrat Jahan (Service to Humanity) scheme, which supports education and health institutions in Africa. Under this scheme, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad served Ghana as headmaster of the mission’s Ahmadiyya Secondary School at Salaga, northern region from 1977 to 1979 as well as the Essarkyir Ahmadiyya Secondary School from 1979 to 1983.

    11. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
    mga.gif (26686 bytes), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Founder of the ahmadiyya MovementMujaddid of the 14th century Hijra The Mahdi and the Promised Messiah.
    Our God is a living God and he speaks to us even today. Simply Islam



    ... behavior Taken from the book "Introduction to Islam" by Dr. Zahid Aziz Common
    Misconceptions about Islam Common Misconceptions About Ahmadiyyat Other Ahmadi Websites Offical website of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam Lahore
    Official website of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam Lahore Inc. USA

    Official website of

    Lahore Ahmadiyya Federation Netherlands
    ... Indonesia
    Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
    Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement Mujaddid of the 14th century Hijra The Mahdi and the Promised Messiah Some of his Prominent Followers Maulana Nurud-din Scholar of the Quran and Hadith. The First Successor of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib of Qadian Maulana Mohammad Ali Translator of The Holy Quran in English and author of The Religion of Islam. The First Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam Khawaja Kamal-ud-din Missionary to England at the Woking Mosque.

    12. MTA International
    24hour global satellite television providing quality family viewing in major languages.

    13. The Lahori Ahmadi View
    Note Most of the material on this website has been adapted from a book titled Theahmadiyya Case compiled by Dr. Zahid Aziz, consisting of translations of
    Misconceptions about Ahmadiyyat. Who is a Muslim? There are many misconceptions regarding the claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad , the Mujaddid of the 14th century Hijra. As in the case of all reformers in Islam, he has been the target of fatwas of kufr from rigid traditionalists who misunderstand his message, and his followers have been subjected to excommunication and institutionalized persecution. Sadly, a large faction from among his followers, now known as the the Qadiani Jama't, have elevated Mirza sahib to the status of a prophet. The extreme position taken by the Qadianis-along with its inevitable corollary that all Muslims who do not accept Mirza Sahib's claims are kafirs (i.e., disbelievers outside the pale of Islam)-has only worsened the situation, reinforcing misconceptions about Mirza sahib's message and fanning hatreds against his followers. This site has been made to provide the public with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 's real claims, as presented in his writings, and prove that he neither claimed to be a prophet nor considered acceptance of his claims mandatory for all Muslims. His claims were firmly anchored in Islamic shariah, as well as steeped in the Sufi tradition. Thus, they departed in no way from the tradition established by the prominent Muslim saints of the past.

    Welcome to ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada website. If you are looking for theofficial website of the Worldwide ahmadiyya Muslim Community then go here.
    Welcome to Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada website. To start browsing, use the navigation buttons on the left. If you cannot find what you are looking for, use the search option on the right side of the page.
    If you are looking for the official website of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community then go here Jalsa Salana Canada 2004
    July 2-4, 2004

    Insha`Allah the 28th Jalsa Salana Canada will be be held on July 2-4, 2004 at the International Center in Mississauga, Ontario. This blessed event will start with Salat Jum`a Friday Prayers) on July 2, 2004. Pre-Registeration is required for attending this event. Registeration can be done online or by fax... More
    Jalsa Seeratun Nabi (Peace be upon him)
    Sunday, May 2, 2004 - 2:00pm

    "When Abdur-Rahman bin Auf came to Medina, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Saa`d bin Ar-Rabi al-Ansari.
    Saa`d was a rich man, so he said to 'Abdur-Rahman, "I will give you half of my property and will help you marry."

    15. Aktuelles - "pro Schlüchtern - Ohne Ahmadiyya-Moschee!"
    Informiert aktuell ¼ber den Stand des B¼rgerbegehrens, mit Informationen zur Religionsgemeinschaft ahmadiyya und weiterf¼hrenden Links zu Internetpublikationen.
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    KN-Abo bye-bye -
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    Infostand 2 - CDU klar - Infostand 1 - Ahmadiyya - Hendel klar - "pro SLÜ" - SPENDENKONTO
    aktuelle Meldungen
    Mittwoch 26. Mai 19.30 Uhr Stadthalle Podiumsdiskussion So schaut's aus: mit Blick auf den Friedhof! Ruhe sanft - im Schatten der Moschee... Sieht so die Zukunft aus? Ahmadiyya verdoppeln Zahl ihrer Gegner Die angeblich so "friedfertigen" Islamisten lassen die Bevölkerung über die Kinzigtal Nachrichten wissen, dass sie keinerlei Rücksicht auf deren Wünsche zu nehmen gedenken. "Wir werden kämpfen bis zum Umfallen" (KN 23.3.04) erklärten die Gotteskrieger stattdessen, die ihren nicht-militanten Dschihad mit Geld und den "geistigen" Mitteln von Lug & Trug führen. Die "Friedfertigkeit" von Ahmadiyya ist Islamismus minus Bomben

    16. Religious Cults And Sects, Doctrines And Practices - Ahmadiyya
    Religious cults, sects, alternative religious movements ahmadiyya ahmadiyyaAn Apologetics Index research resource. ahmadiyya The ahmadiyya Muslims, who claim more than 90 million adherents
    Ahmadiyya An Apologetics Index research resource
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    A cult of Islam The Ahmadiyya Muslims , who claim more than 90 million adherents worldwide - a figure disputed by other Muslim organisations - met in Tilford, Surrey, yesterday for the ceremony. The renewal of their initiation vows marked the start of a three-day festival. The sect has centres in 74 towns and cities in this country, as well as a mosque in Putney, southwest London. Their views about Jesus Christ , the Prophet Muhammad, and their own founder, whom they regard as the Messiah, have placed them at odds with the rest of the Muslim world. They have been barred from membership of Britain's Muslim Parliament and of the Muslim Council. Iqbal Sacranie, of the council, said that the Muslim world saw the group as ''a cult operating outside the fold of Islam. The most serious point is that this cult does not recognise the finality of the Prophet Muhammad as the last and final messenger.'' Ahmadiyya Muslims believe that Ghulam Ahmed, who founded the sect in 1889, was the fulfilment of the messianic expectations of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religions. In other words, they believe that this was the Second Coming of Christ. They believe that Jesus survived the Crucifixion and that His tomb can be found in Kashmir.

    17. - The Ahmadiyya Portal
    A portal for the ahmadiyya Muslim Community that provides news, pictures, forums,articles and other content for the community. Jamia ahmadiyya Canada (516).
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    18. A.A.I.I.L. -- Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-e-Islam Lahore (Lahore Ahmadiyya Movemen
    ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha ate-Islam Lahore s (Lahore ahmadiyya Movementfor the Propagation of Islam) OFFICIAL Website. We present
    Last Update: 31st May 2004
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    Total count = 292 (Alhamdolillah!). Learn the details Distinctive Features of this Islamic Website: The Translation and Commentary of the Holy Quran in English, Urdu, Spanish, Dutch, French and German!!!
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    "And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And these are they who are successful."

    19. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community -Muslim Television Ahmadiyya
    Muslim Television ahmadiyya. These are summaries, in English, of the Friday Sermonsdelivered in Urdu by the Head of the ahmadiyya Muslim Community .
    Muslim Television Ahmadiyya Live MTA Broadcast Archived Friday Sermons Listen to MTA live over the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Listen to the Friday sermon.
    • Urdu May 28 th , 2004 - Audio Only)
    • Urdu May 28 th , 2004 - Video)
    • English May 28 th , 2004 - Video)
    Darsul Qur'an Archived Friday Sermons Listen to the Dars on Quran in Urdu
      November 17 November 24 November 25 December 01 December 02
    Listen to the archives of the Friday Sermons Summary of Friday Sermons Liqa Ma'al Arab These are summaries, in English, of the Friday Sermons delivered in Urdu by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community . We present this at our own responsibility. It is recommended that the reader listen to the entire sermon in the audio archive of the Friday Sermons. May 28, 2004 May 21, 2004 May 14, 2004 May 7, 2004 April 30, 2004 April 23, 2004

    20. Qadiani (Ahmadiyya) Claim Of Eclipses As A Proof Of Mehdi Examined
    Scientist Syed Khalid Shaukat investigates the validity of Mirza's claim of eclipses as alleged proof for being Mehdi.
    Qadianis' (Ahmadiyya) Claim of Eclipses as a Proof of Mehdi Examined
    by Syed Khalid Shaukat Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) attribute the claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad being Mehdi based on a writing in a book of Hadith (Dar Qutni) as follows: Amr bin Shimr narrates from Jabir who told him that Muhammad bin Ali said that for our Mehdi, two signs are given which never occurred in the past from the creation of the heavens and the earth. One is that a lunar eclipse will occur on the first night of Ramadan and the second sign is that a solar eclipse will occur in the middle of Ramadan and these signs had never happened from the creation of the heavens and the earth (Dar Qutni). Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) assert that a Hadith of the Messenger, Muhammad (SAW) says that the signs of Mehdi is that in his time lunar and solar eclipses will occur in the month of Ramadan and this sign is a clear proof that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is the real Mehdi according to the (Hadith-e-Nabavi) saying of the Messenger (SAW). ANSWER:
    1. The narration mentioned above is definitely not the saying of the Messenger (SAW), as the narrator clearly assigns it as the saying of Imam Muhammad Baqir bin Ali which was written in the book of Dar Qutni. Attributing this to Imam Muhammad Baqir is also wrong as the

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