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61. Universal Algebra From FOLDOC Guides Tutorials. Online Computing Dictionary. Register a Domain. universal algebra. logic The model theory of firstorder equational logic. (1997-02-25). http://www.instantweb.com/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Universal algebra |
62. ASL 2003 Meeting--Universal Algebra Special Session 2003 Annual Meeting. University of Illinois at Chicago. June 14. Special Session in Algebraic Logic and Universal Algbera. Invited Speakers. http://www2.math.uic.edu/~marker/asl-03/ua.html | |
63. Universal Algebra INTRODUCTORY COURSE ON LOGIC AND universal algebra. In this introductory course we will treat some of the connections between logic and universal algebra. http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/luatcs99/info/venema.html | |
64. Universal Algebra (Preliminary version) Abstract for the Introductory Course on universal algebra. Matt Valeriote. The following topics will be dealt http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/luatcs99/info/valeriote.html | |
65. UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA, ALGEBRAIC LOGIC AND DATABASES By BORIS PLOTKIN universal algebra, ALGEBRAIC LOGIC AND DATABASES by BORIS PLOTKIN (Kluwer Academic Press,1994). Introduction General View on Objectives http://www.mmsysgrp.com/plotkin.htm | |
66. Michael Tsai - Blog - A Course In Universal Algebra Saturday, May 3, 2003 1044 PM. A Course in universal algebra. One of SpringerVerlagÂs old graduate texts is now online (via Kai Von Fintel). http://mjtsai.com/blog/2003/05/03/a_course_in_universal_alg.html | |
67. I Links:- Universal Algebra - Cinderella? I Links universal algebra - Cinderella? posted by kx21 on December 15, 2002 at 230145 universal algebra. Categories, Quantization, and Much More. http://superstringtheory.com/forum/superboard/messages3/90.html | |
68. Math 589, Universal Algebra II, Spring 2004 RD Maddux. Mailing Address Department of Mathematics 400 Carver Hall Iowa State Universuty Ames, Iowa 500112066, USA Office 418 http://www.math.iastate.edu/maddux/589spring2004/589.html | |
69. Www.louisville.edu/~kakear01/topics.html Semigroups, Algorithms, and universal algebraAMS Southeastern Meeting, March 1998 University of Louisville Special Session in Semigroups, Algorithms and universal algebra. Organizers. http://www.louisville.edu/~kakear01/topics.html |
70. "Erlogol" - International Algebraic Conferences, Novosibirsk, Russia algebraic system theory. All specialists in model theory and universal algebra are welcome at our conferences. The programme of http://www2.nstu.ru/deps/algebra/erlogol/ | |
71. WiktorMarek Some applications of universal algebra to semantics of nonmonotonic logics. Professor Wiktor Marek University of Kentucky, Lexington marek@cs.engr.uky.edu http://nylogic.org/Conference/April2002/Sunday/WiktorMarek | |
72. Programs In Universal Algebra Programs in universal algebra. This page will eventually contain a description of work done on programs to perform typical calculations in universal algebra. http://www2.newpaltz.edu/~hobbyd/hobby_html/GAP.html | |
73. A Course In Universal Algebra Název dokumentu A Course in universal algebra. Predmet MAI031 Univerzálnà algebra (anotace, dalÂà literatua). Autori Stanley http://kiwi.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~elib/cgi-bin/knihovna_hledej.cgi?autor=Burris, S. |
74. "Archives: Universal Algebra universal algebra. A development of universal algebra in Coq (version 6.2.3) is available at my web page. http//cs.kun.nl/~venanzio/universal_algebra.html. http://pauillac.inria.fr/cdrom/www/coq/mailing-lists/coqclub/0228.html | |
75. "Archives: Re: Universal Algebra Re universal algebra. From MET Next message Loic Pottier universes in Coq ; Previous message Venanzio Capretta universal algebra ; http://pauillac.inria.fr/cdrom/www/coq/mailing-lists/coqclub/0229.html | |
76. Vanderbilt Universal Algebra Electronic Forum http://atlas.math.vanderbilt.edu/~mmaroti/ua/ | |
77. Vanderbilt Universal Algebra Electronic Forum Vanderbilt universal algebra Electronic Forum. http://atlas.math.vanderbilt.edu/~mmaroti/ua/titlet.htm | |
78. KVV (Universal Algebra) Translate this page Inhaltsverzeichnis. universal algebra. (81-314) 4 + 2 SWS Mo 11.45-13.15 / 48-538 Do 08.15-09.45 / 48-538 Hauptstudium Dozent Prof. http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwfs/kvv/kvv_2003WS/vor26.htm | |
79. ERLOGOL-2005: Intermediate Problems Of Model Theory And Universal Algebra ERLOGOL2005 Intermediate Problems of Model Theory and universal algebra. Name ERLOGOL-2005 Intermediate Problems of Model Theory and universal algebra. http://www.ams.org/mathcal/info/2005_jun26-jul1_novosibirsk.html | |
80. AMCA: Lattices, Universal Algebra And Applications - List Of Speakers Lattices, universal algebra and Applications May 2830, 2003 Centro de Algebra da Universidade de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal. Organizers http://at.yorku.ca/c/a/j/s/01.htm | |
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