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161. Self Psychology Page - Psychoanalytic Self Psychology Of Heinz Kohut Information and discussion forums related to the psychoanalytic self psychology of Heinz Kohut, intersubjective systems theory, and other contemporary developments. http://www.selfpsychology.com/ | |
162. Adapting Science To Chaos And Complexity Theory, Chaotic & Complex Dynamical Sys The Heisenburg uncertainty principle, given chaos and complexity theory, limits experimentation. Optimizing science against chaotic and complex dynamical systems requires new math, based on the logic of evolution, instead of on nonlinear functions of rational measurement. Here's one proposalnew mathematics and metaphysics specifically designed for chaos theory and complex systems. http://home.earthlink.net/~imaginationworks/chaos/index.htm | |
163. Informatica Mathematical simulation and optimization, recognition and control, programming theory and systems, automation systems and elements. Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania. Tables of contents and abstracts from vol.9 (1998), some articles online in PDF. http://www.vtex.lt/Informatica/ | |
164. Systems Theory Meme Name Systems theory. Category science, Related Concepts holon. RelatedLinks Core Concept. The study of the abstract organisation of phenomena. http://www.agentsmith.com/memento/s/systems theory.html |
165. Application To Human Organisations Attempt to apply Systems theory to corporate problem solving. http://www.css.edu/users/dswenson/web/Solfocus.htm |
166. Systems Theory And Systems Thinking Systems theory and Systems Thinking. Systems theory; Systems and SchoolChange; Mindwalk (A VERY interesting movie about systems thinking). http://www.ed.psu.edu/insys/ESD/systems/menu.html |
167. New URL Control and Systems theory (BS3/MAS2.3). http://dbs.cwi.nl:8080/cwwwi/owa/cwwwi.print_projects?ID=91 |
168. Worldwide Democracy Network | Home Aims to link people wishing to contribute to the development of a new paradigm of democracy based on softsystems thinking and complexity theory. http://www.wwdemocracy.org | |
169. Control & Cybernetics This quarterly journal is edited and published in English language since 1972 by the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Its main objective is to stimulate the development of broadly conceived systems theory and analysis. http://www.ibspan.waw.pl/~control/ | |
170. Visual Math Institute Nonprofit research institute devoted to mathematics, dynamical systems theory, chaos theory, applications, and education. http://www.vismath.org/ | |
171. Section On Applied Probability A subdivision of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) concerned with the application of probability theory to systems that involve random phenomena, for example, manufacturing, communication network, computer network, service, and financial systems. http://www.ie.psu.edu/aps/ |
172. Laboratoire D'Automatique De Grenoble The aim of the Journal is to publish high quality papers on the theory and practice of control and systems engineering. The scope of the Journal will be wide and cover all aspects of the discipline including methodologies, techniques and applications. http://www-ejc.ensieg.inpg.fr | |
173. Systems Theory And Control Technology Systems theory and control technology forms an academic discipline that originatesfrom the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering and mathematics. http://www.disc.tudelft.nl/information/sc.html | |
174. Mathematik.com Individual pages on different topics in Mathematics. Examples group theory, dynamical systems theory, geometry or number theory. http://www.mathematik.com/ | |
175. Medizinische Kybernetik | Medical Cybernetics Scientific resources and educational material for medical cybernetics and systems theory (Universities of Ulm and Munich, Germany). http://www.medical-cybernetics.de | |
176. Dr. Thomas Neuhaus Computational Physics Contains publications in computational physics, statistical physics and lattice gauge theory. Information about the precise study of condensed matter systems and particle interactions. http://www.dr-thomas-neuhaus.de | |
177. Bertalanffy Biograpyhy Weltanschauung A short Biography of Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Founder of General Systems theory. http://www.isss.org/1998meet/weltansc.htm | |
178. ENSC 801-3 : Linear Systems Theory . State-space analysis of finite dimensional continuous...... ENSC 8013 Linear Systems theory Class Time. Fall Semester. Course http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/grad/courses/ENSC801.html | |
179. George Kelly's Theory Of Personal Constructs Construct systems may be conceived of as multidimensional mathematical models in which the person's own language is used to classify his or her experience - a presentation of Kelly's personal construct theory http://www.EnquireWithin.co.nz/theoryof.htm | |
180. Creating A Healthier Church: Family Systems Theory, Leadership, And Congregation Creating a Healthier Church Family Systems theory, Leadership, and CongregationalLife (Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling Series). http://www.christianity-books.com/Creating_a_Healthier_Church_Family_Systems_The | |
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