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21. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church - Cusseta,GA 3404 Victory Drive, Columbus, Georgia. http://www.netministries.org/see/churches.exe/ch09043 | |
22. The African Methodist Espiscopal Church-A Historical Note The african methodist episcopal Church. An Historical Note. The african methodist episcopal Church was started in 1787 in Philadelphia http://www.ame-church.org/amehist.html | |
23. Greater St Mark African Methodist Episcopal Churc - Columbus,GA 2nd Avenue, Columbus, Georgia. http://www.netministries.org/see/churches.exe/ch09106 | |
24. African Methodist Episcopal african methodist episcopal churches and resources in the Boston area. Advertisement african methodist episcopal. Add a site Bethel african methodist episcopal Church. 215 Forest Hills St http://www.boston-online.com/Religion/African_Methodist_Episcopal | |
25. Association Of African Methodist Episcopal Scouts Association of. african methodist episcopal Scouts. " On My Honor, I Will Try to Serve God and My Country. and to Live by the Girl Scout Law!" Upcoming Events umbrella of Christian Education in http://www.clearlakeame.org/scouts.htm |
26. THE LIFE OF RICHARD ALLEN The african methodist episcopal Church presents a brief biography of its founder. http://www.ame-church.org/rallen.html | |
27. CHURCHES - AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL- Nashville Area- Search 16 results for CHURCHES african methodist episcopal in the Nashville Area ( Page 1 of 1 ) AB C D E F G H I J K L M N OP Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. ALLEN CHAPEL AME CHURCH ( 615) 893-7842. 224 S MANEY AV. MURFREESBORO, TN 37130 http://yp.bellsouth.com/yp/layout/layout13.jhtml?from=inwp&page=results& |
28. African Methodist Episcopal This african methodist episcopal page is your gateway to accessing webbased, as well as print, resources about this African faith tradition. http://cti.itc.virginia.edu/~jkh8x/soc257/nrms/ame.html | |
29. Welcome To Greater Instutional A.M.E. Church Contained in these pages will be information about the african methodist episcopal Church and Greater Institutional AME Church, it s members and it s ministries http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7803/ | |
30. Allen University A small, coeducational, private institution, founded in 1870, by the african methodist episcopal Church. http://www.allenuniversity.edu/ | |
31. Payne Theological Seminary A graduate school of theology under the auspices of the african methodist episcopal Church. Accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. http://www.payne.edu |
32. Paul Quinn College Located in Dallas, Paul Quinn is a small, coeducational, liberal arts institution affiliated with the african methodist episcopal Church. http://www.pqc.edu/ |
33. Emanuel A.M.E. Church of Charleston, The Emanuel african methodist episcopal (AME) Church is a Gothic Revival style church built in 1891. Retaining its http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/charleston/ema.htm | |
34. Livingstone College Fouryear institution with mostly African-American student population, affiliated with the african methodist episcopal Church. Degrees offered, courses of study, links to departments. http://www.livingstone.edu/ | |
35. Aboard The Underground Railroad--Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church A The Mount Zion african methodist episcopal (AME) Church, a small onestory frame church built in 1834, was one of the important Underground Railroad stations http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/underground/nj4.htm | |
36. A A World . Reference Room . Articles . African Methodist Episcopal Church | PBS african methodist episcopal Church, In 1816 Asbury consecrated Allen bishop of the newly organized african methodist episcopal Church. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/aaworld/reference/articles/ame.html | |
37. Greater Zion AME Church - Charleston, SC - Churches - African Methodist Episcopa Worship schedule, details on ministries, and contact information for this african methodist episcopal fellowship. http://yp.bellsouth.com/sites/greaterzionamechurch/ | |
38. A A World . Reference Room . Articles . African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church african methodist episcopal Zion Church, Black Methodist church in the United States, organized in 1821; it adopted its present name in 1848. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/aaworld/reference/articles/amezion.html | |
39. Mount Pisgah AME Church Homepage History, worship schedule, and events from this Christian fellowship. http://users.churchserve.com/sc/mt_pisgahamec_10/ |
40. PACK 487 Site includes calendar of regular meetings, a list of recent and upcoming pack outings, and links to Scouting information. Sponsored by Ebenezer african methodist episcopal Church. http://www.bsa.net/md/p487/ | |
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