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         Agnosticism:     more books (100)
  1. Agnosticism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Robin Le Poidevin, 2010-10-28
  2. Agnosticism and Christianity and Other Essays (Great Mind Series) by Thomas Henry Huxley, 1992-08
  3. Agnosticism by Robert Flint, 2010-08-09
  4. The Way out of Agnosticism; or, The Philosophy of free Religion by Francis Abbot Ellingwood, 2009-11-26
  5. Subjectivity and Irreligion: Atheism and Agnosticism in Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy) by Matthew Alun Ray, 2004-02
  6. The Way Out Of Agnosticism Or, The Philosophy Of Free Religion by Francis Ellingwood Abbot, 2010-05-22
  7. Criteria of Diverse Kinds of Truth as Opposed to Agnosticism by James McCosh, 2009-05-13
  8. W.E.B. Du Bois: Toward Agnosticism, 1868-1934 by Brian L. Johnson, 2008-09-05
  9. Naturalism and Agnosticismthe Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Aberdeen in the by James Ward, 2009-10-27
  10. Christianity and agnosticism, a controversy by Henry Wace, 2010-08-09
  11. Way Out of Agnosticism: Of, the Philosophy of Free Religion (Philosophy in America) by Francis C. Abbot, 1980-06
  12. Agnosticism by Thomson Jay Hudson, 2010-05-23
  13. Theism Or Agnosticism, an Essay by Brownlow Maitland, 2010-03-07
  14. Christianity or agnosticism? by Louis Picard, 1899

Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. 2) agnosticism, as a general term in philosophy, is frequently employed to express any conscious attitude replaced, from partial to complete agnosticism; it may be our knowledge of
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A philosophical theory of the limitations of knowledge, professing doubt of or disbelief in some or all of the powers of knowing possessed by the human mind. I. EXPOSITION (1) The word Agnostic (Greek a, privative + "knowing") was coined by Professor Huxley in 1869 to describe the mental attitude of one who regarded as futile all attempts to know the reality corresponding to our ultimate scientific, philosophic, and religious ideas. As first employed by Huxley, the new term suggested the contrast between his own unpretentious ignorance and the vain knowledge which the Gnostics of the second and third century claimed to possess. This antithesis served to discredit the conclusions of natural theology, or theistic reasoning, by classing them with the idle vapourings of Gnosticism . The classification was unfair, the attempted antithesis overdrawn. It is rather the Gnostic and the Agnostic who are the real extremists; the former extending the bounds of knowledge, and the latter narrowing them, unduly. Natural theology, or theism, occupies the middle ground between these extremes, and should have been disassociated both from the Gnostic position, that the mind can know everything, and from the Agnostic position, that it can know nothing concerning the truths of religion. (See

2. What Is Agnosticism?
J. Blackham What Is agnosticism? What Is agnosticism As a definition of the limits of knowledge, "agnosticism" needs to be understood historically
Library Modern H. J. Blackham : What Is Agnosticism?
What Is Agnosticism? (1981)
H. J. Blackham
[This article was originally published in "Free Inquiry," Summer, 1981, pp. 31-33.]
Winds of Doctrine
As a definition of the limits of knowledge, "agnosticism" needs to be understood historically. Summarily and roughly, philosophy at the time of Plutarch (first century A.D.) offered six positions: on the one hand, a dogmatic Idealism or Materialism: on the other, skepticism, pragmatism, eclecticism, or fideism. The names of Plato and Democritus can be put at the head of the dogmatic traditions: Pyrrho has lent his name to fundamental skepticism; Isocrates made immensely influential a pragmatic view of philosophy; and Plutarch himself was the preeminent representative of a rational and ethical eclecticism. Perhaps Tertullian, if not Saint Paul, represents the constraints of fideism after Christian faith came into contact and conflict with Greek gnosticism. The case for each of these positions was spelled out in verbal argument. Plato, in the

3. Agnosticism
about God, or the nature of reality. agnosticism is the believe that it is impossible to know certain The term 'agnosticism' was coined by Professor Huxley at a meeting of
The word agnost means `not knowing'. An agnost is someone saying that he does not know, and is usually used in the context of knowledge about God, or the nature of reality. Agnosticism is the believe that it is impossible to know certain things for sure. There are different reasons for which one does not know, and for this reason we make a differnence between weak and strong agnostism.
Weak agnosticism
A weak agnost simple claims that he does not know whether God exists. This means that he does not exclude the possibility of knowing whether God exists.
Strong agnosticism
Strong agnoticism claims that it is impossible to know whether God exists. Somehow this is very strong claim, as it requires knowledge about reality to know this for sure. For this reason, some people hold the position that strong agnosticism is self-defeating. A quote from An introduction to Atheism
    The term 'agnosticism' was coined by Professor Huxley at a meeting of the Metaphysical Society in 1876. He defined an agnostic as someone who disclaimed ("strong") atheism and believed that the ultimate origin of things must be some cause unknown and unknowable. Another way of putting it is an agnostic is someone who believes that we do not and cannot know for sure whether God exists. Since that time, however, the term agnostic has also been used to describe those that do not believe that the question is intrinsically unknowable, but instead believe that the evidence for or against God is inconclusive, and therefore are undecided about the issue.

4. Agnosticism (1889)
their tenets, and even their future. agnosticism exercised the orators of the Church Congress at Manchester who brought the topic of agnosticism before the Church Congress, took a
Active Skepticism J. Huxley, Diary of H. M. S. Rattlesnake
Collected Essays V l.c. p. 253). The triumphant tone of this imaginary catechism leads me to suspect that its author has hardly appreciated its full import. Presumably, Dr. Wace regards Mahommed as an unbeliever, or, to use the term which he prefers, infidel; and considers that his assurances have given rise to a vast delusion which has led, and is leading, millions of men straight to everlasting punishment. And this being so, the "Trust and faith" which have "made the Mahommedan world," in just the same sense as they have [214] "made the Christian world," must be trust and faith in falsehood. No man who has studied history, or even attended to the occurrences of everyday life, can doubt the enormous practical value of trust and faith; but as little will he be inclined to deny that this practical value has not the least relation to the reality of the objects of that trust and faith. In examples of patient constancy of faith and of unswerving trust, the "Acta Martyrum" do not excel the annals of Babism. honest men. Now, though honest speech does not require that words should be used always and only in their etymological sense, it does require that they should not be used so as to affirm what the speaker knows to be false. Whilst, therefore, our Lord and His Apostles might use the word [to be possessed by a demon], or the phrase, [to have a demon], as a popular description of certain diseases, without giving in to the belief which lay at the source of such a mode of expression, they could not speak of demons entering into a man, or being cast out of him, without pledging themselves to the belief of an actual possession of the man by the demons. (Campbell

agnosticism UNCERTAINTY ABOUT WHETHER GOD EXISTS. Click below to visit our sponsors. Definition of Agnostic agnosticism is a concept, not a religion.

6. Agnosticism / Atheism - Skeptical Inquiry, Freethought, & Religious Philosophy
agnosticism Atheism where you can learn more not only about agnostics and atheists, but also freethought, religion, philosophy, skepticism, critical thinking
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Are you a Disaffected, US-Hating Terrorist?
Brandon Mayfield was arrested by the FBI in connection to the terrorist train bombings in Madrid because of an erroneous fingerprint identification. He was eventually released and the government has been criticized for its handling of the case. Some, though, don’t see a problem. Read more...
Tuesday June 01, 2004
America’s Pop Prophets
If you aren’t familiar with the Left Behind series of books, you probably should be. They are incredibly popular with the Christian Right (though not anyone else) and serve illustrate the sorts of things they believe - not only in terms of their content, but also the reactions to that content.

7. NandoNext: Why I Don't Buy Agnosticism
Brian Stanley responds to agnosticism as a Christian, and claims it is an attempt to avoid the issue.
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Why I don't buy agnosticism
By Brian Stanley, Guest Columnist
R ecently, Andy Johnson, a graduate student in philosophy and a columnist for The Daily Tar Heel, wrote a column in which he took issue with the beliefs and doctrines of Christianity. He once called himself a Christian but became an agnostic after he decided that Christianity was irrational. This column, and a follow-up , evoked a wave of responses from readers of the student newspaper at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, all trying to argue that Christianity does in fact make sense. The debate has continued on Johnson's web page. Many respondents, including myself, have sent detailed explanations of the evidence of Christianity, as well as defenses of many Christian beliefs. Johnson coolly knocked down most responses he received, employing one argument or another that has been developed in opposition to each of the arguments proposed. The debate has compelled me to contemplate the beliefs of agnostics in comparison with those of everyone else. Every person in the history of mankind has wondered as to the origin and nature of our universe it is by far the single most important question we can ask. Our situation is such that we cannot know with certainty the answer to our question. That does not mean an answer does not exist; on the contrary, everyone would concede that there is a unique answer to our question either we are here by accident or else someone put us here. Atheists say that there is no God and we are here by accident. Most everyone else falls into the category of believing in some sort of a supreme being.

8. Agnosticism
An article from BibleBelievers.Net rejecting agnosticism as neither logical nor philosophical.
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False Teaching
Home Up Next Bible Believers Resource Page HERESIES EXPOSED
A Brief Critical Examination in the Light of the Holy Scriptures of some of the Prevailing Heresies and False Teachings of Today
Compiled by
WM. C. IRVINE Loizeaux Brothers, Bible Truth Depot
New York
First Edition, 1917 - Fifteenth Edition 1944 Agnosticism
By A. McD. Rewood T HE
natural attitude of a thinking mind toward the supernatural is that of skepticism’ skepticism, not agnosticism. The skeptic halts at the cross-roads, to take his bearings; but at the sight of a cross-road the agnostic gives up his journey altogether. True skepticism connotes intellectual caution, but agnosticism is intellectual suicide." With these words Sir Robert Anderson opens one of his chapters in his In Defence, a book which we commend to everyone who suffers from mental doubts. What is Agnosticism?
In the words of Professor Alexander Stewart, it is "the name by which those designate their position who do not deny the existence of God, the future world, and other doctrines of religion, but declare that we do not, and

9. Agnosticism
agnosticism. agnosticism is the position of believing that knowledge of the existence or nonexistence Understood this way, agnosticism is skepticism regarding all things theological
Robert Todd Carroll

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Agnosticism is the position of believing that knowledge of the existence or non-existence of God is impossible. It is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism . Understood this way, agnosticism is skepticism regarding all things theological. The agnostic holds that human knowledge is limited to the natural world, that the mind is incapable of knowledge of the supernatural. Understood this way, an agnostic could also be a theist or an atheist. The former is called a fideist , one who believes in God purely on faith. The latter is sometimes accused by theists of having faith in the non-existence of God , but the accusation is absurd and the expression meaningless. The agnostic atheist simply finds no compelling reason to believe in God. The term 'agnostic' was created by T. H. Huxley (1825-1895), who took his cue from David Hume and Immanuel Kant.

10. Evangelical Agnosticism
This article will provide some history about agnosticism since1869 and will suggest the reasons for the introduction of the term evangelical agnosticism.
Library Modern Documents William Henry Young : Evangelical Agnosticism (1985)
Evangelical Agnosticism (1985)
William Henry Young
The Summer 1981 FREE INQUIRY contained the article " What is Agnosticism? " by H. J. Blackham. It dealt primarily with intimations of agnosticism among skeptical philosophers before 1869, when Thomas Henry Huxley invented the term as a label for his personal approach to religious and philosophical questions. This article will provide some history about agnosticism since 1869 and will suggest the reasons for the introduction of the term evangelical agnosticism . It will not deal with the relationship between the words agnosticism skepticism rationalism , and other related terms in the freethought tradition. Huxley's account of his invention of the word agnostic was written in an essay entitled "Agnosticism" some twenty years after he coined the term. At this time he was sixty-four years old and his place in the Victorian establishment was very secure. He was an original and influential member of the London School Board, president of the Royal Society, and a trustee of the British Museum. Called "Darwin's Bulldog," Huxley was renowned for his spirited defense of many scientific ideas that were unpopular with the religious establishment. He wrote: When I reached intellectual maturity and began to ask myself whether I was an atheist, a theist, or a pantheist; a materialist or an idealist; a Christian or a freethinker; I found that the more I learned and reflected, the less ready was the answer; until, at last, I came to the conclusion that I had neither art nor part with any of these denominations, except the last. The one thing in which most of these good people were agreed was the one thing in which I differed from them. They were quite sure they had attained a certain "

11. Agnosticism
Library Modern Documents Madalyn Oha ir Agnostics. Agnostics. Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Charles Bradlaugh was the first militant Atheist in the history of Western civilization. a ``god'' and this
Library Modern Documents Madalyn Oha ir : Agnostics
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Charles Bradlaugh was the first militant Atheist in the history of Western civilization. He was elected to the British parliament six times, and each time that body refused to seat him because he was an Atheist and because he would not swear his allegiance to queen and country, so help him ``God.'' Everyone in England knew Bradlaugh and his fight, and he raised the issue of Atheism to every person in public life as he sought allies. The intellectual community contained, at the time, Sir Thomas Huxley, and he coined the word agnostic in 1869 to keep from aligning himself with the hard-pressed Bradlaugh. The word gnosis is the Greek for ``knowledge.'' In words of Greek derivation the prefix a is a privative, that is it gives the word a negative sense. Literally it means ``against knowledge'' or ``negating knowledge.'' Huxley in his letters to the literate community pointed out that he did not feel that salvation could be attained through knowledge. We don't know what ``salvation'' is. But we do know that Huxley referred to the New Testament biblical story of

12. Agnosticism 101: What Is Agnosticism? Index Of Documents And Articles
agnosticism what is it, what isn t it? How did Huxley originally define agnosticism? What did Spencer say the definition of agnosticism is?
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Chat Room Join others in the Agnosticism/Atheism chat Discussion Forum Do you have an opinion about this page? Make it known on the Discussion Forum If there is anything as misunderstood and misrepresented as atheism, it must be agnosticism. There are many misconceptions about agnosticism, agnostics, and the reasons why anyone would adopt a position of agnosticism in the first place. This is unfortunate, because whether agnosticism is conceived of as a philosophy or simply an isolated position on the existence of gods, it is eminently reasonable and defensible. The definition of agnosticism is one of the more contentious issues - even many agnostics continue to hold to the idea that agnosticism represents some sort of "third way" between atheism and theism. Not only evidence from standard dictionaries but also a careful comparison between agnosticism and other ideas like theism and atheism reveal that calling oneself an agnostic by no mean excludes being either an atheist or a theist.

13. Dennis's Philosophical Pages / About Agnosticism
About agnosticism. If you ve read my other philosophy pages, you ve probably discerned that I do not believe in any religion. What Is agnosticism?
About Agnosticism
If you've read my other "philosophy" pages , you've probably discerned that I do not believe in any religion. You'd be correct. I am, properly speaking, an Agnostic. Here is my explanation of what is meant by "agnosticism."
Note On Terminology
In this essay, the term "theistic" refers to any metaphysical philosophy, or religion, with at least one deity at its heart. Such deities may be metaphorical, or representations of natural forces, or actual Supreme Beings of some kind. The term "non-theistic" refers to any metaphysical philosophy, or religion, which does not have any deities at its core. Such philosophies consider the existence of deities to be irrelevant to the message they convey. This is contrasted with "atheism," which is an assertion that there cannot be any deities of any kind. I'll mention atheism in more detail, below.
What Is Agnosticism?
A lot of people have misconceptions about what agnosticism is. So I will start at the beginning. This term was coined in the nineteenth century by T.H. Huxley. It comes from the Greek word γνωσις (" gnosis "), meaning "knowledge" or "to know," with the negation prefix

14. Agnosticism And Christianity (1889)
agnosticism and Christianity 1899 Collected Essays V. This is what agnosticism asserts; and, in my opinion, it is all that is essential to agnosticism.
Agnosticism and Christianity Collected Essays V De Civ. Dei, xii.7. The present discussion has arisen out of the use, which has become general in the last few years, of the terms "Agnostic" and "Agnosticism." as to the truth of a particular [313] form of Theology, is another. With scientific Theology, Agnosticism has no quarrel. On the contrary, the Agnostic, knowing too well the influence of prejudice and idiosyncrasy, even on those who desire most earnestly to be impartial, can wish for nothing more urgently than that the scientific theologian should not only be at perfect liberty to thresh out the matter in his own fashion; but that he should, if he can, find flaws in the Agnostic position; and, even if demonstration is not to be had, that he should put, in their full force, the grounds of the conclusions he thinks probable. The scientific theologian admits the Agnostic principle, however widely his results may differ from those reached by the majority of Agnostics. He declares that he has prejudged certain conclusions, and looks upon those who show cause for arrest of judgment as emissaries of Satan. It necessarily follows that, for him, the attainment of faith, not the ascertainment of truth, is the [314] highest aim of mental life. And, on careful analysis of the nature of this faith, it will too often be found to be, not the mystic process of unity with the Divine, understood by the religious enthusiast; but that which the candid simplicity of a Sunday scholar once defined it to be. "Faith," said this unconscious plagiarist of Tertullian, "is the power of saying you believe things which are incredible."

15. Agnosticism
agnosticism. Glenn agnosticism has a cachet which neither rational nonbelief nor any other phrase could approximate. References. Charles
Glenn Everett , Associate Professor of English, University of Tennessee at Martin and George P. Landow, Professor of English and Art History, Brown University
his word, which has in the twentieth century come to signify little more than passive disbelief , was invented by Thomas Henry Huxley at Cambridge in the 1860s. According to Charles Blinderman, Professor Emeritus at Clark University, "The word seems to have been invented by him towards the end of the '60s, at an early meeting of the Metaphysical Society. He did not use the term until post-1870." Huxley, Darwin 's great advocate, coined the term, he says, because everyone else was an "-ist" of one kind or another, and he had no label to apply to his own beliefs. He meant to distinguish himself from those whose faith provided answers to the most profound questions: Does God exist? How can we know Him? (Why isn't He revealed more unambiguously in the scriptures?) Why would He create evil, and why would He allow the good to suffer and the wicked to flourish? Does He intervene miraculously in this world? Thomas Henry Huxley . Portrait bust in Natural History Museum, London. Photograph by

16. WebRing: Hub
Atheism agnosticism Alliance Web Ring, Join This Ring.

17. The Atheism Web: Huxley On Agnosticism
Thomas Huxley describes how he came to originate the term 'agnostic'.
The Atheism Web
More on Huxley and the definition of Agnosticism
Huxley describes how he came to originate the term 'agnostic' as follows: When I reached intellectual maturity, and began to ask myself whether I was an atheist, a theist, or a pantheist; a materialist or an idealist; a Christian or a freethinker, I found that the more I learned and reflected, the less ready was the answer; until at last I came to the conclusion that I had neither art nor part with any of these denominations, except the last. The one thing in which most of these good people were agreed was the one thing in which I differed from them. They were quite sure that they had attained a certain "gnosis" had more or less successfully solved the problem of existence; while I was quite sure I had not, and had a pretty strong conviction that the problem was insoluble. And, with Hume and Kant on my side, I could not think myself presumptuous in holding fast by that opinion. [...] So I took thought, and invented what I conceived to be the appropriate title of "agnostic". It came into my head as suggestively antithetic to the "gnostic" of Church history, who professed to know so much about the very things of which I was ignorant; and I took the earliest opportunity of parading it at our Society, to show that I, too, had a tail, like the other foxes. [Quoted in " Encylopaedia of Religion and Ethics ", 1908, edited by James Hastings MA DD]

18. Agnosticism / Atheism - Skeptical Inquiry, Freethought, Religious
agnosticism Atheism where you can learn more not only about agnostics and atheists, but also freethought, religion, philosophy, skepticism, critical thinking, separation of church and state,

ATHEISM, agnosticism, FREE THINKING, HUMANISM, etc. Click below to visit our sponsors. agnosticism is not a religion or complete ethical system.

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