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81. A Big Five Scoring System For The MBTI Examines the degree to which a scoring system based on Big Five theory could be developed for the MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI). PDF document. http://harvey.psyc.vt.edu/Documents/BIGFIVE.pdf |
82. Solar System - David Calder Hardy - Homepage. A new theory of the origin of the solar system. http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~hardy/ | |
83. Vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0134412052,00.html TMR Principled Hybrid systems theory and Applications Tsapatsoulis (Greece), S.Kollias (Greece) Towards a Neural-Based theory of Emotional andLearning by Abstraction for an Emotion Recognition system (Abstract or http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0134412052,00.html |
84. Systems Theory In Archaeology - Encyclopedia Article About Systems Theory In Arc systems theory. A Middle Range theory could describe any cultural system outside ofits specific cultural context, for example, the archaeology of Agriculture. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Systems theory in Archaeology | |
85. Relational Quantum Mechanics An interpretation of quantum theory which discards the notions of absolute state of a system, absolute value of its physical quantities, or absolute event; by Federico Laudisa and Carlo Rovelli. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qm-relational/ | |
86. NZMATH Python based number theory oriented calculation system, developed at Tokyo Metropolitan University. Downloads, mailing list. http://tnt.math.metro-u.ac.jp/nzmath/ | |
87. Julian Carrillo And The Thirteenth Sound (18751965), Mexican music creator of the microtonal system called the 13th Sound. He reformed the theory of music, invented a new musical written based in numbers and built instrument capable to produce those small intervals. http://tecweb.tol.itesm.mx/esolisw/julian.html |
88. Infinite-dimensional Systems Theory A significant problem in applying the theory is that the generating operators are totranslate control problems for a wellposed linear system into equivalent http://www.rug.nl/wiskunde/onderzoek/programmas/systemsandcontrol/infin | |
89. Magma Computational Algebra System Home Page Comprehensive system for algebra, number theory and geometry. Can work with polynomials, matrices, groups, rings, fields, modules, lattices, algebras, graphs, codes, and curves. http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/u/magma/ | |
90. System Dynamics - Courses Online - Systems Thinking ---------------------------- Online Courses of the Catedra UNESCOUPC. The theory of model construction is explained through the extensive use of study cases. http://www.catunesco.upc.es/cursos/sise.htm | |
91. Systems Theory And Incest-Sexual Abuse Of Children Focus On Families Article And systems theory identifies interaction between family members as the major sourceof the dysfunctional family system. No one gets emotionally ill alone. http://www.uplink.com.au/lawlibrary/Documents/Docs/Doc129.html | |
92. Interaction Styles A personality typing system based on the social styles models and DISCî Interaction Styles, and connected to Keirseyan Temperament theory and the MyersBriggs Type Indicator. Developed by Linda Berens and Temperament Research Institute. http://www.interactionstyles.com | |
93. Hyponoetics - Essay: Mind And Systems Theory Mind and systems theory. It is also interesting that systems theory claims thatsystems properties are destroyed when the system is severed into parts. http://www.hyponoesis.org/html/essays/e035.html | |
94. Congregational Resource Guide CONGREGATIONAL VITALITY systems theory. The Balancing Act The Congregation asa Healthy Emotional system (Media) Produced by Seraphim Communications, Inc.. http://www.congregationalresources.org/ShowCat.asp?CN=84&SCN=93 |
95. BMC(Riken) Home Page Topics include biological control systems, motor system control theory, biologically integrative sensors, and environment adaptive robotic systems. Site in English and Japanese. http://www.bmc.riken.go.jp/index_en.html | |
96. The Masters Of Inner Transmutation - Inner Transmutation: The Road To Immortalit The theory of inner transmutation, a system of magick for achieving spiritual immortality. http://lucidzahor.1hwy.com/ | |
97. Cogprints - Applications Of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Theory In Developmental Ps from which a theory of adaptive, selforganized cognition has been derived andrelated to a theory of developmental dynamics of the neuromotor system. http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00001425/ | |
98. Seminar Series "Special Topics In Numerical Linear Algebra" much effort has gone to including prior knowledge of the position of the polesin the rational model for a system. We show how the theory of orthogonal http://www.auto.ucl.ac.be/~vdooren/rational.html | |
99. ACRES: The Electronic Structure Code On Parallel Computers Densityfunctional theory (DFT) code designed to perform total energy calculations for atoms, molecules, bulk solids and surfaces on parallel computers such as CM-5, IBM SP2 and ORIGIN 2000. These calculations are performed in real space on a grid that is adapted to spatially inhomogeneous cutoff (or resolution) requirements of a given system. http://cst-www.nrl.navy.mil/~singh/acres/info.html | |
100. PEtot Home Page, Planewave Pseudopotential, LDA, DFT, Density Functional Theory, Parallel plane wave pseudopotential program for atomistic total energy calculation based on density functional theory. It is designed for large system simulations to be run on large parallel computers like Cray T3E and IBM SP machines at NERSC. It is developed under U.S. Department of Energy fundings and it is a freely distributed public source code. http://crd.lbl.gov/~linwang/PEtot/PEtot.html | |
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