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System Theory: more books (100) | ||||
141. 37: Dynamical Systems And Ergodic Theory Articles and links in the Atlas of Known Math. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/37-XX.html | |
142. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2003, December 813, Vancouver, Canada. Neural computation, learning theory, algorithms and architectures, neuroscience, vision, speech, control and diverse applications. Submission deadline 6 June 2003. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~nips/ | |
143. MultiAgent.com: Top Industrial and research information about multiagent systems design, implementation, theory, and applications. http://www.multiagent.com/ | |
144. Lectures On Dynamical Systems And Ergodic Theory Corrected version of a book by M. Pollicott and M. Yuri published by Cambridge University Press in 1998. http://www.maths.man.ac.uk/~mp/book.html | |
145. Family-Systems Theory, Addiction, And The Novels Of The Brontës FamilySystems theory, Addiction, and the Novels of the Brontës. Object RelationsTheorists; Family Dynamics, Family Systems theory, and Literary Criticism; http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/bronte/ebronte/bump5.html | |
146. Richard Hahnloser Richard Hahnloser is doing theory on recurrent systems and songbird physiology. http://hebb.mit.edu/people/rh/ | |
147. Family-Systems Theory, Addiction, And Thomas Hardy's The Mayor Of Casterbridge FamilySystems theory, Addiction, and Thomas Hardy s The Mayor ofCasterbridge. Part 7 of The Family Dynamics of Victorian Fiction. http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/hardy/bump7.html | |
148. Climate Dynamics,Chaos And Quantum Mechanics A general systems theory for chaos, quantum mechanics and climate dynamics applicable to dynamical systems of all spacetime scales. http://www.geocities.com/amselvam | |
149. Mathematical Systems Theory, Volume 19 dblp.unitrier.de Mathematical Systems theory, Volume 19. Volume 19, Number 1,1986. 239-275, Correction Mathematical Systems theory 20(4) 305-306(1987). http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/mst/mst19.html | |
150. Bibliography On The Solution Of Sparse Linear Systems And Related Areas Of Compu More than 2000 selected references, covering the solution of sparse linear systems and related areas of computation, including computational linear algebra, high performance computing, mathematical programming and graph theory. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/arantes97bibliography.html | |
151. MIT Theory Of Distributed Systems Group MIT's theory of Distributed Systems (TDS) research group works on a wide range of problems involving distributed and realtime systems. The work has a theoretical flavor, but is closely tied to practice. Roughly speaking, the research can be classified into Formal Modeling and Verification, Algorithms, Data Structures and Lower Bounds, and Applications. http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/tds/homepage.html | |
152. Evolutionary Ethics The evolution of ethical systems is described in scientific terms using cybernetics as its logical foundation. A plausible theory of the integration of science and ethics. Online book http://www.evolutionaryethics.com/ | |
153. Project Renaissance, Systems Theory Home Book Review Two monographs on Systems theory simply click onthe ORDER button. Home Book Reviews index Systems theory . http://www.winwenger.com/systems.htm | |
154. Analysis Of Feedback Systems: Theory And Computation Graduate School in Systems and Control. 2003 2004. ANALYSIS OF FEEDBACKSYSTEMS theory AND COMPUTATION. Lecturers U. Jönsson http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/systems/grad04/iqc.htm | |
155. Intelligent Systems Focuses on theory of logic and learning, and applied intelligent systems. Methodolgies range from traditional knowledgebased systems and neural networks to machine learning, agents, and evolutionary computation. http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/intelligent_systems/ | |
156. Transit Systems Theory Transit Systems theory. by J. Edward Anderson, Ph.D. President andCEO, TAXI 2000 Corporation. This book was published in 1978 but http://faculty.washington.edu/~jbs/itrans/jea.htm | |
157. Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden Laitos Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. Research areas include information systems design methods and tools, management, assessment, and applications of information systems, document management, electronic trading, knowledge discovery, knowledgebased systems, object orientation, graph theory, educational technology, advanced data management, and mobile multimedia. http://www.cs.jyu.fi/index_en.html | |
158. Darmstadt, University Of Technology Department of Computer Science. Research groups focus on automata theory and formal languages, automated reasoning and inference, computer graphics, computer algebra, distributed systems, database systems, industrial processes, integrated circuits and systems, artificial intelligence, microprogramming and computer architecture, operating systems, software engineering, programming languages and compilers, and systems programming. http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/Welcome.en.html |
159. Organization Science Online- Home publishes research relevant to organizations from such fields as organization theory, strategic management, sociology, economics, political science, history, information science, systems theory, communication theory, artificial intelligence, and psychology. http://web.gsm.uci.edu/orgsci/ | |
160. Holon : Holy Scripture Or Quantum Systems Theory The Holon Principles of Quantum Systems theory a present day metaphor forthe worlds Holy Scriptures. Holon Holy Scripture or Quantum Systems theory. http://anunda.com/lifestreams/holon.htm | |
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