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81. Decision Sciences Web - European Journal Of Operational Research European Journal of operational research. Public Section Search, Abstracts, Journal Information Subscribers Section Complete Papers http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/orms/eor/menu.sht | |
82. Operations Research Operations research, operational research, or simply OR, is the use of mathematical models, statistics and algorithms to aid in decisionmaking. http://www.fact-index.com/o/op/operations_research.html | |
83. Ekonomski Fakultet Zagreb 9th International Conference on operational research Trogir, Croatia, October 24, 2002. About the 8th International Conference on operational research, http://www.efzg.hr/main.aspx?id=2689 |
84. University Of Wolverhampton: Mathematics, Statistics And Operational Research Di Mathematics, Statistics and operational research Division. http://www.maths.wlv.ac.uk/ | |
85. Masters In Operational Research (MSc In OR) At Lancaster University Masters in operational research (MSc in OR) at Lancaster University Management School. MSc in operational research. The Masters in http://www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/postgraduate/MScOR/ | |
86. Canadian Operational Research Society This body, called the Canadian operational research Society (CORS) works to advance the theory and practice of OR It s primary purpose is to stimulate and http://www.ryerson.ca/~vquan/cors/whatiscors.htm | |
87. OPERATIONAL RESEARCH IN WAR AND PEACE operational research IN WAR AND PEACE The British Experience from the 1930s to 1970 by Maurice W Kirby (Lancaster University, UK) This invaluable book provides http://www.wspc.com/books/business/p247.html | |
88. Applied Statistics And Operational Research (MSc/PgDip) [Birkbeck, University Of Home Studying at Birkbeck Postgraduate courses Mathematics and statistics Applied Statistics and operational research (MSc/PgDip). http://www.bbk.ac.uk/study/pg/mathematics/statappormsc.html | |
89. UC Department Of Management Offers academic study of a variety of disciplines which can also be labelled commerce or business. Programme, course, research, staff, student, and alumni information, plus news, events and links to ORSNZ (operational research Society of New Zealand) Conferences, Quest the monthly research newsletter, MBA Programme and NZ Institute of Management (NZIM). http://www.mang.canterbury.ac.nz/ | |
90. Imperial - Operational Research Tanaka Business School » Research » operational research. Note Some of the graphical operational research. There are two clusters reflecting http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/business/research/operational_research/default.html | |
91. Maths, Stats And OR Division, University Of Wolverhampton Mathematics, Statistics and operational research. University of Wolverhampton Mathematics, Statistics and operational research Division. http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/university/scit/maths/ | |
92. HSOR.org: What Is OR The field of Operations Research (called operational research in Great Britain) has its roots in the years just prior to World War II as the British prepared http://www.hsor.org/what_is_or.cfm | |
93. Departamento De EstatÃstica E Investigação Operacional Translate this page Bem-vindo ! Welcome to the WWW home page of the Department of Statistics and operational research, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. http://www.deio.fc.ul.pt/ | |
94. Water Operational Research Centre Welcome to the Water operational research Centre. The Water operational research Centre was opened on 18 June 1996 by Michael Hoffman http://www.brunel.ac.uk/faculty/tech/systems/groups/WORC/home.htm | |
95. J R A Consulting Offers to clarify complex problems, using the techniques of operational research, statistical analysis, computer analysis and oldfashioned legwork. Improving profitability and reducing costs are frequently the result. http://www.demon.co.uk/jrac/ |
96. Stats & OR, QUB Department of Statistics and operational research. Welcome to the home page of the Department of Statistics and operational research. http://www.qub.ac.uk/mp/sort/ | |
97. Management Science (Operational Research), Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scot Officially excellent in both research and teaching. MSc operational research; Research for MPhil, PhD, DBA. Mentor Project developing software to teach operational research. http://www.mansci.strath.ac.uk/ | |
98. Digraphs, Theory, Algorithms, Applications A comprehensive source of results, notions and open problems on directed graphs, with 12 chapters, 754 pages, 186 figures and 705 exercises. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, mathematicians, computer scientists and operational researchers. Site has preface, contents, chapter 1 and other extracts (PS) with errata, updates and ordering information. http://www.imada.sdu.dk/Research/Digraphs/ | |
99. INFORMS: Publications a wide range of research related to the production of goods and services, including process design, control, and improvement; operational decision making and http://www.informs.org/Pubs/ | |
100. NATO SfP Black Sea Project Project started in 1999 as cooperation between major regional marine research institutions with support of NATO Science for Peace Programme to explore, quantify and predict ecosystem variability of the Black Sea http://sfp1.ims.metu.edu.tr/ | |
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