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121. Kieran F Lim Computer Programs Codes by Kieran Lim for chemical dynamics, a vibrationally adiabatic impulsive dissociation model, Huckel orbital theory, calculation of gaskinetic collision rate coefficients, and Monte Carlo quasiclassical trajectory simulation. http://www.deakin.edu.au/~lim/programs.html | |
122. INI Programme RMA Workshop - Random Matrix Theory And Arithmetic Aspects Of Quan Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 28 June 2 July 2004. http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/RMA/rmaw04.html | |
123. Quantum Connection Consulting And The New Science Of Chaos, Quantum, System Theo Uses the application of quantum, chaos and system theory, and string theory to help corporations evaluate organizational effectiveness. http://www3.sympatico.ca/qcc.howson/ | |
124. Climate Dynamics,Chaos And Quantum Mechanics A general systems theory for chaos, quantum mechanics and climate dynamics applicable to dynamical systems of all spacetime scales. http://www.geocities.com/amselvam | |
125. Quantum Optics Group At The University Of Potsdam Translate this page research on foundations and applications of quantum mechanics covering quantum computation and communication, quantum information theory, nano optics, photonic http://www.quantum.physik.uni-potsdam.de/ | |
126. Dept. Of Condensed Matter Peter Nordlander's group investigates nonequilibrium processes in mesoscopic systems and on surfaces focus on many-electron effects. Qimiao Si specializes in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems emphasis on non-Fermi liquid behavior. projects quantum dot, Kondo, nanoparticles, high temperature superconductors http://juktan.rice.edu |
127. Quantum Computing Using NMR Pioneering paper describing the use of high resolution NMR theory and techniques for performing quantum computation. By D.Cory, A.Fahmy and T.Havel. Downloadable postscript file. http://dynamics.bu.edu/phys_comp_96/cory.ps |
128. Quantum Interference In Superconductivity A look at Squids, the theory and applications http://www.ug-home.nottingham.ac.uk/~ppyttch |
129. Annotated Physics Encyclopædia: Quantum Field Theory 1 http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/r/e/redingtn/www/netadv/qft.html | |
130. Events: Topology, Geometry And Quantum Field Theory Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK; 2429 June 2002. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/events/special/tgqfts/ | |
131. Mukul's Cosmos Graduate student at Stanford University. Includes research interests and publications, articles on relativity, quantum mechanics, and string theory http://uk.geocities.com/mukulagrawal78/index.html | |
132. Quantum Algorithmic Information Theory An agenda of quantum algorithmic information theory, ordered `topdown' by Karl Svozil the quantum halting amplitude, followed by the quantum algorithmic information content, which in turn requires the theory of quantum computation. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/quant-ph/pdf/9510/9510005.pdf |
133. Time Travelling Newton, Einstein, special relativity theory, quantum mechanics, equations, Lorentz factor, radius of Schwarzschild, wormholes, tunnel effect and parallel universe. http://users.pandora.be/vannoppen/science1.htm | |
134. 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey Two theories revolutionized the 20th century view of space and time Einstein's General theory of Relativity and quantum Mechanics. Their union has spawned elementary particle theories with extra spacetime dimensions, the inflationary model of bigbang cosmology, dark matter in the universe, radiation from quantum black holes and the fuzzy spacetime geometry of superstrings and M-theory. http://www.umich.edu/~mctp/sto2001/ | |
135. LITQ Publications, laboratory staff members, and Java applets related to quantum cryptography, quantum information, quantum teleportation, computational complexity, algorithmics, and graph theory. http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/labs/theorique/ | |
136. CPQM Versus Especial Relativity Explains the experiments on mass variation, ultimate speed, transverse Doppler effect, lifetime extension, etc, using concepts from classical physics and quantum mechanics. http://silas.sacheli.sites.uol.com.br | |
137. Objective World Of Physics Presents and reviews Relativity theory, quantum Physics, and Cosmogical concepts. http://webpages.charter.net/tjbesmer/Default | |
138. Black Light Power, Inc. A theory of classical quantum mechanics (CQM) is derived from first principles that successfully applies physical laws on all scales. http://www.blacklightpower.com/theory.shtml | |
139. EFieldTheory.COM :: Homepage eFieldtheory.com is a theoretical physics eJournal with PDF formatted articles in advanced fields of research such as, quantum field theory, string theory, statistical physics, nuclear physics and more. http://www.efieldtheory.com | |
140. FSatom Project Links to free software, primarily Fortran, for atomic scale simulations, including the topics of Molecular Dynamics/Force Fields, Tight binding, quantum Chemistry Hartree Fock/MP/CC/CI, Density Functional Pseudopotential/Pseudoprojector generators, quantum Monte Carlo, and ManyBody Perturbation theory (GW, Bethe-Salpether). http://www.tddft.org/fsatom/programs.php | |
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