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41. John Daugman's Webpage, Cambridge University, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge UK. University of Cambridge Neuroscience, statistical pattern recognition, wavelets, computer vision. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/jgd1000/ | |
42. Wavelets: Software And Applications wavelets Software and Applications. This Ph.D. thesis was presented to obtain the degree of Doctor in de Toegepaste Wetenschappen http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~geert/PhD/ | |
43. Welecome To IWSC 2002 Instructional workshop on Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithms, wavelets, Image Processing. Department of Applied Mathematics, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Kalabhavan, Vadodara; 712 January 2002. http://www.geocities.com/iwsc2002 | |
44. 1996 SIGGRAPH Wavelets In Computer Graphics Course wavelets in Computer Graphics. More recently, his work has been concerned with the application of wavelets to computer graphics. http://www.multires.caltech.edu/teaching/courses/waveletcourse/ | |
45. The FBI Fingerprint Image Compression Standard (uses wavelets) Chris Brislawn home page http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~brislawn/FBI/FBI.html | |
46. An Introduction To Wavelets wavelets.org The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://agraps.best.vwh.net/IEEEwave/IEEEwavelet.html | |
47. Prof. Dr. Alexander Keller Papers about Monte Carlo and quasiMonte Carlo methods, highly uniform point sets, particle methods for transport equations and wavelets and the lifting scheme. http://graphics.uni-ulm.de/ |
48. Gerald Kaiser Short courses by Gerald Kaiser based on his book A Friendly Guide to wavelets, with applications to signal and image compression, lossless coding, and radar. http://www.wavelets.com/ | |
49. Artificial Intelligence Group Forschungsschwerpunkte Mustererkennung, Adaptive Algorithmen, Neuronale Netze, Genetische Algorithmen, Evolutionsstrategien, wavelets, Bildpyramiden, Interpretation von Bildern, Schrifterkennung, Sprachverarbeitung, Spracherkennung, Informationsverarbeitung in biologischen Systemen, Signalketten in lebenden Systemen (Graduiertenkolleg), Robotik, speziell Roboterfussball (RoboCup) und Multiagentensysteme (Fahrerlose Transportsysteme). http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/inst/ag-ki/ger/ |
50. FRG: Collaborative Research: Focused Research On Wavelets, Frames, And Operator An NSFFRG (Focused Research Group). A. Aldroubi, L. Baggett, J. Benedetto, C. Heil, (site host) P. Jorgensen, D. Larson, G. Olafsson, and Y. Wang. Workshops, special sessions, joint research. http://www.math.uiowa.edu/~jorgen/waveletFRG.html | |
51. TMR Network On Wavelets In Numerical Simulation TMR Network wavelets AND MULTISCALE METHODS IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION. Reports Preparation. European Summer School on Multiscale http://www.ian.pv.cnr.it/~wavelet/ | |
52. Www.birkhauser.com/cgi-win/ISBN/0-8176-3711-7 wavelets X Conferences - SPIE Annual Meeting 2003 - Calls for wavelets X. Conferences. Conference 5207 Conv. Ctr. SESSION 10. Conv. Ctr. Room 6F Thurs. 1120 am to 1220 pm. Complex wavelets. Chair Jean-Marc Lina, Univ. http://www.birkhauser.com/cgi-win/ISBN/0-8176-3711-7 | |
53. Wavelet Analysis; Significance Levels; Confidence Intervals; Code to accompany book by Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo. http://paos.Colorado.EDU/research/wavelets/ | |
54. Wavelets And Filter Banks wavelets AND FILTER BANKS. by Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen (1996). Homepage for the Book. Course 18.327 (wavelets and Filter Banks) Home Page. http://www-math.mit.edu/~gs/books/wfb.html | |
55. Non-Seismic Wavelet Transforms Blue Devil s wavelets; The Wavelet Seismic Inversion Lab. A Friendly Guide to wavelets and related courses by Gerald Kaiser; Image Compression; http://timna.mines.edu/~zmeng/wavelet/wavelet.html | |
56. [72] What Is Wavelet Theory? Compression applications including some code samples. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/compression-faq/part2/section-3.html | |
57. Index Of /wavelets Parent Directory 22Nov-2002 1234 - Daubechies.300dpi.ps.Z 31-Oct-1995 08......Index of /wavelets. Name Last modified Size http://timna.mines.edu/wavelets/ | |
58. Information Theory Research Group Universal algorithms, multiresolution methods, wavelets and fractals, ratedistortion theory, and quantizer theory. http://www.ee.umn.edu/users/kieffer/ | |
59. Summus : Page Moved In Redesgin You have reached a page that has been moved in the redesign of our site. You will be redirected to our new homepage automatically in 10 seconds. http://www.summus.com/wavelets.htm | |
60. The Ondelette.com Community: Wavelets, Signals, Images, Video A friendly posting board on wavelets. http://www.ondelette.com/indexen.html | |
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