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81. MITACS Project: Pseudo-differential Operator Theory In Seismic Imaging (POTSI) of Information Technoloy and Complex Systems. Pseudodifferential operator theory in Seismic Imaging (POTSI). PROJECT DESCRIPTION. http://www.pims.math.ca/mitacs/potsi/ | |
82. Minimal Surfaces And Isoperimetric Problems Research group is devoted to variational problems related with the area operator, concerning the minimal surface theory and isoperimetric problems. Includes list of conferences and publications. University of Grenada, Spain. http://www.ugr.es/local/pvrarea | |
83. ABC-KLM Algebraic Geometry, Boundary Conformal Field theory and NonCommutative Geometry. A research network in the UK pursuing the deep connections between mathematics and physics - primarily algebraic geometry, operator algebras and quantum groups in pure mathematics and conformal field theory, string theory and statistical mechanics in mathematical and theoretical physics. http://www.cf.ac.uk/maths/opalg/abc01.html | |
84. 44224, WAAS Operator (Theory) This course provides theory training for airway facilities technicians and engineers that are WAAS operators.......44224, WAAS operator (theory). Course http://www.academy.jccbi.gov/catalog/html/44224.htm | |
85. Darcs Utility based on the author's theory of patches in which they are likened to operators in quantum mechanics. Additionally, every copy of the source is a full repository. Written in Haskell and released under the GNU GPL. http://abridgegame.org/darcs/ | |
86. Index.html The theory of (operators on) ordered topological vector spaces and its applications. Nijmegen, Netherlands; 913 July 2001. http://www-math.sci.kun.nl/math/positivity/ | |
87. Titania.math.ukans.edu/~jot/issues.html COSy 2004 Canadian operator SymposiumCanadian operator Symposium http://titania.math.ukans.edu/~jot/issues.html |
88. IEOT Notes To Authors Notes to Authors. Authorship The Editorial Process Format of Manuscripts Authorship. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work http://www.birkhauser.ch/journals/2000/2000_ins.htm | |
89. MOT - HOME Fireworks Splice HTML http://www.mot.ruc.dk/ |
90. Workshop In Linear Analysis And Probability Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability Department of Mathematics Texas A M University Summer 2004 PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. http://www.math.tamu.edu/research/workshops/linanalysis/ | |
91. GPOTS 2002 Home Page GPOTS 2002. University of North Carolina. Charlotte. Welcome to GPOTS 2002 at UNCCharlotte, May 22 - May 26. http://www.math.uncc.edu/~gpots/ | |
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