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161. Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics in the Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics. Research areas quantum field theory, string theory, statistical mechanics, theoretical condensed matter. physics, general relativity, quantum gravity and cosmology http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/mathphysics/ | |
162. Amanda Peet's Official Home Page Assistant professor at the University of Toronto, interests include highenergy theoretical physics, string theory, quantum gravity and black holes. http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/~peet/home/ | |
163. Department Of Physics And Astronomy - University Of Aarhus quantum Optics theory. quantum Optics theory in Aarhus is part of the research center QUANTOP, funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. http://www.phys.au.dk/quantop/theory.shtm | |
164. Alexey Yamilov Home Page, Physics Department Of Queens College, City University A member of Condensed Matter theory group in Queens College (CUNY). Interests include general questions of localization of light, polariton optics of disordered crystals and quantum heterostructures. http://forbin.qc.edu/Physics/gs/yamilov/yamilov.html | |
165. [hep-th/9111043] An Introduction To Quantized Lie Groups And Algebras We give a selfcontained introduction to the theory of quantum groups according to Drinfeld highlighting the formal aspects as well as the applications to the YangBaxter equation and representation theory. Introductions to Hopf algebras, Poisson structures and deformation quantization are also provided. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9111043 | |
166. [hep-th/9901011] The Casimir Effect: Physical Manifestations Of Zero Point Energ Zeropoint fluctuations in quantum fields give rise to observable forces between material bodies, the so-called Casimir forces.These lectures present the theory of the Casimir effect, primarily formulated in terms of Green's functions. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9901011 | |
167. Mathematical Physics Group Research interests in quantum Field theory. People, events, preprints. http://wwwth.itep.ru/ | |
168. Chalmers On Consciousness And Quantum Mechanics Article with footnotes from Philosopy of Science, by Alex Byrne and Ned Hall. Discusses the relationship between Chalmers' theory of consciousness and the no collapse interpretation of quantum mechanics. http://web.mit.edu/abyrne/www/Conc&QM.html |
169. Theory: Parity An overview of Parity in quantum mechanics and of the ways to break quantum mechanical symmetry. http://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/theory/parity.html | |
170. [hep-th/9909024] Evolution Of The Bogoluibov Renormalization Group A simple introduction into the renormalization group (RG) in quantum field theory and an overview of the renormalization group method. The third section is devoted to essential topics of the renormgroup use in the QFT. http://xxx.uni-augsburg.de/abs/hep-th/9909024 | |
171. UK Meetings On Integrable Boundary Quantum Field Theory A calendar of meetings in the UK. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/physics/boundary/ | |
172. Jorge Pullin Quantizing general relativity brings knot theory into quantum gravity. The Jones polynomial is shown to give rise to physical states of quantum gravity. Links to research papers by the author. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/faculty/pullin | |
173. Todd's Quantum Intro This page is intended to give an ordinary person a brief overview of the importance and wonder of quantum mechanics. http://www-theory.chem.washington.edu/~trstedl/quantum/quantum.html | |
174. [gr-qc/9707062] Quantum Field Theory In Curved Spacetime These postscript lectures deal with selected aspects of quantum field theory in curved spacetime http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9707062 | |
175. The Grand Unified Theory quantum power devices which yield a unified theory and a darwinian selection mechanism. http://www.thewebspert.com/cresswell/ | |
176. Euroconference On Asymptotic Methods And Applications In Kinetic And Quantum-Kin Granada, Spain; 1721 September 2001. http://www.ugr.es/~kinetic/eurokit/ |
177. [gr-qc/9803065] Quantum Gravity/String/M-theory/ As We Approach The 3rd Millenni A review of modern approaches to quantum gravity. http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9803065 | |
178. B. Catania's Work On Quantum Physics Vs. Information Theory Basilio Catania's work (papers lectures) on quantum Physics, Information theory, Cosmology and Bible vs. Modern Science is presented. http://www.esanet.it/chez_basilio/physics.htm | |
179. 2nd International Symposium Germany, in 1999. The aim of the series is to provide a forum for physicists working in Modern quantum Physics. The current members http://qts2.ifj.edu.pl/ |
180. A-K_QUANTUM explanation why Planck s mathematical sculpturing works, and why the discontinuity of energy, or quantum , became one of the fundamental theories of physics. http://www.aethro-kinematics.com/w6_quantX.html | |
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