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101. APOFS.org A nonprofit institute attempting to advance the various aspects of the human condition and human knowledge through research, argumentation, and debate. http://www.apofs.org/ |
102. OSPM: Operational Street Pollution Model OSPM is a street pollution model, developed by the National Environmental research Institute, Department of Atmospheric Environment of Denmark. A free evaluation version of OSPM with a Windows user interface can be downloaded. http://www.dmu.dk/1_viden/2_Miljoe-tilstand/3_luft/4_Spredningsmodeller/5_OSPM/d | |
103. National Science Foundation Office of polar programs concerned with scientific research, and operational support of that research. http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/ |
104. Leading-change.co.uk - LEADERSHIP People Development & Change Projects From strategy to operational delivery, This UK company leads change, develops leaders and managers and publishes tools and materials based on research beyond situational leadership. http://www.leading-change.co.uk | |
105. CERLIM: Centre For Research In Library And Information Management - Welcome Page Established in 1993 to undertake research with a practical focus to support operational work in all kinds of library and information services, the Centre sponsors the Libraries Without Walls conferences, publishes a number of reports and provides consultancy to institutions providing specialized research degrees. research affliations European Commission Libraries Programme, and the British Library and Information Commission. http://www.cerlim.ac.uk/ | |
106. New CHESS Home Page Includes an introduction to the facility and basic experimental design information, information for users and research activity reports, and system operational status. http://www.chess.cornell.edu/ | |
107. || Holman Business Group ~ Complete Global Hospitality Activities. Restaurant concept development, planning and construction assistance, training, operational consulting and market research. Based in United Arab Emirates. http://e-holman.com | |
108. Police Foundation Independent research and development presence aims to improve operational policing. http://www.police-foundation.org.uk |
109. Defence R&D Canada – Toronto / R & D Pour La Défense Canada – Toron Centre of expertise for defence research and development in human protection and performance in extreme environments, humansystems integration, command effectiveness and behaviour, simulation and modelling and military operational medicine. http://www.toronto.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/ | |
110. Naval Health Research Center Command overview, news, publications and reports, information about research programs in human performance, modeling and simulation, operational readiness, and field medical technologies. http://www.nhrc.navy.mil/ | |
111. AEPOC - Association Européenne Pour La Protection Des Oeuvres Et Services Crypt The European Association for the Protection of Encrypted Works and Services, an organization of corporations in the digital television and telecommunications sector. The mission is studying the phenomenon of piracy in relation to encrypted works and services and research into all the legal, operational and technological methods for increasing the security and protection of conditional access systems. http://www.aepoc.org/ | |
112. Luca Cardelli Microsoft research Type theory and operational semantics, mostly for applications to language design, semantics, and implementation. Semantic and type-theoretic foundations of object-oriented languages. Global and mobile computation issues. http://www.luca.demon.co.uk/ | |
113. Latin Petroleum Analytics Independent research firm analyzes economies, companies, financial, operational, economic and political markets in Latin America. Site has current news. Can subscribe to email updates for specific countries. http://www.latinpetroleum.com/ | |
114. IHCIS - Healthcare Consulting, Informatics, And Information Solutions Develops integrated, Webbased information solutions to assist healthcare organizations improve clinical, operational and financial performance. Assists healthcare organizations improve quality and efficiency of delivery and financing systems IHCIS' Impact suite of is the answer. to develop leading-edge healthcare IHCIS Team Our team includes nationally known experts in the field of healthcare services who have published original research in the areas of disease management evaluation, the application of health risk assessment tools, and the evaluation of medical technologies on patient outcomes. http://www.ihcis.com/Default.asp?flash=true |
115. Alion Science And Technology Home Page research and development company with products and services including defense operational support, explosive sciences and DoD training. http://www.alionscience.com | |
116. NOAA Diving Manual, Diving For Science And Technology, 4th Edition Covers all aspects of diving, including diving physiology, techniques to improve the methodology of underwater scientific research, new gear, operational techniques, and details to help the diver dive safely. http://www.ntis.gov/product/noaadive.htm | |
117. OSPAR Consulting Advises clients on operational/strategic planning and research. http://ospar.com | |
118. Management Science And Engineering the MS E Department is to provide education and research opportunities associated to design engineering systems, and to solve operational problems associated http://www.stanford.edu/dept/MSandE/ | |
119. 2003 GRC On Coastal Ocean Modelling Gordon research Conference covering operational forecasting, data assimilation, shelfocean interactions, physical/biological coupling, lagrangian methods and turbulence closure. http://www.grc.org/programs/2003/coastal.htm | |
120. Our Mission Statement At UCLA, BPSF is a place to perform frontierlevel experiments that require physical conditions not suitable for small devices. The facility provides an environment in which teams with complementary expertise (e.g., Laser Induced Fluorescence or High Power RF) can come together to attack problems that they would not pursue individually. The operational procedures foster the exchange of technical information across diverse areas of research (e.g., fusion studies, space investigations, laser-plasma interactions, plasma applications) in which the basic properties of plasmas play an essential role. | |
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