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41. SpringerLink - Publication Welcome to probability by Surprise !Welcome to probability by Surprise. Experimenting Paradoxes Applets. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00440/ | |
42. Positive Probability Ltd Mass Spectroscopy, Electrospray, Deconvolution Data processing for Spectroscopy, Spectrometry and Chromatography. http://www.positiveprobability.com | |
43. Low Probability Of Racoons (Peter Howard's Poetry) Poetry, illustrated poetry for children, javascript poetry generators, and links to other sites. http://www.hphoward.demon.co.uk/poetry/ | |
44. Probability: What Are Your Chances?-NCES Students' Classroom Ever wonder how often an event might happen? Try What Are Your Chances?Gain a little knowledge about probability. JavaScript is http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/probability/ | |
45. Welcome To Probability One Technologies Developer of Mac software including UtilityDog, a mulitpurpose file utility and disk browser distributed as shareware. http://www.probabilityone.com | |
46. Probability And Statistics Resources The purpose of this page is to provide resources in the rapidly growing area of computationalstatistics and probability for decision making under uncertainties http://ubmail.ubalt.edu/~harsham/statistics/REFSTAT.HTM | |
47. Calculus And Probability Calculus Applied to probability and Statistics for Liberal Arts andBusiness Majors. Scout Report Selection. A Complete Text Resource http://people.hofstra.edu/faculty/Stefan_Waner/cprob/cprobintro.html | |
48. P(x): Probability Unknown Promoting dialogue concerning population and its effects. http://www.pofx.org | |
49. Introduction To Probability Models Introduction to probability Models. Random Variables. A probabilities. Thismay be described by a table, a formula, or a probability histogram. http://www.math.csusb.edu/faculty/stanton/m262/intro_prob_models/intro_prob_mode | |
50. Libbpfl - Bayesian Probability Filtering Library A general purpose library for Bayesian filtering. C++, LGPL license http://libbpfl.sourceforge.net | |
51. Hector Parr's Essays: Probability Examines various definitions of probability, and some paradoxes and perplexities. http://www.c-parr.freeserve.co.uk/hcp/prob.htm | |
52. Home Page Held in DeKalb, IL, USA. http://www.math.niu.edu/StatDiv/iisa02/ | |
53. Applied Probability Journals Applied probability Journals. Journal of Applied probability Advances in Appliedprobability. Current issues Journal of Applied probability Vol. 41, No. http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/companies/apt/ap.html | |
54. ScienceDirect - Statistics & Probability Letters - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02460203 Bernoulli Society for Mathemathical Statistics and probability BERNOULLI SOCIETY FOR MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND probability. The homepageof the Bernoulli Society can be found at www.cbs.nl/isi/bs/bshome.htm. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01677152 | |
55. Workshop On The Interface Of Probability And Number Theory University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, USA; 1920 May 2000. Abstracts. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/nt2000/probability/ | |
56. NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP: Modality, Probability, And BellÂs Theorems - R NATO advanced research workshop with extensive bibliography http://confer.uj.edu.pl/bell.workshop/relevant.html | |
57. OUP Journals - Law, Probability And Risk http://www3.oup.co.uk/lawprj/ | |
58. Exotic Probability Theories And Quantum Mechanics References Complex and negative probabilities and their relation to quantum mechanics http://physics.bu.edu/~youssef/quantum/quantum_refs.html | |
59. OUP Journals - Law, Probability And Risk Law, probability and Risk. The Full Text of Law, probability and Riskis available online from 2002. Availability of content Full http://www3.oup.co.uk/lawprj/contents/ | |
60. Distribution/Density Calculators, Plotters And RNG's Calculators, plotters, and random number generators for pdf and cdf of the common continuous and discrete probability distributions. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/calculators/cdf | |
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