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Topos Theory: more detail | |||||||
21. PhilSci Archive - Topos Theory As A Framework For Partial Truth topos theory as a Framework for Partial Truth. Butterfield, Jeremy(2000) topos theory as a Framework for Partial Truth. Full text http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00000192/ | |
22. Categories: Topos Theory And Large Cardinals categories topos theory and large cardinals. Andrej Bauer asked whether large cardinalsother than inaccessible ones have a natural definition in topos theory. http://north.ecc.edu/alsani/ct99-00(8-12)/msg00128.html | |
23. Categories: Topos Theory And Large Cardinals categories topos theory and large cardinals. To categories@mta.ca; Subjectcategories topos theory and large cardinals; From Andrej.Bauer@cs.cmu.edu; http://north.ecc.edu/alsani/ct99-00(8-12)/msg00117.html | |
24. Course In Topos Theory topos theory, spring term 1999. synthetic differential geometry. This graduatecourse offers an introduction to topos theory and categorical logic. http://www.math.uu.se/~palmgren/topos-eng.html | |
25. Kurs I Toposteori Springer 1992. Referenslitteratur PT Johnstone. topos theory. Academic Press 1977.J. Lambek and PJ Scott An introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic. http://www.math.uu.se/~palmgren/topos.html | |
26. [math/0207028] Homotopical Algebraic Geometry I: Topos Theory Oct 2002 114917 GMT (88kb) Homotopical Algebraic Geometry I Topostheory. Authors Bertrand Toen, Gabriele Vezzosi Comments 104 http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0207028 | |
27. [gr-qc/9910005] Some Possible Roles For Topos Theory In Quantum Theory And Quant From Chris Isham view email Date Sat, 2 Oct 1999 133957 GMT (28kb) SomePossible Roles for topos theory in Quantum Theory and Quantum Gravity. http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9910005 | |
28. An Introduction To Fibrations, Topos Theory, The Effective Topos And Modest Sets An introduction to fibrations, topos theory, the effective topos and modestsets. Abstract A topos is a categorical model of constructive set theory. http://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/92/ECS-LFCS-92-208/ | |
29. Homotopical Algebraic Geometry I Topos Theory, By Bertrand Toen And Gabriele Vez Homotopical Algebraic Geometry I topos theory, by Bertrand Toen andGabriele Vezzosi. This is the first of a series of papers devoted http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0579/ | |
30. Re: Topos Theory For Physicists Re topos theory for physicists. Subject Re topos theory for physicists;From baez@galaxy.ucr.edu (John Baez); Date Mon, 1 Jan 2001 054218 GMT; http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2001-01/msg0030351.html | |
31. Re: Topos Theory For Physicists Index Re topos theory for physicists. Subject Re topos theoryfor physicists; From Chris Hillman hillman@math.washington.edu ; http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2001-01/msg0030379.html | |
32. On Branched Covers In Topos Theory On Branched Covers in topos theory. Jonathon Funk. We present somenew findings concerning branched covers in topos theory. Our http://www.tac.mta.ca/tac/volumes/7/n1/7-01abs.html | |
33. Categorical Logic Using sheaves, topos theory also subsumes Kripke semantics for intuitionisticlogic. Prerequisites. 80413/713 Category Theory, or equivalent. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/catlog/ | |
34. OUP: Sketches Of An Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium: Johnstone Sketches of an Elephant A topos theory Compendium 2 Volume Set. PeterT. Johnstone, Reader in the Foundations of Mathematics, University http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-852496-X | |
35. A Link On Topos Theory (not Too Hard) A link on topos theory (not too hard). In Reply to Re Natures New Math(topos theory?) posted by DickT on July 19, 2002 at 111618 sol,. http://superstringtheory.com/forum/philboard/messages13/202.html | |
36. Re: Natures New Math( Topos Theory?) Re Natures New Math( topos theory?). In Reply to Natures New Math( topos theory?)posted by sol on July 18, 2002 at 150855 Sol,. Always welcome. http://superstringtheory.com/forum/philboard/messages13/195.html | |
37. October2 topos theory in Logic and Computer Science I. Professor Noson S. YanofskyBrooklyn College of CUNY noson@sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu. Login. http://nylogic.org/Workshop/Fall1998/October2 |
38. Sketches Of An Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium: 2 Volume Set (Oxford Logic G Sketches of an Elephant a topos theory Compendium 2 Volume Set(Oxford Logic Guides) Peter T Johnstone. Sketches of an Elephant http://www.welsh-breaks.co.uk/Peter-T-Johnstone-Sketches-of-an-Elephant-920-803- | |
39. Fiche Document -Topos Theory Translate this page Ouvrage - Cote 00000014 - (disponible) topos theory Johnstone, PT (Principal)London NY San Francisco Academic Press 1977 catégorie cohomologie http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Document.htm&numrec=031027335920910 |
40. Homepage Of Jeremy Butterfield In recent years, I have mostly worked on philosophical aspects of quantum gravityand on applying topos theory to quantum theory (especially the KochenSpecker http://users.ox.ac.uk/~alls0074/ | |
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