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81. Yale Math Department Wavelets Resources Software and papers on wavelet packets (Lionel Woog, Fran§ois Meyer, and Fazal Majid). http://www.math.yale.edu/wavelets/ | |
82. Welcome To Wavelets! Contact wavelets. Email wavelets Phone 763557-5242(home) 319-504-2163 (work/cell). Created 06-14-01 Last Update 04/07/03 © Copyright http://www.geocities.com/wavelets2001/ | |
83. MotionWavelets Video Compression - Aware, Inc. Compression methods based on a mathematical technique known as wavelets are widely acknowledged as producing results superior to traditional blockbased http://www.aware.com/products/compression/motionwavelets.htm | |
84. Theofanis Sapatinas wavelets and statistical modelling. http://www.ucy.ac.cy/~fanis/ | |
85. Wavelets For Computer Graphics wavelets FOR COMPUTER GRAPHICS APRIMER Eric J wavelets are a mathematical tool for hierarchically decomposing functions. Using wavelets http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/wavelets/article/ | |
86. Vivek Goyal wavelets, frames, packet erasure coding. http://lcavwww.epfl.ch/~goyal/ | |
87. Wavelets For Computer Graphics wavelets for Computer Graphics. Overview. wavelets are a mathematical tool for hierarchically decomposing functions. They http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/wavelets/ | |
88. Julian Magarey Multiresolution image sequence processing, wavelet transforms, and computer vision, complex wavelets for motion estimation. http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~jfam/ |
89. C S Salimath Applications of wavelets. http://www.geocities.com/salimaths/ | |
90. Wavelets WAVELET These images show the principle of wavelet processing. Wavelet processing is much alike a series of unsharp masks applied http://aberrator.astronomy.net/registax/html/wavelets.html | |
91. Jayakanth Home Page University of Texas at Arlington. Application of wavelets in Image Processing as applied in display products particularly for consumer electronic devices. http://students.uta.edu/jx/jxs3715/ | |
92. Wavelet -- From MathWorld Wavelet. wavelets are a class of a functions used to localize a given function in both space and scaling. A family of wavelets can http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Wavelet.html | |
93. Liu, Xiteng Image compression, wavelets, and curve approximation theory. http://www.math.sc.edu/~liu/ |
94. WAVELETS 2004: University Of Prince Edward Island INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP waveletsTHEORY AND APPLICATIONS. http://www.math.upei.ca/wavelets/wavelets.html | |
95. Wavelets Tutorial wavelets Theory. The research analyzed. Therefore wavelets, as component pieces used to analyze a signal, are limited in space. In http://www.wave-report.com/tutorials/Wavelets.htm | |
96. Wavelet Explorer: New Generation Signal And Image Analysis Visualize and apply wavelets, data processing. http://www.wolfram.com/products/applications/wavelet/ | |
97. Magasa's Wavelets An Introduction to wavelets by Amara Graps. Wavelet digest; wavelets Bristol Univ. wavelets and their application to condition monitoring (Univ. http://dali.korea.ac.kr/~magasa/wavelets.html | |
98. Wavelets And Their Applications wavelets and their Applications. IMPORTANT UPDATE. Subprojects. Morphological wavelets with applications in binary image processing. http://www.cwi.nl/projects/wavelets/ | |
99. Guide To Wavelet Sources Links to tutorials, software and other wavelet sites. Compressed using gzip and cannot be rendered by all browsers. http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/~baum/wavelets.html.gz | |
100. Wavelets'02, Barcelona wavelets AND APPLICATIONS. Barcelona, July 16, 2002. The course is addressed to graduate students and young researchers not necessarily specialized on wavelets. http://www.imub.ub.es/wavelets/ | |
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