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61. Alternate Temperaments: Theory And Philosophy Introduction to tuning systems, based on the cents system. Written by Terry Blackburn. http://www.rdrop.com/users/tblackb/music/temperament/ | |
62. Authentication In Distributed Systems: Theory And Practice This paper is at http//www.research.microsoft.com. Abstract We describea theory of authentication and a system that implements it. http://research.microsoft.com/lampson/45-AuthenticationTheoryAndPractice/Abstrac | |
63. Digital Systems Research Center: Report 83 Butler Lampson, Martin Abadi, Michael Burrows, Edward Wobber. February 4, 1992We describe a theory of authentication and a system that implements it. http://gatekeeper.research.compaq.com/pub/DEC/SRC/research-reports/abstracts/src | |
64. Nonlinear Indicial Prediction Home Page of Nielsen Engineering and Research's indicial prediction system technology. Includes generalized impulse response identification for unsteady aerodynamics, aeroservoelasticity, earthquake engineering, electromagnetics, and nonlinear seakeeping....... http://www.nearinc.com/ips/web2/IPS.html | |
65. Minding The Planet: Systems Theory been thinking about lately for a new kind of discrete system for evolving the pointsat which loops intersect ( crossings, to use knot theory terminology) are http://novaspivack.typepad.com/nova_spivacks_weblog/systems_theory/ | |
66. Solar System - Celestial Mechanics A theory about the rotation of sun and planets, planetary rings, origin of solar system, solar cycles and climate variations. http://www.heeke.com/franz | |
67. CALResCo's Introduction To Complex Systems I. Introduction Complex systems theory Basic Definition. Complex systems theoryalso includes the study of the interactions of the many parts of the system. http://www.calresco.org/intro.htm | |
68. Free Energy Propulsion Magnetic System A proposed theory on how to challenge Newton's Third law of motion and make a free energy propulsion system. http://magnetic.propulsion.mysite.freeserve.com |
69. ISTP/GGS MAMI This investigation is part of the International Solar Terrestrial Project (ISTP). The program combines satellite and ground based observations with theory and modeling to better understand the energetics and dynamics of the near Earth environment. http://odin.gi.alaska.edu/MAMI/ | |
70. HU Berlin: Institut Für Informatik Department of Computer Science. Research groups focus on system analysis, software engineering, theory of programming, databases and information systems, artificial intelligence, data analysis, computer science in education and society, parallel and distributed computing, automata, systems theory, algorithms, complexity, computer architecture, communication, signal processing, and pattern recognition. http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/ | |
71. Systems Theory In Archaeology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A Middle Range theory could describe any cultural system outside of its specificcultural context, for example, the archaeology of Agriculture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_theory_in_Archaeology | |
72. The NEITHER Theory Revision System A propositional theory refinement system that will modify a incomplete or incorrect rule base so as to make it consistent with a set of input training examples. Free http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/ml/neither.html | |
73. Structure Of Sub-atomic Particles (magnetic Ring Theory) States that there is no electric charge. What we experience is the charge like properties of the subatomic particle which is a dynamical system of spinning magnetic rings. http://www.geocities.com/magneticringtheory/ | |
74. Whole Systems Various postings to wholesysl The essential new quality implied by thequantum theory is that a system cannot be analyzed into parts. http://www.worldtrans.org/whole.html | |
75. Input/Data Acquisition System Design For Human Computer Interfacing A very good tutorial on the theory and design of various types of sensors for ManMachine interface. http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/CCRMA/Courses/252/sensors/sensors.html | |
76. Design Of Signage System - Theory, Applications, And Resources theory, Application and Design of Sigange systems. Directional Graphicsfor Interior and Exterior architural and open public spaces. http://www.idc.iitb.ac.in/ravi/signage/ | |
77. Linear Systems Theory a good theory about the kind of system we are studying, we can save a lot of timeand energy by using the appropriate theory about the system s responsiveness. http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~david/linear-systems/linear-systems.html | |
78. Grand Unified Theory - New Proposals For The Structure Of Spacetime The Grand Unified theory Mu27, with its system of stem cells that contain its ownintrinsic geometrodynamic spacetime coordinate system, inevitable from the http://members.tripod.com/stemy27/ | |
79. Welcome To The SMC Society - Officers Fields of Interest are Integration of the Theories of Communication, Control, Cybernetics, Stochastics, Optimization and system Structure towards the Formulation of a General theory of systems, Technology and Application of the Above to the Analysis and Design of Biological, Ecological, SocioEconomic, Social Service, Computer Information, and Operational Man-Machine systems. http://www.isye.gatech.edu/ieee-smc/ | |
80. BehaveNet® Clinical CapsuleÂ: System/systems Theory The premises of systems theory are based on the insight that a system as a wholeis qualitatively different, and behaves differently, from the sum of the http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/treatments/famsys/systems.htm | |
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