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         Agnosticism:     more books (100)
  1. The Impossibility of Agnosticism by Leith Samuel, 1998
  2. Movements In Religious Thought, Romanism, Protestantism, Agnosticism: Three Sermons (1879) by Edward Hayes Plumptre, 2009-08-27
  3. Agnosticism: sermons preached in St. Peter's, Cranley gardens, 1883-4 by Alfred Williams Momerie, 2010-09-07
  4. On agnosticism: replies to the late Professor Huxley by Henry Wace, 2010-08-05
  5. Agnosticism And Theism In The Nineteenth Century: An Historical Study Of Religious Thought, Six Lectures (1905) by Richard Acland Armstrong, 2008-08-18
  6. Freethought And Agnosticism: Lies And Confusion In Conventional Literature by Joseph McCabe, 2010-05-22
  7. Agnosticism and Religion by Jacob Gould Schurman, 2010-10-14
  8. The Field-Ingersoll Discussion: Faith Or Agnosticism? (1888) by Henry Martyn Field, Robert Green Ingersoll, 2010-05-22
  9. Theism or Agnosticism; An Essay on the Grounds of Belief in God by Brownlow Maitland, 2010-01-09
  10. Christian Agnosticism As Related to Christian Knowledge: The Critical Principle in Theology by E. H. Johnson, 2010-05-23
  11. Vital Science Based Upon Life's Great Law: The Analogue of Gravitation; Agnosticism Refuted by Robert Walter, 2010-01-11
  12. Positivism, Agnosticism, Idealism And Mentalism by A. Seth Pringle-Pattison, 2010-05-23
  13. Naturalism and Agnosticism: The Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Aberdeen in the Years 1896-1898 by Anonymous, 2010-03-05
  14. Kant and Spencer: A Study of the Fallacies of Agnosticism by Paul Carus, 2010-02-28

41. Agnosticism/Atheism Quotes | Agnosticism/Atheism Quotations | Agnosticism/Atheis
Quotes on agnosticism/Atheism part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. agnosticism/Atheism Quotations.
Agnosticism/Atheism Quotes
From Wisdom Quotes : Quotations to inspire and challenge - by Jone Johnson Lewis Wisdom Quotes - Home Page More Quote Categories Back to Previous Page
Agnosticism/Atheism Quotations
Quotations on agnosticism and atheism - living without God or without certainty about the existence of God. Bertrand Russell In conclusion, there is a marvelous anecdote from the occasion of Russell's ninetieth birthday that best serves to summarize his attitude toward God and religion. A London lady sat next to him at this party, and over the soup she suggested to him that he was not only the world's most famous atheist but, by this time, very probably the world's oldest atheist. "What will you do, Bertie, if it turns out you're wrong?" she asked. "I mean, what if uh when the time comes, you should meet Him? What will you say?" Russell was delighted with the question. His bright, birdlike eyes grew even brighter as he contemplated this possible future dialogue, and then he pointed a finger upward and cried, "Why, I should say, 'God, you gave us insufficient evidence.'" Al Seckel, in Preface to Bertrand Russell on God and Religion

42. Agnosticism / Agnosticismo
Translate this page blog*spot, agnosticism / agnosticismo. agnosticismo no es sinónimo de ateísmo (negación de la existencia de Dios). Su posición
agnosticism / agnosticismo
Agnosticismo no es sinónimo de ateísmo (negación de la existencia de Dios). Su posición es que no se puede saber si existe o no. Por eso rechaza cualquier pronunciamiento a favor o en contra de la existencia de Dios.
Agnóstica Navidad
"Agnósticos: descreamos por hoy de incredulidad"
Minicuento navideño en verso

posted by paco @ 9:01 AM postCount('108322870854075473'); postCountTB('108322870854075473');
La doctrina del agnosticismo
La perniciosísima doctrina del agnosticismo, la cual, por parte del entendimiento, cierra al hombre todo camino hacia Dios, al mismo tiempo imagina abrírselo más apto por parte de cierto sentimiento del ánimo y de la acción... En realidad, si se suprime el entendimiento, el hombre se irá tras los sentidos exteriores con inclinación mayor aún que la que ya lo arrastra... Si estás en contra del agnosticismo seguí leyendo
posted by antonio @ 8:28 AM postCount('108322779908589444'); postCountTB('108322779908589444');
Hola, me han invitado, soy Zoila, espero humildemente poder aportarles algo.
Existe el diablo y puede poseer a una persona
La crónica de un exorcismo sorprende a la opinión publica española
Narrada por un periodista de «El mundo», que se confesaba incrédulo

43. Weak Agnosticism
Graham Oppy defends weak agnosticism, the view that it is permissible for reasonable persons to suspend judgement on the question of God's existence.
Library Modern Documents Graham Oppy : Weak Agnosticism Defended
Weak Agnosticism Defended[
Graham Oppy
Agnosticism has had some bad press in recent years. Nonetheless, I hope to show that agnosticism can be so formulated that it is no less philosophically respectable than theism and atheism. This is not a mere philosophical exercise; for, as it happens, the formulated position is I think the one to which I subscribe. I include a qualification here since it may be that the position to which I subscribe is better characterised as fallibilist atheism but more of that anon. I begin by distinguishing between two different kinds of agnosticism. On the one hand, there is strong agnosticism , i.e. the view which is sustained by the thesis that it is obligatory for reasonable persons to suspend judgement on the question of God's existence. And, on the other hand, there is weak agnosticism , i.e. the view which is sustained by the thesis that it is permissible for reasonable persons to suspend judgement on the question of God's existence. Strong agnosticism is characteristically defended by appeal to the apparent lack of good independent evidential support for the claim that God exists. Underlying this appeal there is typically an epistemological principle which resembles the following:

44. Dennis's Philosophical Pages / About Agnosticism
You will be sent there in 10 seconds. About agnosticism. What Is agnosticism? A lot of people have misconceptions about what agnosticism is.
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About Agnosticism
If you've read my other "philosophy" pages , you've probably discerned that I do not believe in any religion. You'd be correct. I am, properly speaking, an Agnostic. Here is my explanation of what is meant by "agnosticism."
Note On Terminology
In this essay, the term "theistic" refers to any metaphysical philosophy, or religion, with at least one deity at its heart. Such deities may be metaphorical, or representations of natural forces, or actual Supreme Beings of some kind. The term "non-theistic" refers to any metaphysical philosophy, or religion, which does not have any deities at its core. Such philosophies consider the existence of deities to be irrelevant to the message they convey. This is contrasted with "atheism," which is an assertion that there cannot be any deities of any kind. I'll mention atheism in more detail, below.
What Is Agnosticism?

45. Agnosticism
agnosticism Lära. Ändra normal. Försteredaktör Akinna78 Denna text är importerad från /old/psi/agnosticism.html är Trobart och Lära
Agnosticism Lära
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är Trobart och Lära
En lära, enligt vilken verklig kunskap ej kan erhållas beträffande tingens yttersta grund, det absoluta. Alias: agnosticism normal Åsikten att vi inte vet om Gud finns eller ej; eller, mera allmänt, skepsis inför möjligheten att få svar på de eviga frågorna Agnosticismen har ofta varit ett element i den filosofiska skepticismen; i Grekland förklarade t.ex. sofisten Protagoras (ca 480-410 f.Kr.) att han om gudarna varken kunde säga att de existerar eller att de inte existerar. Ordet fick på 1800-talet ny aktualitet genom naturforskaren Thomas H. Huxley, som hävdade att kunskap om Gud är omöjlig på grund av människans begränsning.
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46. Agnostic
Nevertheless, while agnosticism claims to sit on the fence, many agnostics are practical atheists, in that they actively pursue the atheistic lifestyle
Review Agnostic - Agnostos
The English term "agnostic" is derived from the Greek "agnostos," which means, "to not know." An agnostic is one who admits, "I don't know." The term is applied specifically to those who don't know for certain whether or not God exists. An agnostic is one who believes that the existence of God is unknown and most likely beyond human ability to discover. Agnostic - Sitting on the Fence
By definition, an agnostic is not committed to believing in or disbelieving in the existence of God. Nevertheless, while agnosticism claims to "sit on the fence," many agnostics are "practical atheists," in that they actively pursue the atheistic lifestyle; that is, they tend to subscribe to moral relativism and live out their lives without any concern for ultimate accountability. Agnostic - Evidence For God?
Can the agnostic know whether or not God exists? Is such knowledge obtainable by mere men? Modern scientific endeavor seems to indicate that such knowledge is obtainable to the objective observer. Let's examine the facts objectively…
The point is, if you were to find a stator, rotor, drive-shaft, U-joint, or propeller in any vehicle, any machine, any toy or model, you would recognize it as the product of an intelligent source. No one would expect any outboard motor, much less one this incredible, would ever be the product of a chance assemblage of parts. That is absurd. Outboard motors are the product of intelligent design. (Michael Behe, "Darwin's Black Box," 1996.)

47. WorldNetDaily: Sneering Agnosticism
Sneering agnosticism © 2002 The triumph of sneering agnosticism is pretty much complete within elite media these days.

48. The Origin Of The Word 'Agnosticism'
An article by Bill Young providing the origin of the word Agnostic.
Library Modern Documents Nontheism ... Agnosticism : The Origin of the Word 'Agnostic'
The Origin of the Word Agnostic
by Bill Young
There is little doubt that Thomas Henry Huxley invented the word agnostic in the Spring of 1869. However, there is conflicting evidence about when this was and what it originally meant. According to R. H. Hutton, as published in the New English Dictionary , Huxley first used the word agnostic at a party at James Knowles's house on Clapham Common prior to the formation of the Metaphysical Society. Hutton also said, "He [Huxley] took it from St. Paul's mention of the altar to 'the Unknown God'." ( New English Dictionary edited by James A. H. Murray. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1888, p. 86.) Huxley, on the other hand, wrote in "Agnosticism" published in The Nineteenth Century in February 1889 that he invented it as a label for himself at the Metaphysical Society, although he didn't say when. He also said, "It [agnostic] came into my head as suggestively antithetic to the 'gnostic' of Church history, who professed to know so much about the very things of which I was ignorant...." (Huxley, Thomas Henry. "Agnosticism" The Nineteenth Century . February, 1889, p. 183.)

49. Dictionary Of The History Of Ideas
agnosticism. I. agnosticism is a philosophical and theological concept which has been understood in various ways by different philosophers and theologians.

50. Atheism And Agnosticism
last substantive content change MAR 9 2004. Atheism and agnosticism. The main purpose of scientific hypothesis. 3. agnosticism. Though there
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Atheism and Agnosticism
1. Atheism
Scientific Thought (Broad 1923) held that the chemical properties of common salt could not even in principle be deduced from those of sodium and chlorine separately, at the very time at which the quantum theory of the chemical bond was beginning to be developed. Though the mind has seemed to some to be strongly emergent from its physical basis, it can be argued that developments in the philosophy of mind, cognitive science and neuroscience favour weak emergence only.
2. An Adequate Concept of God
Foundations of Arithmetic One thing that will not differentiate the theist from the atheist is to say that God, if he exists, is necessary in the sense of not being dependent on anything else for his existence. The atheist will say that the universe fits this bill because the universe contains everything that there is and so is not caused by anything else. It is indeed hard to see what an adequate conception of God and his necessary existence could be. For the purposes of this article, let us explore what the relations and lack of relations between atheism and agnosticism could be. Here we shall neglect the requirement of necessary existence and in a later section we shall consider the case of

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Guide agnosticism, Guides, agnosticism. ez2Find Home Directory Society Religion and Spirituality agnosticism (53) Opposing Views (4), Personal Pages (8).
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52. Agnosticism, Book Of Shadows, And More
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Also since most people do not know what a chinchilla is a link deidcated to them
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53. Web.html
Essays by James A Haught, an old newspaper editor on agnosticism, books, and other issues.
To Question is the Answer
Challenge supernaturalism in all its forms, from religion to ouija boards "Man is certainly stark mad; he cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen." Michel de Montaigne James A. Haught "Religion is all bunk." Thomas Edison
Welcome to a quest for mental honesty. I'm an old newspaper editor who has spent half a century chronicling social struggles and cultural tides. Personally, I've waged a long crusade for rational, scientific thinking as an antidote for harmful supernaturalism. I've written five books and many magazine articles against religion, astrology, mysticism, psychic claims, cults, "New Agery," fundamentalism, and other magical beliefs. Although billions of people pray to invisible gods, there's no actual evidence of deities and devils, heavens and hells, spirits and prophecies, etc. They're just imaginary, as far as a sincere inquirer can tell. So, to me, the only honest viewpoint is the humanist one, which doubts the supernatural and focuses on improving human life. This web site contains some of my skeptical pieces - plus others on science, sailing, sex, serenity, the joy of nature, and the meaning of life (or lack thereof). You're free to read, download, print out, circulate or reprint any of these materials.

54. Ateism Och Agnosticism
Sök bara i Ateism och agnosticism Sök i hela Länkskafferiet. Till Startsidan Religion och livsåskådning Ateism och agnosticism,

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Sök bara i "Ateism och agnosticism" Sök i hela Länkskafferiet Till Startsidan Religion och livsåskådning Ateism och agnosticism
Organisationer, institutioner och föreningar

The Atheism Web
Ateismen förklaras filosofiskt och ur ett samhällsperspektiv. Länkar till ateistiska organisationer. Fler länkar om: ateism Humanisterna "Vi är en organisation av humanister (i det teologiska språket kallas vi ateister eller agnostiker) som på olika sätt försöker stimulera en livsåskådning med humanismen som grund - som ett alternativ till religiösa dogmer." Fler länkar om: ateism Ändrad 2004-06-02 1996-2004 LUB NetLab, Myndigheten för Skolutveckling

55. What Is An Agnostic?
Bertrand Russell on agnosticism
What is an Agnostic?
Bertrand Russell
What Is an agnostic?
An agnostic thinks it impossible to know the truth in matters such as God and the future life with which Christianity and other religions are concerned. Or, if not impossible, at least impossible at the present time.
Are agnostics atheists?
No. An atheist, like a Christian, holds that we can know whether or not there is a God. The Christian holds that we can know there is a God; the atheist, that we can know there is not. The Agnostic suspends judgment, saying that there are not sufficient grounds either for affirmation or for denial. At the same time, an Agnostic may hold that the existence of God, though not impossible, is very improbable; he may even hold it so improbable that it is not worth considering in practice. In that case, he is not far removed from atheism. His attitude may be that which a careful philosopher would have towards the gods of ancient Greece. If I were asked to prove that Zeus and Poseidon and Hera and the rest of the Olympians do not exist, I should be at a loss to find conclusive arguments. An Agnostic may think the Christian God as improbable as the Olympians; in that case, he is, for practical purposes, at one with the atheists.
Since you deny `God's Law', what authority do you accept as a guide to conduct?

56. How Have We Been Blind For This Long
agnosticism. A definition of agnosticism http// What Is agnosticism? http//
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Ethiopianism-Ethiopiawinet Ethiopia is the metaphysical location where the spiritual and physical bind. It is the biblical and scientific location of the Garden of Eden, site of the tree of life, where original sin occurred Cure the ills of Ethiopia today and God will help us cure the ills of the world tomorrow through the metaphysical exchange of spiritual grace Ethiopiawinet
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Comments Quotes ... RELIGIOUSREVIVAL Agnosticism A definition of AGNOSTICISM
What Is Agnosticism? By H. J. Blackham
An Introduction To The Agnostic Church

57. The Universal Church Triumphant Of The Apathetic Agnostic - Welcome
Extensive site expressing agnosticism as a legitimate religious doctrine. Membership and ordination offered. Many essays regularly updated.
The Church door is
always open.

The Church offers free membership and ordination, and, through our affiliated International University of Nescience, also offers a select range of degrees to members and clergy. Application is online and documentation is issued by email. See inside for details Please explore the site - there are 666 pages* of content - Discover what we are about. *OK - 666 pages might be a slight exaggeration, but that particular number is sure to annoy someone. And we are well over 500 pages is now a membership organization for the promotion of agnostic interests. It is functionally separate from this site at We support it and encourage interested agnostics to join. The Apathetic Agnostic Marketplace store is open A
The Church of the Apathetic Agnostic welcomes you to
Latest Update - 29 May
A supersized update as travel plans have cancelled the mid-month update.
Meditations : Various old themes resurface, including creation, religious love and hate, church signs, and Pascals Wager - and all somehow linked. Also, demythologizing Christianity, and the latest round of quotations. Rationally Speaking Delayed - we hope to post it mid-month Ask the Patriarch : Advice on choosing a religion Reflections on Ethics : We republish a classic essay by Ingersoll : The Shroud of Turin suggested as conclusive evidence for Christ, thoughts on sin and paradox.

58. Atheism And Agnosticism (GCSE)
Atheism and agnosticism (GCSE). It has been said that the highest praise of God consists in the denial of God by the atheist, who in God/atheismgcse.htm
Atheism and Agnosticism (GCSE) 'It has been said that the highest praise of God consists in the denial of [God] by the atheist, who finds creation so perfect that [they] can dispense with a creator' (Marcel Proust) Atheists are people who dispense with the idea of a God and believe the world can be explained through natural means alone. There are many reasons why people are atheists. One of the most common reasons concerns the problem of evil and suffering. This is the idea that if God existed then God would want to do something about evil and suffering. That there is evil and suffering in the world leads some to the conclusion that God does not exist. A similar argument would be that if God existed then God would not allow a family member to die especially if this person was prayed for. Now although we cannot deny that there is a real problem when it comes to trying to explain the existence of evil and suffering and the existence of God it does not follow that because bad things happen in the world God does not exist. This conclusion is invalid for the simple reason that although there are many things wrong with the world it might be that God cannot do anything about it (even if God wanted to). That there is evil and suffering in the world does not automatically have to mean God does not exist. (For more information on this see Evil and Suffering (GCSE) Some people feel the world simply does not need a God and would be better off without one. The economist Karl Marx (1818-83) was one such person. He believed the idea of God (and therefore religion) should be removed in society because he felt religion oppressed the poor. This happened because people tended to leave their problems with God rather than fight for a fair deal in society. As far as Marx was concerned, if people were to get rid of God then they would do something about the oppression of the poor (workers) by the rich overlords. Marx's view of religion led to his famous statement:

59. --
Message boards, links, and information dealing with agnosticism, atheism, and humanism.
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60. TCS: Tech Central Station - Open Agnosticism
Font Size Open agnosticism. By James V. DeLong, Published, 12/10/2002.
HOME James V. DeLong Biographical related articles Open Source and Its Enemies Source Socialism The Free Software Lunch California Scheming ... Closing the Door on Choices
articles by author Government Pursues Microsoft Case It Has To Lose What's Behind Utility Execs Flacking for Caps on CO2? High Tech Industry Suffers When Companies Curry Federal Favors Will Justice`s Controlled Burn of Microsoft Also Torch Silicon Valley? ... Metallica Rocks - and the Band Owns Intellectual Property, Too!
Font Size: Open Agnosticism By James V. DeLong Published E-Mail Bookmark Print Save TCS
Julian Sanchez characterizes me as an "enemy" of Open Source (OS). "Open source agnostic" would be a better term than "enemy." Opposition to proposals for government preferences are not necessarily based on enmity for the Open Source movement, which has some impressive strengths and has produced some significant accomplishments. But I do not share the messianic dedication that infuses many of its proponents.
The movement must be given due credit. Much fine software has been developed by programmers at universities, governments, and private companies, working cooperatively, either on their own time or with the blessings of their employers. A large group of smart people each devoting a small percentage of his time, linked by the Internet, can be highly creative. The results offer many possibilities for the future.

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